
Illinois Valley Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Sandwich City Council met October 23.

Webp meetingroom04

Sandwich City Council met Oct. 23.

Here is the agenda provided by the Council:

Call to Order

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call

Approval of Minutes from the Regular Meeting of October 9, 2017 and the Committee-of-the-Whole Council Meeting of October 16, 2017.

Approval of October Semi-Monthly Bills in the total amount of $$74,455.36

Mayor Olson:

(1) Promotion of Officer Jeremy Eisenberg to Sergeant

(2) Appointment of William Littlebrant to the ZBA (Zoning Board of Appeals) and Plan Commission

(3) Request for “K” Liquor License for video gaming facility. Brandon Partridge will be present for a continued discussion on his request for a “K” liquor license. Council will need to create a new license if approved.

(4) Proclamation for Lions Club “Candy Day”

(5) Employee health insurance discussion

(6) Executive Session for personnel under Section 2(c)(1)

(6) No meeting on October 30th – 5th Monday

Foster, Buick, Conklin, Lundgren & Tritt Law Group:

City Clerk:

City Treasurer:

Director of Public Works Engineer Horak:

(1) Brush Pickup: Final pickup for Ward 4 in 2017

(2) Leaf Vacuuming: Begins in Ward 1 on Monday, October 30th

(3) Hydrant Flushing: Begins Monday, October 23rd and lasts through Saturday, October 28th

(4) Zoning Board of Appeals regular meeting of Tuesday, October 24, 2017 has been cancelled.

(5) Request authority for approval of possible purchase of a 2003 used plow truck in an amount not to exceed $45,000.00; waiving bidding requirements under 65 ILCS 5/8-9-1. (Requires two-thirds favorable vote by all aldermen then holding office).

Regular Council Meeting – October 23, 2017

(6) 5th/6th Street Sanitary Sewer Lining Project: Bid opening will be November 1, 2017 at 10:00 am.

(7) 6th Street Water Main Project:

(8) DeKalb County Electronics Collection Events at the DeKalb Municipal Airport: October 28, 2017

Chief Bianchi:


Alderwoman Chmielewski:

Alderman Dell:

Alderman Kelleher:

Alderwoman Killey: Next finance committee will meet on Monday, November 6th immediately following the Committee-of-the-Whole Council meeting.

Alderman McMahon:

Alderman O’Sullivan:

Alderman Redden:

Alderman Robinson:

New Business:

Audience Comments:

