
Illinois Valley Times

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Depue Unit School District 103 Board or Education met December 20.

Meeting 09

Depue Unit School District 103 Board or Education met Dec. 20.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

President, Llesenia Leon called the Regular Meeting of the Board of Education to order at 6:00 p.m. December 20, 2017 in the school library.

Members Present at Roll Call: L. Leon, J. Hernandez, Hayes, R. Hernandez, A. Leon

Since five members are present, a quorum does exist. It is legal to conduct the business of the District.

Staff present: C. Dougherty- Superintendent, Susan Bruner-Principal, A. McKee- District Secretary, Tracy Helm-Paraprofessional, Rita Solorio-School Secretary

Student Reps present: none

Visitors: Gus Hernandez, community member


Motion by J. Hernandez, seconded by A. Leon to approve:

Approval of Regular, Executive Session minutes from the November regular board meeting

Approval of Monthly Bills

Approval of the Balance Sheet for November 2017

Approval of Treasurer’s Report for November 2017

Approval of Additional Bills dated November 2017

Roll Call Vote… Aye: L. Leon, J. Hernandez, Hayes, R. Hernandez, A. Leon

Nay: None. Motion Carried.


 Congratulations to JH Students working with the new AR program

 Congratulations to the HSBBB team and their successful start to the season

 HS student council has increased super fan efforts

 The art program is working on fund raising for a new kiln


Adopt 2017 Levy (payable in 2018)

Motion by J. Hernandez, seconded by J. Hayes

Roll Call Vote… Aye: L. Leon, J. Hernandez, Hayes, R. Hernandez, A. Leon

Nay: None. Motion Carried

Approve Resolution of Intent to issue the proposal to sell bonds in the amount of $125,000 Bonds being sold for the purpose of paying claims against the District.

Motion by Hayes, seconded by J. Hernandez

Roll Call Vote… Aye: L. Leon, J. Hernandez, Hayes, R. Hernandez, A. Leon

Nay: None. Motion Carried

 Discussion of budget/evidence based funding model-State was in to discuss spending plan which includes lean spending the next 4 years.

 Discussion of discipline and grades as related to sports and student athletes-the handbook is being followed closely

 Discussion of PE policies regarding attendance, dress, and participation-expectations discussed

 Discussion of unexcused absences policy and enforcement-letter sent to parents, second semester will begin strict guidelines


Set Time and Date for Graduation

8 th grade graduation will be May 18 th at 7:00 pm, with HS to follow

Motion by Hayes, seconded by A. Leon

Voice vote: Aye: 5. Nay: None. Motion carried

Approve Deficit Reduction Plan as Presented

Motion by Hayes, seconded by J. Hernandez

Voice vote: Aye: 5. Nay: None. Motion carried

Adoption of Board Policies 7:10, 7:15, 7:20, 7:30, 7:40, 7:50, 7:60

Motion by J. Hernandez, seconded by A. Leon

Roll Call Vote… Aye: L. Leon, J. Hernandez, Hayes, R. Hernandez, A. Leon

Nay: None. Motion Carried

First Reading of Board Policy Updates 7:70, 7:80, 7:90, 7:100, 7:130, 7:140, 7:150, 7:160, 7:170, 7:185, 7:220

Change District Lock Box Authorization for the 2 Key Holders

Remove former superintendent and bookkeeper, and add current superintendent and school board member/board president

Motion by J. Hernandez, seconded by A. Leon

Voice vote: Aye: 5. Nay: None. Motion carried


Approve the Resignation of Karen Paschall as Paraprofessional

Motion by J. Hernandez, seconded by Hayes

Voice vote: Aye: 5. Nay: None. Motion carried

Approve the Termination of Tracy Helm

Moved to Executive Session

Approve Hiring Brittany Blomquist as Library Professional

Motion by Hayes, seconded by J. Hernandez

Roll Call Vote… Aye: L. Leon, J. Hernandez, Hayes, R. Hernandez, A. Leon

Nay: None. Motion Carried


 Discussion of budget/evidence based funding model-State was in to discuss spending plan which includes lean spending the next 4 years Building and Maintenance Bids for electrical outlet upgrades in elementary wing and bleacher modifications will be further discussed.

 The required Lead Testing reported no problems in the school water outlet

 Repairs were made to basement gas leak issues detected by Ameren

 How the breakfast/lunch program works – reimbursement lunch $3.31/day/student and breakfast $2.09/day/student per meal. Our district participates in the community eligibility provision due to high poverty counts. This process will be re- bid in February.

 BEST work program partnership: As an update our bookkeeper completed the program in December. A new intern joins us spring semester to help in the library by promoting reading, library book circulation and the use of the AR Program.

Our student employment program will be ongoing wherein the students are continually employed. This federal program helps DePue by providing workers and funding.

 Our district submitted the grant for Parent Education.

 Our district was selected to participate in the IL GEAR-UP through ISAC (IL Student Assistance Council) with the goal to help students academically.

 Our district was selected to participate in the principal leadership program with the goal to support instructional leadership across the school. This is expected to change climate and culture. Also there will be an addition of the 21st Century grant.

 The superintendent evaluation process is underway with the goals for school improvement, use of district space, communications.

 Blue Van wreck/ insurance company totaled out the vehicle and sent check. The district will see if we can insure the van for liability and use for errands.




Motion by A. Leon , seconded by R. Hernandez, to enter into executive session at 6:22 p.m. to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees, collective bargaining matters, student discipline cases, placement of students and other matters relating to individual students and personnel.

Roll Call Vote… Aye: L. Leon, J. Hernandez, Hayes, R. Hernandez, A. Leon

Nay: None. Motion Carried.

Motion by A. Leon, seconded by Hayes to come out of executive session at 6:45 p.m.

Roll Call Vote… Aye: L. Leon, J. Hernandez, Hayes, R. Hernandez, A. Leon

Nay: None. Motion Carried.


Approve Termination of Tracy Helm

Motion by R. Hernandez, seconded by A. Leon

Roll Call Vote… Aye: L. Leon, J. Hernandez, Hayes, R. Hernandez, A. Leon

Nay: None. Motion Carried


Motion by R. Hernandez, seconded by A. Leon, to adjourn the meeting at 6:46 p.m.

Voice vote: Aye: 5. Nay: None. Motion carried.
