
Illinois Valley Times

Saturday, November 2, 2024

Princeton Elementary School District 115 Board of Education met November 27.


Princeton Elementary School District 115 Board of Education met Nov. 27.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The regular meeting of the Princeton Elementary District #115 Board of Education was held Monday, November 27, 2017, at Logan Jr. High. The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by President Judd Lusher. The roll was called with the following members in attendance: Steve Bouslog, Mark Frank, and Doris Hamilton. Elizabeth Arkels, JP Aley and Terry O’Neil were absent. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Superintendent Tim Smith and Recording Secretary Lisa Bettner were also in attendance. Administrators Robert Bima, Amanda Carr, and staff Lynne Ferrell and Janet Becker were in attendance.

Agenda Amendments: None.

Public Participation: None.

Program / Recognition: Janet Becker presented information and an update on the Bright Beginnings Program. She explained the grant changes and the new grant that she has applied for. The new grant would be a full-day program for the most at-risk four-year-olds. The new grant would also increase staff in that program by a ½ time teacher and ½ time aide and Fulltime Parent Coordinator. The district should hear about receiving the grant sometime in January 2018.

Lynne Ferrell presented an update and a new grant opportunity for the 0 – 3 program as well. That new grant program would include hiring an additional 2 part-time staff and a Mental Health Consultant. The program is currently serving 17 families and 19 children and would increase if the new grant is received. Deadline for application is this week, and the district should hear by March 2018.

Approval of Agenda: Motion made by Mrs. Hamilton, second by Mr. Frank, to approve the amended Agenda. All ayes. Motion carried.

Approval of Consent Agenda Items: Motion made by Mr. Bouslog, second by Mrs. Hamilton, to approve the Consent Agenda. Roll call vote. All ayes. Mrs. Arkels, Mr. Aley and Mr. O’Neil absent. Motion carried.

Administrative/Staff Presentation: None.

Superintendent’s Report:

Mr. Smith gave the financial details through October. He made note that the funds were looking healthier due to the fact that we are receiving state payments on a timely basis. He discussed the details of Income and Expenses thus far through the fiscal year.

Motion made by Mr. Frank, second by Mr. Bouslog to approve the Superintendent’s report as given. Roll call vote. All ayes. Mrs. Arkels, Mr. Aley and Mr. O’Neil absent. Motion carried.

Informational Items: Mr. Smith mentioned and invited everyone to the upcoming Holiday Party for PES staff on Wednesday, December 13 from 4 to 6 at the Chapel Hill Golf Course.

Action Items:

Motion made by Mr. Bouslog, second by Mr. Frank, to approve the Tentative Levy request. Mr. Smith explained the Levy information in detail. Questions discussed and answered. Roll call vote. All ayes. Mrs. Arkels, Mr. Aley and Mr. O’Neil absent. Motion carried.

Motion made by Mr. Bouslog, second by Mrs. Hamilton to hire Phoenix Smallwood as a paraprofessional at Jefferson Elementary. Roll call vote. All ayes. Mrs. Arkels, Mr. Aley and Mr. O’Neil absent. Motion carried.

Motion made by Mr. Bouslog, second by Mrs. Hamilton, to accept the resignation of Jessica Stuart, paraprofessional aide for the BEST program, with regret. All ayes. Motion carried.

Motion made by Mr. Bouslog, second by Mr. Frank, to hiring Jason Darnell as a paraprofessional for the BEST program. Roll call vote. All ayes. Mrs. Arkels, Mr. Aley and Mr. O’Neil absent. Motion carried.

Motion made by Mr. Frank, second by Mrs. Hamilton to approve the School Report Card. All ayes. Motion carried.

Motion made by Mr. Bouslog, second by Mrs. Hamilton, to Adopt the Board Agreement, with review on an annual basis. All ayes. Motion carried.

Motion made by Mr. Bouslog, second by Mr. Frank, to approve the HLS Emergency Amendment Resolution for repairs to Pannebaker Gym, in the amount of $5934.39. Roll call vote. All ayes. Mrs. Arkels, Mr. Aley and Mr. O’Neil absent. Motion carried.

Motion made by Mr. Bouslog, second by Mrs. Hamilton, to approve a Truth in Taxation Hearing for 5:15 p.m. on December 18, 2017 at Logan Jr. High. All ayes. Motion carried.

Future District / Board Considerations: Mr. Bouslog requested that the State Report Card statistics from previous years be reviewed at a future meeting.


Motion made by Mr. Frank, second by Mr. Bouslog, to adjourn at 7:03 p.m. All ayes. Motion carried.
