LaSalle Elementary School District 122 Board of Education Board met Dec. 19.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
Public Truth in Taxation Hearing called to order
President Faletti called the Truth in Taxation Hearing to order at 6:30 p.m. He then directed the Secretary to call roll. Mr. Hicks, Mrs. Luth, Mr. Ossola, Mr. Savage, Mrs. Spangler and Mr. Faletti were in attendance. Mr. Senica was absent.
Public Discussion of Proposed Property Tax Levy Increase
The proposed levy was 4.98% over the 2016 extension. Though we were not required, the district opted to hold the truth in taxation hearing.
Adjourn Truth in Taxation Hearing
It was moved by Mr. Hicks and seconded by Mr. Savage to adjourn the Truth in Taxation hearing at 6:32. Mr. Hicks, Mrs. Luth, Mr. Ossola, Mr. Savage, Mrs. Spanger and Mr. Faletti voted aye. Mr. Senica was absent.
Regular Meeting called to order
President Faletti called the regular meeting to order at 6:33 p.m. He then directed the Secretary to call roll. Mr. Hicks, Mrs. Luth, Mr. Ossola, Mr. Savage, Mrs. Spangler and Mr. Faletti were in attendance. Mr. Senica was absent.
Consent Action Items
It was mov_ed by Mr. Savage and seconded by Mr. Hicks to approve the November 21, 2017 regular board meeting minutes, December 2017 regular bills, January 2018 payrolls, November 2017 Treasurer's Report, November 2017 Activity Fund reports, the current Workshop, Conference and Travel Reimbursements for employees and elected public officials and the current disbursements from the escrow fund for Qualified School Construction Bonds. Mr. Hicks, Mrs. Luth, Mr. Ossola, Mr. Savage, Mrs. Spangler and Mr. Faletti voted aye. Mr. Senica was absent.
Public to address the Board of Education
Visitors in attendance were Superintendent Brian DeBernardi, Jon Fox, Mary Mauck, Brian Pett, Ali Rivara, Phil Grant, Chris Hauge, MacKenzie Lentz & family, Thomas McDunnin & family, Jeff Dankert.
Northwest Students of the Month
Mrs. Mauck presented awards to the Northwest students of the month for November: 1st grader - MacKenzie Lentz and 5th grader - Thomas McDunnin. She then announced the remaining students - Kindergarten - Mya Salazar, 1st grade - MacKenzie Lentz, Audrina Hewitt, 2nd grade - lsanya Roberson, 3rd Grade - Rhyan Westerman, 4th Grade -Adrian Gonzalez and 5th grade - Thomas McDunnin.
Mr. Fox announced the Lincoln students of the month for November: 6th grade - Jaxon Schneider, 7th grade - Yarely Garcia, 8th grade -Julius Sanchez.
Action Items
Approve the final FY 2017 Tax Levy
It was moved by Mr. Hicks and seconded by Mrs. Luth to approve the tentative tax levy. The tentative levy is based on estimates from the LaSalle County Supervisor of Assessments. This year, the EAV is set to increase approximately 3%. The 2017 levy proposal is $2,659,801 which doesn't include debt service. The proposed tax levy is 104.98% of the 2016 extension. Mr. Hicks, Mrs. Luth, Mr. Ossola, Mr. Savage, Mrs. Spangler and Mr. Faletti voted aye. Mr. Senica was absent.
Approve the snow removal contract with J. Mauro Ator Trucking
It was moved by Mr. Savage and seconded by Mrs. Spangler to approve the snow removal contract with J. Mauro Ator Trucking. John Ator has performed the snow removal for the district for years, and we are completely satisfied with his work. Mr. Hicks, Mrs. Luth, Mr. Ossola, Mr. Savage, Mrs. Spangler and Mr. Faletti voted aye. Mr. Senica was absent.
Approval to seek bids for the 2018 building renovation at Lincoln Jr. High as prepared by Basalay Cary & Alstadt, Core Construction and Analytical Design Group.
It was moved by Mr. Savage and seconded by Mr. Hicks to approve seeking bids for the 2018 building renovation at Lincoln Jr. High as prepared by Basalay, Cary & Alstadt, Core Construction and Analytical Design Group. Mr. Hicks, Mrs. Luth, Mr. Ossola, Mr. Savage, Mrs. Spangler and Mr. Faletti voted aye. Mr. Senica was absent.
Set the date for a special board meeting for February 6, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. to approve contractors for the Lincoln renovation project.
It was moved by Mr. Hicks and seconded by Mrs. Spangler to set the date for February 6, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. to approve contractors for the Lincoln renovation project. Due to the tight time frame for the building project, it is important to approve the contractors as soon as possible. Mr. Hicks, Mrs. Luth, Mr. Ossola, Mr. Savage, Mrs. Spangler and Mr. Faletti voted aye. Mr. Senica was absent.
