
Illinois Valley Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

LaSalle County Zoning Board of Appeals met November 15.

Meeting 09

LaSalle County Zoning Board of Appeals met Nov. 15.

Here is the agenda provided by the Board:

I.Call to Order

II.Approve or Dispense Minutes from Previous Meeting

III.Open Meeting –Public Hearings

A.17-11-SU –Decker –Other Ag related Business

Parcel #09-19-202-000 (Serena Township)

B. 17-03-ZC –Augustyniak –R2 to B2 (POSTPONED TO DEC 20, 2017)

Parcel #18-23-401-002 (LaSalle Township)

C. 17-07-VAR-Augustyniak –Lot size and rear setback (POSTPONED TO DEC 20, 2017)

Parcel #18-23-401-002 (LaSalle Township)

D. 17-07-SU –Heartland Wind LLC/ D. Coons –Meteorological Tower

Parcel #37-20-208-000 (Groveland Township)

E. 17-08-SU –Heartland Wind LLC/Simmons –Meteorological Tower

Parcel #37-03-202-000 (Groveland Township)

F. 17-09-SU –Heartland Wind LLC/J. Coons –Meteorological Tower

Parcel #37-10-306-000 (Groveland Township)

G. 17-04-ZC –LaFarge Aggregates Illinois–A1-I1 

Parcel #19-17-303-000(UticaTownship)

H. 17-10-SU –LaFarge Aggregates Illinois –CCDD Landfill 

Parcel #19-17-303-000 (Utica Township)

IV. Recess/Adjourn Public Hearing

V. Proposed text amendment

VI. Recess/Adjourn Meeting
