
Illinois Valley Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Sandwich City Council met September 11.

Webp meeting41

Sandwich City Council met Sept. 11.

Here is the agenda provided by the Council:

Call to Order

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call

Approval of Minutes from the Regular Meeting of August 28, 2017 and the Committee-of-the-Whole Council Meeting of September 5, 2017.

Approval of September Semi-Monthly Bills in the total amount of $ 107,852.07

Mayor Olson:

(1) Ordinance 2017-13 entitled “Ordinance Amending Section 74-168 of Chapter 74 of the Municipal Code of Sandwich, Illinois” presented for passage. Ordinance will include additional sites near and around Haskin School and the high school that will now become no parking zones.

(2) Ordinance 2017-14 entitled “An Ordinance Adopting Section 74-172 Parking of Commercial or Recreational Vehicles, Trailers, or truck Tractors Restricted to Chapter 74 Traffic and Vehicles of the Municipal Code in the City of Sandwich” continued review and possible adoption. Council has had a first reading on this Ordinance that restricts the parking and storing of commercial and recreational vehicles on City streets.

(3) Thank you to VFW - 9/11 Service

(4) Tourism Committee – Reminder of meeting at 7 PM on September 14, 2017 in Council Chambers

Foster, Buick, Conklin, Lundgren & Tritt Law Group:

City Clerk:

City Treasurer:

Director of Public Works Engineer Horak:

(1) Plan Commission regular meeting of Tuesday, September 12, 2017 at 6:30 pm in the City Hall Annex, 128 E. Railroad Street, Sandwich, IL 60548.

a. PC2017-03: 430 S. Dayton Street – Request is for a recommendation of approval of a special use to operate an outdoor banquet venue.

b. PC2017-04: 1210 E. Church Street – Request is for a recommendation of approval of a special use for a drive-up window for a fast food restaurant.

(2) Brush Pickup: Ward 2

(3) Resolution 17-09 entitled “A Resolution Approving a Plat of Easement Grant for Public Utility Easement Provisions, Stormwater Management Easement Provisions, and Cross Easement Provisions for the Northeast Corner of Terry Street and Hall Street, in the city of Sandwich, DeKalb County, Illinois”. Resolution is presented for passage.

(4) Resolution 17-10 entitled “A Resolution Approving a Stormwater Management Facilities and Maintenance Agreement in the City of Sandwich, DeKalb County, Illinois”. Resolution is presented for passage.

(5) 2017 6th Street Water Main Project: Bid opening will be September 13, 2017 at 10:00 a.m.

2. Pratt Road Bridge – FY 2023 Major Bridge Program Application due September 19, 2017.

(6) Sanitary Sewer Lining 6th Street and 5th Street – Approval of Task Order 17-02 Preparation of Engineering Plans, Bidding Documents and Construction Engineering in an amount not to exceed $20,000.00.

Chief Bianchi:


Alderwoman Chmielewski:

Alderman Dell:

Alderman Kelleher:

Alderwoman Killey:

Alderman McMahon:

Alderman O’Sullivan:

Alderman Redden:

Alderman Robinson: Executive Session under 2(c)(1) for personnel. No action will be taken after the Session.

New Business:

Audience Comments:

