
Illinois Valley Times

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Oglesby Public Library Board met October 23.

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Oglesby Public Library Board met Oct. 23.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

President Rich Vollmer called the meeting of the Oglesby Public Library District Board of Trustees to order at 6:30pm in the Library. Present: Rich Vollmer, Dorothy Debosik, Mary Hansen, Rick Rigazio, Sam Tillmann, Wanda Lent, Barbara Ficek, Director Rebekah Clark Absent:- None

Guests:- Dom Rivara Public Comment to Agenda- None

Secretary’s Minutes A motion was made by Rigazio to accept and place on file the Regular Meeting Minutes of September 25.

Monthly Bills

General Expenses- $10,954.65 Payroll- 6,046.95 $17,001.60 A motion to approve the payment of the previous month’s bills was made by Lent and seconded by Hansen. AYES-All

President’s Report Vollmer talked to Mike Pillion of Oglesby Public Schools about our concerns for the possible formation of future new City TIF district. Pillion suggested that we just wait and see what the City plans to do.

On Saturday October 21, the Oglesby Fire Department did a walkthrough of the library as part of their continual training. No major hazards were found. In talking to Chief Ron Popurella, he recommended keeping the sprinkler system. A motion was made by Debosik to accept and place the President’s Report on file.

Treasurer’s Report Heartland checking account as of September 30, 2017 - $54,434.81 Grant Account at Eureka - $17.08 Special Reserve Fund (includes interest) - $2,400.21 Oglesby Public Library Historical Account - $1,869.24 DeFillippi Fund $6.900.00

Clark will bring the September approved minutes and check to the Illini Bank to establish a checking account with the DeFillippi Funds. The account will be under the name of the Oglesby Public Library District, DeFilippi Fund.

(Treasurer’s Report, continued) President Rich Vollmer, Vice-President R. (Rick) Rigazio, Secretary Barbara Ficek, and Treasurer Sam Tillmann will need to go to the Illini Bank with two forms of ID. Two names will be needed to sign a check. A motion to approve and place The Treasurer’s Report on file was made by Ficek.

Librarian’s Report

Clark handed out the Oglesby Library Events for November 2017. Clark would like two people to meet before the November meeting to begin discussions on celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the Woodland Avenue building.

Alicia or Mary at the Illini Bank will be expecting Board officers to come in to sign the papers for the DeFillippi Fund checking account.

Director Clark has used four vacation days in October. She has used 5 of 10 days this year. Clark announced that she will be needing maternity leave in early May. Great news for the Clark family.

Donations Pavers and More, $200 for library road signs; Pavers and More, $211 for dirt and work on landscaping; $20 in honor of Anne Bukovic’s 100th birthday from the Ficeks; $10 from Rose Ann Prey in honor of Loretta Latty; $50 annual donation from the Slovenian Woman’s Union Branch 89; $200 from Ortiz for November DVD’s; $652.48 from the Friends of the Library for spring programs and special programs in March 2018; $40 Anonymous for two donated books

Attending: PrairieCat Delegates meeting on October 25, carpool with Charm West of 47 on November 29

The webinar on October18 was on New Books for Storytime 2017. It focused on new picture books to engage the Storytime audience with audience participation through song, nursery rhymes, talking, playing, and reading. The books promoted pre-literacy skills and kindergarten readiness. The webinar was also useful for Storytime planning.

The Strategic Plan Progress report handed out.

Director Clark asked those who attend the Citizens and Business Organization what is the cost of joining? Also, to whom the check should be made payable, the full name of the organization or CABO? At the November meeting this will be confirmed.

A motion to accept and place the Librarian’s Report on file was made by Lent. Committee Reports Lent and Debosik attended the Library Law and Finance Seminar in Genoa. They reported that it was a very good informative meeting. Several web sites were shared with the Board for their references. Clark will send links to the websites.

Correspondence A letter was received from Baxter’s office explaining a list of financial statements that they could and are now preparing for the Library.

A letter was received from Thomas F. Pennell Business Services Coordinator for the Illinois Department of Employment Security asking if the library would be available for a Hiring Events and Workshop for LaSalle/Putnam area. Pennell had visited the library previously and decided it would be a good site for a workshop. It will be on December 14 from 10am to 1pm.

A letter was received from the City of Oglesby in response to the letter sent by the Library requesting the value of the utilities and services that the City provides the library. The costs of electricity, water, and sewer were provided for 2016. More clarification will be sought.

Unfinished Business- Four quotes were received to fix the plumping problem in the Mechanical Room. After reviewing the quotes it was decided to go with John’s Service and Sales. A motion was made by Rigazio and seconded by Debosik to approve the replacing of the backflow service devise and replacing the gate valve with a ball valve by a licensed plumber, not to exceed $1,350. All-AYES The motion carried. Vollmer will contact John’s to further discuss this project.

New Business A motion was made by Hansen and seconded by Lent to adopt the Oglesby Library District, LaSalle County, Illinois Tax Levy Ordinance No. 20171023 for the year beginning July 1, 2017 and ending June 30, 2018. Roll Call- AYE-Hansen, Rigazio, Ficek, Tillmann, Lent, Vollmer, Debosik. The motion carried.

The letter from Baxter’s office concerning the Accountant contact was tabled until we have more information.

Public Comment- Dom Rivara said he came to the meeting to observe how the library functions/operates. He stated that, “A library is good for the community”.

The next regular meeting is November27, 2017 at 6:30pm. Meeting adjourned at 8:23pm
