
Illinois Valley Times

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Marseilles City Council met November 15.

Webp meeting 02

Marseilles City Council met Nov. 15.

Here is the agenda provided by the Council:

Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Roll call showed the following present: Mayor Trager, Commissioner Hollenbeck, Lewey, Davis and Buckingham. Absent: None.

Public hearing was held in regards to proposed federal funded community development block grant (CDBG)

Public hearing was adjourned

Roll call showed the following present: Mayor Trager, Commissioner Hollenbeck, Lewey, Davis and Buckingham. Absent: None.

Moved by Commissioner Hollenbeck seconded by Commissioner Lewey that the minutes from the council meeting of November 1, 2017 be approved as displayed and placed on file. Ayes: Commissioner Hollenbeck, Lewey, Davis, Buckingham, and Mayor Trager. Nays: None

Moved by Commissioner Hollenbeck seconded by Commissioner Buckingham that the accounts payable for the first half of November in the amount of $663,741.25 be approved and a warrant be drawn on the City Treasury for the said amount. Ayes: Commissioner Hollenbeck, Lewey, Davis, Buckingham, and Mayor Trager. Nays: None

Moved by Commissioner Hollenbeck seconded by Commissioner Davis that the payroll for the first half of November in the amount of $59,238.25 be approved and a warrant be drawn on the City Treasury for said amount. Ayes: Commissioner Hollenbeck, Lewey, Davis, Buckingham, and Mayor Trager. Nays: None

Moved by Commissioner Lewey seconded by Commissioner Buckingham that the monthly department reports for October be approved and placed on file. Ayes: Commissioners Hollenbeck, Lewey, Davis, Buckingham, and Mayor Trager. Nays: None

Moved by Commissioner Hollenbeck seconded by Commissioner Lewey that the annual financial audit for Fiscal Year 2016-2017 be approved. Ayes: Commissioners Hollenbeck, Lewey, Davis, Buckingham, and Mayor Trager. Nays: None

Moved by Commissioner Hollenbeck seconded by Commissioner Buckingham that Resolution 2017-16, a resolution to enter into an agreement for application services for a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) on behalf of the City of Marseilles be adopted. Ayes: Commissioners Hollenbeck, Lewey, Davis, Buckingham, and Mayor Trager. Nays: None

Moved by Commissioner Davis seconded by Commissioner Hollenbeck that Resolution 2017-17, a resolution of council support for a community development block grant be adopted. Ayes: Commissioners Hollenbeck, Lewey, Davis, Buckingham, and Mayor Trager. Nays: None.

Moved by Commissioner Lewey seconded by Commissioner Hollenbeck that Resolution 2017-18, a resolution for Residential Anti-Displacement and Relocation Assistance Plan under Section 104 (D) of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 be adopted. Ayes: Commissioners Hollenbeck, Lewey, Davis, Buckingham, and Mayor Trager. Nays: None.

Moved by Commissioner Buckingham seconded by Commissioner Lewey that Resolution 2017-19, a resolution of council support for the Illinois Department of Transportation Program for Main Street be adopted. Ayes: Commissioners Hollenbeck, Lewey, Davis, Buckingham, and Mayor Trager. Nays: None.

Moved by Commissioner Buckingham seconded by Commissioner Davis that Resolution 2017-20, a resolution of council support for the Illinois Department of Transportation Enhancement Program for Rutland Street and Bratton Avenue be adopted. Ayes: Commissioners Hollenbeck, Lewey, Davis, Buckingham, and Mayor Trager. Nays: None.

Moved by Commissioner Lewey seconded by Commissioner Hollenbeck that Ordinance 1646, an Ordinance amending Section 35.27 of Chapter 35: Personnel Regulations of the Code of Marseilles regarding city vehicle and equipment use be adopted. Ayes: Commissioners Hollenbeck, Lewey, Davis, Buckingham, and Mayor Trager. Nays: None.

Moved by Commissioner Hollenbeck seconded by Commissioner Lewey that the special event permit for Wheeling for Warriors Night Run at the Cliff’s Off Road Park held November 17-18, 2017 and December 16-17, 2017 be approved and the permit fee be waived. Ayes: Commissioners Hollenbeck, Lewey, Davis, Buckingham, and Mayor Trager. Nays: None.

Moved by Commissioner Davis seconded by Commissioner Lewey that the special event permit for Freedom Fest 2018 held June 16, 2018 be approved and the permit fee be waived. Ayes: Commissioners Hollenbeck, Lewey, Davis, Buckingham, and Mayor Trager. Nays: None.

Mayor Trager talked about Holiday Magic Parade held December 2, 2017 5-8 P.M. Commissioner Lewey addressed the homeless person living on Main Street. The police are working on fixing the issue, however, if they are not breaking any laws there is nothing the city can do.

Moved by Commissioner Davis seconded by Commissioner Buckingham that the City Council adjourns. Ayes: Commissioners Hollenbeck, Lewey, Davis, Buckingham, Mayor Trager. Nays: None