Approve Lincoln Jr. High Life-Safety Amendment 17
It was moved by Mr. Ossola and seconded by Mrs. Spangler to approve Lincoln Jr. High Life- Safety Amendment 17. The district is closing out the remaining Life-Safety items at Lincoln this summer. This particular amendment addresses the asbestos abatement and a new fire alarm system. Mr. Hicks, Mrs. Luth, Mr. Ossola, Mr. Savage, Mrs. Spangler and Mr. Faletti voted aye. Mr. Senica was absent.
Set the 8th grade graduation date for May 11, 2018
It was moved by Mrs. Spangler and seconded by Mrs. Luth to set the 8th grade graduation date for May 11, 2018. Graduation will be held at the LaSalle-Peru High School Auditorium. The earlier date and new venue is necessary due to the renovation work at Lincoln. Mr. Hicks, Mrs. Luth, Mr. Ossola, Mr. Savage, Mrs. Spangler and Mr. Faletti voted aye. Mr. Senica was absent.
Approve the Title 1 District Plan
It was moved by Mr. Savage and seconded by Mr. Hicks to approve the Title 1 District Plan. This is a requirement that has surfaced with the Every Student Succeed Act. Mr. Hicks, Mrs. Luth, Mr. Ossola, Mr. Savage, Mrs. Spangler and Mr. Faletti voted aye. Mr. Senica was absent.
Approve sampling and cleanup (if required) of Lincoln Jr. High property by the United States Environmental Protection Agency and its contractors as part of the Investigation of the Matthiessen and Hegeler Zinc Company Superfund Site.
It was moved by Mr. Hicks and seconded by Mr. Savage to approve the EPA and its contractors to sample and cleanup, if required, the Lincoln Jr. High property as part of the Matthiessen & Hegeler Zinc Company Superfund Site. Mr. DeBernardi and Mr. Savage attended a town hall on the subject earlier in the week. The board was in agreement that we should allow the sampling and cleanup because of the school setting. This will hopefully not impact any of the building project happening at Lincoln. Mr. Hicks, Mrs. Luth, Mr. Ossola, Mr. Savage, Mrs. Spangler and Mr. Faletti voted aye. Mr. Senica was absent.
Approve the Indemnity Agreement between LaSalle Elementary and the City of LaSalle for sidewalk and storm sewer improvements.
It was moved by Mr. Hicks and seconded by Mrs. Luth to approve the Indemnity Agreement between LaSalle Elementary and the City of LaSalle for sidewalk and storm sewer improvements. The sidewalk on St. Vincents needs to be redone for handicap accessibility. The sidewalk is on an IDOT easement and therefore it requires a permit. IDOT will not provide the school the permit but will issue it to the City of LaSalle. The City will provide the permint on our behalf. The statement also includes the permit required for the storm sewer. Mr. Hicks, Mrs. Luth, Mr. Ossola, Mr. Savage, Mrs. Spangler and Mr. Faletti voted aye. Mr. Senica was absent.
Principal's Reports
Northwest Elementary Report- Dr. Steindorf's report indicated current enrollment is 625 students, 11 new students in November and 3 withdrawals. Parent-teacher conferences were successful.
Lincoln Jr. High Report - Mr. Fox reported that 41 students continue to have perfect attendance at Lincoln. The winter concert was held on December 13th at 7:00. The winner of the 8th grade graduation t-shirt design contest was Chris Bergeron. Graduation pictures will be Thursday, May 10.
Special Ed Report - Mrs. Mauck reported that Partners in Education organized the City of LaSalle's invitation to host the Celebration of Lights on Tuesday, November 28. A percentage of the donations went to PBIS.
Pre-School and Curriculum Report- Mr. Kilmartin's report indicated the PreK students went to Ancare Veterinary Hospital on November 27. He continues to work on the PreK grant for recompetition. We will be adding another afternoon session of PreK in January. In regard to curriculum, Northwest teachers continue to plan science units. Dr. Eckberg returned to offer training to staff on reading workshops and guided reading groups. Tech Training took place on December 13. ESL After School Club is going well and has 37 students who attend twice a week.
Superintendent's Report - Mr. DeBernardi discussed our property casualty insurance. We are part of a consortium and it is doing well. We were issued a small rebate this year. In regard to our health/medical, Mr. DeBernardi presented the board with information about the history of our insurance including the loss ratio - premiums paid vs claims/pharmacy paid out.
Mr. DeBernardi also discussed the preschool grant. The grant application is due January 12. He and Derek Kilmartin attended a meeting about the grant writing process. Currently in the grant we allocate $3300 per student. The new grant application wants us to estimate the cost per student projected out 5 years. They do not supply a figure to use in this estimate, only indicate districts should be "reasonable" in their projection. The grant also asks for a PreK-3 instructional coach.
It was moved by Mrs. Luth and seconded by Mr. Ossola to adjourn the meeting at 7:10 p.m. Mr. Hicks, Mrs. Luth, Mr. Ossola, Mr. Savage, Mrs. Spangler and Mr. Faletti voted aye. Mr. Senica was absent.