Peru Public Library District Board of Trustees met August 10.
Here is the minutes as provided by the board:
Present: Jenifer Barr, Jean Carter, Gail Grabowski, Linda Hiltabrand, Mary Lindenmeyer, Doug
Olivero, Mike Watts, Director Charm Ruhnke
Absent: None
1. Call to Order: President Mike Watts called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.
2. Changes to the Agenda: Add to #7. Librarian’s report c. Storywalk d. Ron Reeland e. Kiwanis
3. Public comments: There were no public comments.
4. Approval of minutes of July 2017: Jean Carter moved to approve the minutes of July 2017;
Gail Grabowski seconded. The motion carried.
5. Financial report
A. Approve disbursements for August 2017: Gail Grabowski moved to approve
disbursements for August 2017; Doug Olivero seconded. The motion carried.
B. Approve financial report: Jean Carter moved to approve the financial report; Jenifer
Barr seconded. The motion carried.
6. Correspondence: The file contained no correspondence.
7. Librarian’s report
A. Budget and Appropriations hearing notice publication: The B and A hearing notice will
be published in the NewsTribune.
B. Hotspot: The Hotspot apparatus was recently acquired and will be available for
checkout. The item is only for Peru Library adult patrons.
C. Storywalk: The director informed trustees of a children’s Storywalk idea. Children’s
librarian Lynn Sheedy will head the project.
D. Ron Reeland: The director informed the trustees of the needed work release for
custodian Ron Reeland.
E. Kiwanis donation: The Kiwanis club is disbanding and awarding monies to five area
libraries. Peru Library will receive approximately $775, which will be used for early
8. Prior meeting follow-up
A. Open Meeting Act training: The director reminded trustees of the timeline for
completing training.
B. Building alarm: Ficek Electric will be called to estimate repair/replacement cost.
C. Working Cash certificate: The rates for First Federal are 1.1% for 24 months.
9. President’s report: Mike Watts reported the success of the final Daycation.
10. Executive session: There was no call for an executive session.
11. Action and/or discussion items
A. Resolution 17/18-01 compensation as IMRF earnings: Jean Carter moved to approve
Resolution 17/18-01; Doug Olivero seconded. The motion carried.
B. Secretary’s audit: We (Jenifer Barr and Douglas Olivero) examined the Secretary’s
records on July 21, 2017. We found the records to be accurate and available in
accordance with Illinois Statutes.
C. Tentative Budget and Appropriation Ordinance 17/18-004: The tentative B and A
Ordinance 17/18-004 was reviewed. This ordinance is to be adopted at the September
14, 2017 regular meeting.
D. HVAC: The trustees reviewed the recommendations from Kmetz Architects. The
director will ask Mike Kmetz to attend the September meeting in order to address
E. Audit: The director will request proposals from qualified, quality accounting firms to
audit the library’s accounts.
12. Adjournment: There being no further business, the regular meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm.