
Illinois Valley Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Dimmick Consolidated School District #175 Board met November 20.

Webp meeting41

Dimmick Consolidated School District #175 Board met November 20.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Call to Order President Deb Black called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Roll Call Roll call showed members present: Laurie Ernat, Sid Haas, Eve Postula, Gina Mudge and Deb Black. Michelle Rich arrived 7:08 p.m. Heather Seghi was absent.

Visitors Joel Foster

Approval of Board Agenda

Sid Haas made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Eve Postula seconded the motion. A voice vote indicated all yeas. Nays: None. Motion carried.

Public Comment None.

Consent Agenda Laurie Ernat made a motion to approve the consent agenda. Gina Mudge seconded the motion. Roll call yeas: Ernat, Mudge, Haas, Postula and Black. Nays: None. Motion carried.

Reports and Updates

General Obligation Bond

Bond rates were finalized on November 2, 2017. The District will save $142,000.00 as a result of refinancing the debt certificates. The rates on the new bonds range from 2.05 to 3.00%

Tentative 2017 Tax Levy

A resolution authorizing the transfer of $165,000.00 from the O&M Fund to the Bond and Interest Fund was presented to abate a significant portion the 2011 bonds that are applicable to only Dimmick residents. The resolution must be approved prior to the adoption of the levy since the funds need to be in the Bond and Interest Fund prior to approving the 2017 levy. Mr. Linnig estimates the tax rate for Dimmick to be about $1.59 and Cherry tax payers about $1.54. It is recommended that the District hold a truth in taxation hearing since the overall request will exceed 5% of what we received last year. The resolution, the tentative 2017 Tax Levy and the scheduling of the Truth in Taxation Hearing all await approval.

Employee Health Ins

The District is looking to change employee health insurance to United Healthcare Platinum for a yearly savings of $1,500.00 for coverage. The current health insurance plan with BC/BS would have resulted in an increase of 23.1%. The employee health insurance awaits approval.

School Board Convention

Board members, Sid Haas, Michelle Rich, Eve Postula, Deb Black and Superintendent Linnig gave reports on the sessions they attended at the school board convention in Chicago on November 17 and 18, 2017.

AIMS Web Fall Benchmark Data

Mr. Linnig gave a summary on the AIMS Web fall benchmark data. The new testing with AIMS Web Plus is quite different in both the way it is administrated and reported. Overall the results were positive and reflect strong baseline data.

2017 Illinois School Report Card

The 2017 Illinois School Report Card data was shared with the board members. As a result of an issue with ISBE on the reporting side, the District’s 8th graders passing Algebra I data did not show and is indicated as 0.0% where as it should have been 33.3% since we had 5 of 15 students took and passed the course. ISBE refused to correct issue despite numerous attempts by the District.

Dean of Students Report

Mr. Foster provided an overview of discipline data collected for the 1st trimester and discussed some of the changes for the 2017-18 school year. Mr. Foster will be providing data each trimester.

Legislative Updates

Mr. Linnig gave information on SB 851 which would increase the senior citizen exemption from $5,000.00 to $8,000.00 and the general homestead exemption from $6,000.00 to $10,000.00. If implemented, such a measure is estimated to cost the District approximately $45,000.00 per year. There is also talk of a vote to allow a freeze to property tax extensions for two tax years.

Mr. Linnig shared draft language on TIF Reform. He is hoping to get a regional group together from various taxing bodies to share information and recommendations for TIF reform since a TIF Commission is being formed to review this controversial topic.

Some of the topics discussed at the School Improvement meeting were changes to the Crisis Plan and the changes will be discussed in executive session. The Horizon House Disabilities Awareness Program will have five assemblies throughout the school year.

School Improvement Team Report

The junior high teaching staff recognized Mia Moncrief for the LaSalle County Student Excellence Award. She received her plaque on November 2 at the LaSalle County Board meeting.

LaSalle Co. Student Excellence Award

Peru Route 251 Corridor TIF

A preliminary map of the proposed TIF was shared with the Board. Mr. Linnig shared several concerns regarding the assessed value of the Peru Mall, the parcels that are included in the draft map and the long term impact on the District. Mr. Linnig and Board will continue to closely monitor developments with this TIF as they do with all TIFs that impact the District.


• School Board president Deb Black was recognized by the IASB and received a plaque for earning Master School Board Member honors

• A big thank you to George Hall who welded a section of the playground equipment that needed repair

• December 19, 2017 is the K – 4 grade winter program and band performance

• December 21, 2017 is the 5 - 8 grade school play

• December 22, 2017 is the Staff and Board Holiday Party at the Uptown

Action Items

Approve Resolution Authoring Inter- Fund Transfer and Abatement

Laurie Ernat made the motion to approve the resolution authorizing the permanent inter-fund transfer and abatement of debt service for tax year 2017. Eve Postula seconded the motion. Roll call yeas: Ernat, Postula, Rich, Mudge, Haas and Black. Nays: None. Motion carried.

Approve Tentative Tax Levy & the Truth in Taxation Hearing

Sid Haas made a motion to approve the tentative 2017 Tax Levy and to schedule the Truth in Taxation hearing for Monday, December 18, 2017 @ 6:30 p.m. Eve Postula seconded the motion. Roll call yeas: Haas, Postula, Rich, Ernat, Mudge and Black. Nays: None. Motion carried.

Approve Employee Health Ins. Plan

Eve Postula made a motion to approve the employee health insurance plan. Gina Mudge seconded the motion. Roll call yeas: Postula, Mudge, Haas, Ernat, Rich and Black. Nays: None. Motion carried.

Executive Session Sid Haas made the motion to adjourn to executive session at 8:28 p.m. to discuss probable or imminent litigation, Crisis Plan revisions, executive session minutes, placement of individuals in special education programs and appointment, employment, compensation, performance or dismissal of specific employees. Eve Postula seconded the motion. A voice vote indicated all yeas. Nays: None. Motion carried.

Regular meeting reconvened at 8:42 p.m.

Action Items Following Executive Session

Approval of Intergovernmental Agreement

Sid Haas made a motion to approve the intergovernmental agreement. Michelle Rich seconded the motion. Roll call yeas: Haas, Rich, Postula, Ernat, Mudge and Black. Nays: None. Motion carried.

Approve Crisis Plan Revision

Eve Postula made a motion to approve the District Crisis Plan revisions. Laurie Ernat seconded the motion. Roll call yeas: Postula, Ernat, Rich, Mudge, Haas and Black. Nays: None. Motion carried.

Approve to Release Executive Session Minutes

Sid Haas made a motion to approve the release of executive session minutes for the meeting dates discussed in executive session. Gina Mudge seconded the motion. Roll call yeas: Haas, Mudge, Ernat, Rich, Postula and Black. Nays: None. Motion carried.

Approve Employment Recommendations

Michelle Rich made a motion to approve the hiring of Amanda Danko as the assistant volleyball coach. Eve Postula seconded the motion. Roll call yeas: Rich, Postula, Ernat, Mudge, Haas and Black. Nays: None. Motion carried.

Adjournment Sid Haas made the motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:48 p.m. Eve Postula seconded the motion. A voice vote indicated all yeas. Nays: None. Motion carried.
