
Illinois Valley Times

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Village of McNabb Board of Trustees met January 10.

Village of McNabb Board of Trustees met Jan. 10.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

January 10, 2018

The President and Board of Trustees met in regular session on January 10, 2018. Roll call was taken. Present were Village President Brandy Sandberg, Treasurer Dennis, Clerk Harrison, Trustees Edens, Haar, and Trone. Absent were Trustees McNaughton, Vaskie, and Wegrzyn. The minutes of the December 13, 2017 meeting were approved as sent by Trustee Trone with a second by Trustee Haar, motion carried.


General Fund

FSB - Checking Account 3,547.24 

FSB - Money Market 344,190.54 

TOTAL 347,737.78

Motor Fuel Tax Fund

FSB 31,210.49 

TOTAL 31,210.49

Sewer Fund

FSB 55,320.07 

TOTAL 55,320.07

Water Fund

FSB 30,901.96 

TOTAL 30,901.96

Baseball Fund

FSB 4,442.13

 TOTAL 4,442.13 

TOTAL OF ALL FUNDS $469,612.43 

Trustee Edens made a motion to accept the 12/31/2017 financial report with a second from Trustee Haar. Motion carried.


Trustee Trone made a motion to pay bills as presented with a second from Haar, motion carried.


-Fund drive request from PC Historical Society 

-NCICG - request for capital improvement project list 

-Kelly Sauder-Rupiper newsletter


-Don Bixby from Chamlin Engineering was in attendance to inquire if the Village has any projects in the near future.


-No report


-Extra parts have been ordered from Valworx - Grassers and Complete Industrial will complete the installation of the valves


-No report

ENGINEERING -Don Bixby stated that if the Village is looking into 2018 Street Maintenance the Board should discuss at the February meeting.


-No report


-No business


-Kyle Krowlek has agreed to be the Village’s Ordinance enforcement officer. He will start working immediately. Sandberg will forward all letters that are sent to residents concerning ordinance violations to Krowlek. Krowlek will follow up in person if the violation isn’t rectified by the time allowed in the letter. The Village will purchase a polo and ball cap for Krowlek to wear when he is making home visits. After discussion, the board has decided to purchase polo’s for any board member that is interested. -Krowlek is also interested in attending classes to be a part time police officer. Harrison has looked into the training that is held in Princeton. The next training session will begin in approximately 10 months. -The required Sexual Harassment Resolution was approved and signed. Copy will be sent back to Attorney Churney. -Trustee Trone made a motion to once again pay for all advertising for Spring 2018 garage sales. Edens seconded, motion carried. Candace Haar has once again volunteered to arrange the sale.


-Trone made a motion to approve the invoice from Ace In The Hole in the amount of $4818.04 for 2017 Street Maintenance. Hear seconded, motion carried.

There was no further business. The next meeting will be held on February 14, 2018. Trustee Edens made a motion to adjourn the meeting with a second coming from Trustee Trone. Meeting was adjourned.
