
Illinois Valley Times

Friday, July 5, 2024

Bureau County Board met September 12.

Bureau County Board met Sept. 12.

Here is the agenda provided by the Board:

Call to Order - Mr. Dale Anderson

Roll Call - Mrs. Hieronymus

Invocation - Marsha Lilley

Pledge of Allegiance

Approving of Minutes

Approval of Board Minutes from August 8, 2017, Regular Meeting

Reading of Communications - Mrs. Hieronymus


Public Comment Mike Miroux and Tracy Wright from Gateway Services introducing Open Doors

Community Counseling. A new program that provides mental health counseling to adults with Medicaid benefits.

Standing Committee Reports

A. Ema and Zoning - Ms. Lilley

1. Walnut Ridge Wind Facilitator Fee

Approve Walnut Ridge Wind Facilitator Fee Reimbursement and

Escrow Account Refund Request

2. Summary of Zoning Hearings

No Resolutions from Hearings

Zoning Officers Report

EMA Director's Report

B. Health Dept - Mrs. Volker

C. Animal Control - Mr. Robinson

D. Fees And Salaries/Labor Relations - Mrs. Entwhistle

1. Approve Resolution Imposing Electronic Citation Fee

Rescind a 2011 resolution not imposing an electronic citation fee.

Authorize Circuit Clerk to collect an electronic citation fee of $5.00.

2. Circuit Clerk wishes to hire part-time work to cover training times within office.

Approve allowing Circuit Clerk to hire Gloria May on a part-time basis at $10.00/hr

3. Approve the Resolutions to sell Real Estate Parcels

Approve Sale of parcel 17-35-301-001, parcel - 18-30-300-007, and parcel - 18-31-100-009.

4. Approve Delinquent Tax Agent Monthly Statement

5. Accept and place on file the Taxes Received Report for September

Approve the transfer of Public Safety Sales Tax to General Fund

6. Place on file - Circuit Clerk Report, Sheriff Report, County Clerk Report

Fees and Salaries Comm Report

E. Transportation (Highways, Roads & Bridges, Weeds) - Mr. Rabe

1. Approve Sheryl Churney as Counsel for Road Agreement with Lone Tree Wind

Highway Committee Report

F. Insurance - Mr. Kohr

1. Employee Health Plan Survey

Plan to survey Employees to get the best fit for insurance needs for the employees.

Insurance Committee Report

G. Law, Memorials & Rules/Assessments - Mrs. Marini

1. Place on file Coroner's Report, Public Defender Report, Assessor's Report

Assessors Report for September

Law Committee Report

H. Building And Grounds, Printing And Stationery - Mrs. Warren

1. Bids received for Colored Paper and Legal sized paper

Approve and accept bid from SBM for $847.12.

2. Jail Building project

Approve Mike Crowley and Assoc. to do an appraisal.

3. West Entry Roof repair

Emergency exists to get repairs completed. Approve Oldeen's to do repair work at cost of $16,720.

4. Approve Soldiers and Sailors Park use by Gary Forristall

Printing and Stat. Comm Report

Blg and Grounds Committee Report

Special Committee Reports

Liquor License, Dance Halls, Motels - Dale Anderson

Housing Authority - Mr. Baracani

Tourism - Mrs. Stetson

Economic Development - Mr. Cain

Probation, Crime - Mrs. Marini, Mr. Donarski

Cooperative Extension - Mrs. Entwhistle

Emergency Telephone System Board (E911) - Mr. Rabe

911 Stats for August

Computer Committee - Mrs. Entwhistle, Mr. Whited

Payment Of Claims

Approve All Claims for Month of September

Executive Session

Litigation and Purchase of Real Estate

Old Business

New Business





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