
Illinois Valley Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Waltham Community Consolidated School District 185 Building & Grounds Committee met October 10.

Waltham Community Consolidated School District 185 Building & Grounds Committee met Oct. 10.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

Chairperson Brian Shofner called the Waltham Elementary School Building & Grounds Comm.

of the Whole Meeting of October 10, 2017 to order at 4:30 p.m.

Roll Call: Board Members present: Rick Hardy, Buffy Hoskins, Kathy Jereb, Nicole Mertes, Brian Shofner, and Jim McCabe

Board Members Absent: Jason Depenbrock

Also Present: Mrs. Kristine Eager, Superintendent

Visitors: Mr. Pete Mangieri, Mangieri Companies Inc.

Topic of Discussion: Building Project:

1. Mr. Mangieri introduced himself as owner of an Owner Representative Services company which would guide the District through the building process.

2. Mrs. Eager has had a conversation with a property owner and they are still willing to sell ten acres of land to the District.

3. BLDD has offered to set up tours for a small contingent of Waltham employees to see 21st Century schools in action.

4. Mrs. Eager would like to set up a Finance Comm. of the Whole Meeting with Mr. Kevin Heid of Stifel, Nicolaus as guest speaker in order for him to explain to the board the structure of the finance piece.

5. The RFP’s should be ready to send out by the end of the week in order to interview a couple more people for the position of either Construction Manager or Owner Rep.

Motion to Adjourn: Buffy Hoskins moved, second by Kathy Jereb to adjourn at 6:00 p.m.

Motion carried with 6 yeas, and 0 nays.
