
Illinois Valley Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Sandwich City Council met November 27.

Webp meetingroom05

Sandwich City Council met November 27.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

Mayor Olson called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll call was taken:

Present: Mayor Olson, City Clerk Ii, Aldermen Dell, Kelleher, Killey, McMahon, O’Sullivan, Redden & Robinson

Also present: Attorney Gottschalk, Director of Public Works Horak, Chief Bianchi, Building Official Steffens, City Treasurer Webber & EMA Director Ciciora

Absent: Alderwoman Chmielewski

Approval of Minutes

Motion was made by Alderman Dell, and seconded by Alderman McMahon, to approve minutes from the Regular meeting of August 14, 2017 and November 13, 2017 and the Committee-of-the-Whole Council meeting of November 20, 2017. Aye: Aldermen Dell, Kelleher, Killey, McMahon, O’Sullivan, Redden & Robinson Nay:0 Motion carried 7:0

Approval of November Semi-Monthly Bills

Motion was made by Alderwoman Killey, and seconded by Alderman Kelleher, approving payment of the November semi-monthly bills in the total amount of $50,867.89. Aye: Aldermen Dell, Kelleher, Killey, McMahon, O’Sullivan, Redden & Robinson Nay:0 Motion carried 7:0

Mayor Olson

Proposed Police Station Presentation: Mark Bushhouse, President of Williams Architects, explained that they have entered the design development phase of the project. Their responsibility is the planning and design work. He felt that the project is on schedule, and anticipates construction documents will be available by March, 2018 with bid letting in May, 2018. The existing building, located at 1251 E. 6th Street, has 12,900 square feet on the main level, 2,000 square foot mezzadine, and a proposed 3,500 square feet construction for detention, garage, and storage area. State law dictate standards required of police buildings that increase construction costs. There will be no elevator to the mezzadine level that is slated to house heating & cooling apparatus, and to be used for storage. The sally port will be able to accommodate an ambulance, and approximately 1,500 square feet will be dedicated for the lock-up area.

Chris Kozek, Vice President of Harbour Contractors, estimated the cost to remodeling and construct additional square footage to the existing building will be a cost of $4.6 - $4.7 million. He said they will be working with a $5 million budget. He further explained that once the project goes out for bids, the exact costs will be known. A one-year construction period is predicted.

Ordinance 2017-15 entitled “Ordinance Amending the Municipal Code of Sandwich, Illinois, Providing an Increase of the Number of Class K Liquor Licenses”: The tenants of the bowling alley want to open a coffee shop offering video gaming. By law, the facility must have a liquor license. The City has 2 Class K liquor licenses, and by Ordinance 2017-15, will increase that number to 3 to accommodate the request. There are already 2 other gaming facilities in Sandwich. Question was raised if the bowling alley had any financial obligation to the City. City Clerk Ii explained that $1,150 had been owed for licensing fees since March, 2017 but that the owner of the bowling alley, Marcy Willis, had paid the delinquency in October, 2017. Several aldermen felt the owners of the proposed gaming facility should come before the Council to address new concerns.

Motion was made by Alderman Dell, and seconded by Alderwoman Killey, to pass Ordinance 2017-15, as presented, to create an additional Class K liquor license restricted to gaming lounges. Aye:0 Nay: Aldermen Dell, Kelleher, Killey, McMahon, O’Sullivan, Redden & Robinson Motion failed 0:7

Ordinance 2017-16 entitled “An Ordinance Granting a Special Use in the “CBD-1” Central Business District 1 Permitting the Operation of a Body Art Establishment at 5 N. Main Street by Matt Colwell d/b/a Family Pride Tattooing and Piercing” presented for first reading. Matt Colwell will be purchasing the existing business.

Motion made by Alderman Redden, and seconded by Alderman Kelleher, to waive first reading. On voice vote, Alderman Dell was the only nay vote. Motion carried by majority of aye votes.

