
Illinois Valley Times

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Mendota Township High School District 280 Board of Education met August 21.

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Mendota Township High School District 280 Board of Education met Aug. 21.

Here is the agenda provided by the Board:

The regular meeting of the Board of Education of Mendota Township High School

District No. 280, LaSalle, Bureau, and Lee Counties, IL was held in the high school boardroom on Monday, August 21, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. pursuant to rule with a quorum present. President Lauer called the meeting to order, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Upon roll call the following members were recorded as present: Strouss, May, Hanaman, Motter, Sundberg, and Lauer. Absent was Stewart. Also in attendance were members of the media, Supt Prusator, Principal Aughenbaugh, and new staff (Steve Hanson, AD/Dean, Mindy Martin PE/Coach, Melissa Sallee, FCS and Tyler DeBrock PE/Coach. 

Lauer asked for questions or comments on the following minutes:

1) Regular Meeting – June 26, 2017-A motion was made by Strouss, seconded by May to approve the regular meeting minutes of June 26, 2017 as presented to the board.

The vote was unanimously in favor by acclamation.

Lauer asked for questions or comments on the following Financial Reports.

1) Treasurer’s Report

2) Imprest Fund Report

3) Activity Fund Report

4) Cafeteria Report

5) Approve Bills Payable (July & August)

A motion was made by May, seconded by Strouss to approve the above named reports as presented to the board. Upon roll call the following vote was recorded: Ayes: Strouss, May, Hanaman, Motter, Sundberg, and Lauer. No nays. Motion carried.

No board action was required on the Fund Balance Report.

Board Member Reports-Committee Assignments: Lauer presented the Committee assignments as follows:

Building & Grounds (Wednesday 9/6 @ 4:30 p.m.)

Jim Sundberg, Chair

Jason Stewart

Jason Motte

Transportation (Wednesday 8/30 @4:30 p.m.)

Matt Hanaman, Chair

Jim Strouss

David May

Financial (Wednesday 9/13 @4:30 p.m.

David May, Chair

Jim Sundber

Jason Motter


Jim Strouss

Matt Hanaman

Lauer asked Principal Aughenbaugh for her report. Aughenbaugh reported on the following items:

1) Introduction of New Staff: The following staff was introduced to the board: Steve Hanson, AD/Dean, Mindy Martin PE/Coach, Melissa Sallee, FCS and Tyler DeBrock PE/Coach. The board welcomed the staff to MHS. 

2) 2016-2017 State Seal of Biliteracy Graduates Honored-Jocelyn Luna was in attendance to be recognized by the board. The board congratulated all the honorees for their accomplishment. 

3) Personnel-Accept the resignation of Shawn LeRette as Scholastic Bowl Coach. A motion was made by Lauer, seconded by Hanaman to approve the resignation of LeRette as Scholastic Bowl Coach. The vote was unanimously in favor by acclamation. 

4) Personnel-Accept the recommendation to hire Shawn LeRette as Asst, Boy Tennis Coach. A motion was made by Lauer, seconded by Motter to approve the hire of LeRette as Asst. Boys Tennis Coach. Upon roll call the following vote was recorded: Ayes: Strouss, May, Hanaman, Motter, Sundberg, and Lauer. No nays Motion carried. 

5) Personnel-Accept the recommendation to hire Kevin Wohrley as Cross Country Coach. A motion was made by Strouss, seconded by Hanaman to approve the hire of Wohrley as Cross Country coach. Upon roll call the following vote was recorded: Ayes: Strouss, May, Hanaman, Motter, Sundberg, and Lauer. No nays. Motion carried. 

6) Personnel-Heath Raley has requested paternity leave once his twins are released from hospital and are home. Start date of leave TBD. A motion was made by Sundberg, seconded by Strouss to approve the paternity leave of Heath Raley with a start date to be determined. The vote was unanimously in favor by acclamation. 

7) Registration and Enrollment 2017-2018-On 8/14, MHS held Freshma registration and orientation night. The event was well received. Chromebook rollout has been completed and at this time our enrollment is at 568. 

8) Teacher Institute Days-Teacher Institute Days were held on 8/14 & 8/15. Faculty meetings, introduction to the new AESOP Substitute and Absence Management System was given. Aughenbaugh concluded her report. Lauer asked Prusator for the District and Business Reports.

Prusator reported on the following items:

1) FY17 Preliminary Final Budget Report-Mr. Prusator gave the board an overview of the Pre-Audit Final FY17 Budget. Gorenz and Assoc. will be at MHS on 8/28 and complete the audit for FY17. 

2) FY18 Preliminary Budget-Mr. Prusator handed out to the board an overview of the Proposed FY18 Budget. Discussion followed. The State has yet to finalize many of the categorical payments for FY18. A motion was made by Lauer, seconded by Sundberg to display the FY18 Budget as required. The vote was unanimously approved by acclamation. 

3) Set FY18 Budget Hearing Date and Time-Wednesday, September 20, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. was the time set for the FY18 Budget Hearing with the Regular Board Meeting to follow immediately after Budget Hearing. A motion was made by Strouss, and seconded by Motter to approve the FY18 Budget Hearing Date and Time and also Regular Board Meeting date and time. The vote was unanimously in favor by acclamation. 

4) Consideration for Approval of Buses-There is a need to replace several of the buses at MHS. Gary Kettleborough, Transportation Director and Mr. Prusator are looking into the possibilities available to MHS for these purchases. Supt. Prusator asked for a motion to approve the purchases of 2 buses (2015 Bluebird and 2016 Bluebird) from Central States Bus for a total cost of $130,000 after trade-in funds are received. A motion was made by Lauer, seconded by Strouss to approve the purchase of two (2) busses at a cost of $130,000. Upon roll call the following vote was recorded: Ayes: Strouss, May, Hanaman, Motter, Sundberg, and Lauer. No nays. Motion carried. 

5) Discussion on Offering 9th Grade Algebra I to 8th Graders-Beginning in 2018- 2019 school year, eligible students from the feeder districts who choose to participate would be bused to MHS to take a 1st period Algebra I class taught by a high school teacher. Discussion followed on cost, and transportation and transitioning of 8th grade students. A motion was made by Lauer, seconded by Motter to begin discussions to work out the Algebra I proposal to the feeder districts. The vote was unanimously in favor by acclamation. 

6) Discussion on Working with District 289 to Develop Summer School Program for incoming 9th Graders. The ideas is to “bridge the gap” to allow for remedial help for incoming 9th graders during the summer prior to their Freshman year. Board had positive comments on the summer school program and would like the administration to continue working to develop a program. Program could possibly start in May 2018.

Lauer commented on Feasibility Study-Has been completed and time has been given to the community for an opportunity to respond. At this time the board feels there is no further work to be done with regards to consolidation.

With no further business to discuss a motion was made by Strouss, seconded by Hannaman to adjourn the meeting. The vote was unanimously in favor by acclamation.

The meeting adjourned at 7:05 p.m.
