Putnam County Public Library District Board met October 9.
Here is the agenda as provided by the board:
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Correspondence, communications, public comments
4. Committee reports
5. Consent Agenda - motion to approve consent agenda means that the minutes,
librarian’s report and statistics are approved in one motion. Motion: Trustee XXX
moves to approve the consent agenda items. Trustee XXX seconds the motion.
a. Secretary’s Report
b. Librarian’s Report and Statistics
6. Financial report (action)
7. Approval of bills (action)
8. Unfinished business
a. Condit Building
b. Library policies (action)
c. Landscaping (action)
9. New business
a. Tax Levy Ordinance (action)
b. Painting Hennepin building (action)
c. Personal Property Replacement Funds
10. Signing of paperwork (minutes, bills, other)
11. Other
12. Adjournment