Putnam County Community Unit School District #535 Board of Education met August 21.
Here is the minutes as provided by the board:
Media Center Putnam County Primary School
President Mr. Gibson called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. CALL TO ORDER
The meeting continued with the Pledge of Allegiance. PLEDGE OF
The following members were present to answer roll call: Mrs. Baker, aye; Mr. Copeland,
aye; Mr. Gibson, aye; Mr. Mallery, aye; and Mrs. Shore, aye. Mrs. Popurella was absent.
Ms. Glenn entered the meeting at 6:38 p.m.
Roll Call
The hiring of Board Treasurer as well as the Board Secretary position discussion was
moved to Old Business. Board member vacancy was added to the Executive Session
Adjustments to the Agenda
Mr. Mark Schneider from Brennan & Stuart Insurance in LaSalle, IL presented
information to the board regarding the Prairie State Insurance Cooperative.
Audience Participation/ Hearing of Delegations
1 item of correspondence was presented to the board. Correspondence
Mr. Copeland moved and Mrs. Baker seconded the motion to approve the consent
agenda: regular and executive session minutes of July 2017; bills for August 2017;
financial reports for July 2017; Treasurer’s Report for July 2017; Administrator and
Teacher Salary and Benefits report for 2016-2017. All ayes, motion carried.
Consent Agenda
The principals’ reports are on BoardBook. Mr. Theisinger gave a brief report of
Freshman on Track.
Principals’ Reports
Transportation report: the first week of school transportation was very smooth despite a
few transfer issues. In addition, the anticipated transportation costs reduction (yellow
mini bus) will no longer occur due to student needs.
There was no investment update.
State funding update: No mechanism has been approved by the state to release funds to
schools; this has created a critical situation for all Illinois school districts. Mr. Carlson is
staying abreast of the situation and will report any significant news to the board as it
becomes available.
Tentative enrollment: Mr. Carlson reported the good news that overall enrollment is up
by approximately 25 students.
Superintendent Report
There was 1 FOIA request from Onvia regarding vendor contracts.
The Liberty Mutual Insurance summary is available on Board Book.
Mrs. Shore moved and Ms. Glenn seconded the motion to hire Mr. Daniel J. Wujek as
Board of Education Treasurer. On roll call the members voted as follows: Mrs. Baker,
Old Business
aye; Mr. Copeland, aye; Mr. Gibson, aye; Ms. Glenn, aye; Mr. Mallery, aye; and Mrs.
Shore, aye. Motion carried.
Mr. Carlson reported that he has not completed the 4th interview for the BOE Secretary
position due to an illness and scheduling conflicts of the interviewee. Once the
interviews are conducted Mr. Carlson will report back to the board; a recommendation is
anticipated at next month’s meeting.
Mr. Theisinger reported on the high school student board proposal; several questions
were asked by board members with discussion following regarding the make-up of the
board. Mr. Copeland moved and Mrs. Shore seconded the motion to accept the high
school student board proposal including a diverse group of students. All ayes, motion
The tentative budget was discussed with projected expenditures and revenues reported by
Superintendent Carlson: 2017-2018 tentative revenue of $11.2 million compared to
$11.0 million in 2016-2017; 2017-2018 tentative expenditures of $12.2 million compared
to $12.998 in 2016-2017. Mr. Carlson reported that the tentative budget is a flexible
document and changes will occur within it prior to the final presentation at September’s
meeting. Mrs. Baker moved and Mr. Mallery seconded the motion to accept the 2017-
2018 tentative budget. On roll call the members voted as follows: Mrs. Baker, aye; Mr.
Copeland, aye; Mr. Gibson, aye; Ms. Glenn, aye; Mr. Mallery, aye; and Mrs. Shore, aye.
Motion carried.
The IHSA Catastrophic Insurance policy was discussed with Mr. Carlson reporting that
we have $3 million in coverage for a premium total of $1024. Ms. Glenn moved and
Mrs. Shore seconded the motion to accept the IHSA Catastrophic Insurance policy as
presented for the 2017-2018 school year. On roll call the members voted as follows:
Mrs. Baker, aye; Mr. Copeland, aye; Mr. Gibson, aye; Ms. Glenn, aye; Mr. Mallery, aye;
and Mrs. Shore, aye. Motion carried.
President Mr. Gibson asked the board members to please review PressPlus Issue 95 again
prior to September’s meeting in order to be ready to vote.
Ms. Glenn moved and Mr. Copeland seconded the motion to approve the bank
resolutions designating Daniel J. Wujek as Board of Education Treasurer. All ayes,
motion carried.
New Business
At 7:19 p.m. Mrs. Shore moved and Mrs. Baker seconded the motion to adjourn to
executive session for the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline,
performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the district. All ayes, motion carried.
At 8:08 p.m. Ms. Glenn moved and Mr. Mallery seconded the motion to return to open
session. All ayes; motion carried.
Executive Session
Mr. Mallery moved and Mrs. Baker seconded the motion to accept, with regret, the
resignations of Josh Nauman – boys’ golf coach, Kyle Goetsch – bass fishing team
coach; and Tyler Ellena – high school Scholastic Bowl sponsor. All ayes, motion
Mr. Copeland moved and Ms. Glenn seconded the motion to approve the following list
Personnel of hires: Jennifer Lasik – elementary Title I Interventionist teacher; Tracy Reaska –
Maintenance Supervisor; Mark Wackerlin – high school Custodian I; Ryan Harvey –
boys’ golf coach; Scott Currie – freshman boys’ basketball coach; Austin Biagini – fall
baseball assistant coach; Abby Delvallee – 7 th grade volleyball; and Kristine Trone –
junior high cheerleading coach. On roll call the members voted as follows: Mrs. Baker,
aye; Mr. Copeland, aye; Mr. Gibson, aye; Ms. Glenn, aye; Mr. Mallery, aye; and Mrs.
Shore, aye. Motion carried
At 8:09 p.m. Ms. Glenn moved and Mr. Copeland seconded the motion to adjourn. All
ayes, motion carried.