Alderman Robinson moved to pass Ordinance 2017-16 as presented. Motion was seconded by Alderman McMahon. Aye: Aldermen Dell, Kelleher, Killey, McMahon, O’Sullivan, Redden & Robinson Nay:0 Motion carried 7:0

Ordinance 2017-17 entitled “An Ordinance Granting a Special Use in the “B-3” Service, Automotive and Wholesale Business District Permitting the Operations of Drive Through Window Service for a Fast Food Restaurant at 1210 E. Church Street by Tri City Foods of Illinois, Inc” presented for first reading.

Alderman Redden moved to waive first reading. Motion was seconded by Alderman Kelleher. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote.

Motion made by Alderman Dell, and seconded by Alderman Kelleher, to pass Ordinance 2017-17 as presented. Aye: Aldermen Dell, Kelleher, Killey, McMahon, O’Sullivan, Redden & Robinson. Nay:0 Motion carried 7:0

Municipal Code Update: Mayor Olson, Attorney Buick, City Clerk Ii, and Engineer Horak have met and continue to proof the proposed updated Municipal Code. The final proof is to be completed by early December.

Tourism Committee is scheduled to meet on Wednesday, November 29th, 2017 at 7 PM in the Chamber of Commerce office.

Proposed Class H Liquor License Amendment: Kathy Hanson, owner of Country Girl Food Services, inquired about a catering liquor license. She will be located at Edgebrook Country Club offering on- premises catering and off-site. The distribution of liquor would not be mobile and would be restricted to the on-site premise. The Class H license is a ‘per event’ liquor fee; Ms. Hanson stated she would prefer an annual liquor license. Council agreed to issue a Class E liquor license that would allow liquor served with food on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Easter, however the bar area must remain closed. Ms. Hanson stressed that it is not her intention to be a restaurant.

Foster, Buick, Conklin, Lundgren & Tritt LLC Law Group: No report

City Clerk Ii: No report

City Treasurer: No report

Director of Public Works & City Engineer Horak:

Zoning Board of Appeals regular meeting for Tuesday, November 28th, 2017, has been cancelled.

2014 Concrete Street Maintenance Project: Recommendation was made by Engineer Horak for approval of Pay Request #3 (final) in the amount of $23,441.67 to Elliot & Wood Inc.

So moved by Alderman Redden, and seconded by Alderman Dell. Aye: Aldermen Dell, Kelleher, Killey, McMahon, O’Sullivan, Redden & Robinson Nay:0 Motion carried 7:0

Rain Gauge Equipment Transfer: The Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) and the Office of Water Resources (OWR) want to pursue the transfer of rain gauge equipment to the City of Sandwich by means of an intergovernmental agreement. The City will take over the operation of the gauge operations and a future relocation of said gauge to the wastewater treatment plant. IDNR / OWR will draft the intergovernmental agreement.

Leaf Vacuuming: Due to mechanical issues, the leaf vac was inoperable last week but has returned to its normal schedule this week. Council agreed to extend this season’s program an additional week. The week of December 4th will be the last week for the leaf vacuuming in all wards.

2017 Lisbon Street – Green to Main Reconstruction Project: Engineer Horak anticipates getting the final pay request by the end of the week.

2017 6th Street Water Main Project: The contractor will be installing the water services starting today and restoring the ditch line in front of Meadowvale and JK Video facilities. There will be an adjustment to the contract due to two low driveways that will be raised to avoid holding of storm water.

Chief Bianchi reported that he has received 108 applications for opening at the police department, and will be reviewing the resumes to limit the number of applicants. He anticipates interviewing to commence in a week or so.

EMA Director Ciciora: No report

Alderwoman Chmielewski: Absent

Alderman Dell: No report

Alderman Kelleher: No report

Alderwoman Killey announced that the next finance committee meeting will be on Monday, December 4th, immediately following the Committee-of-the-Whole meeting.

Alderman McMahon: No report

Alderman O’Sullivan: No report

Alderman Redden: No report

Alderman Robinson: No report

Audience Comments: None

New Business: None

Adjournment: There being no further business to come before the Council, motion made by Alderman Robinson and seconded by Alderman Redden to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 pm. Motion was unanimous by viva voce vote.
