
Illinois Valley Times

Monday, January 6, 2025

City of Ottawa Plan Commission met January 22.

City of Ottawa Plan Commission met January 22.

Here is the minutes provided by the Commission:

Chairman Brent Barron called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Ottawa City Council Chambers.

Roll Call:

Present: Barron, Burns, Carrol, Etscheid, Sesto, Stone, Volker

Absent: Buiting, Reagan

Others: Commissioner Ganiere, City Planner Tami Huftel

Minutes Of Previous Meeting:

Moved by John Stone, second by Todd Volker September 25, 2017 minutes be approved as published.

New Business:

a. Heritage Harbor Ottawa Resort requesting a conditional use of a planned unit development in Heritage Harbor Ottawa; Port Place East and Port Place West including preliminary and final plat located on Port Place, legally described as: being a resubdivision of lots 8 through 12 and lots 47 through 50 in West Peninsula Unit 1 at Heritage Harbor Ottawa of the fractional southwest quarter of section 8, township 33 north, range 4 east of the third principal meridian, all in LaSalle County, Illinois.

Tom Heimsoth described the proposed project as follows: re-plat of 9 lots to 14 lots, called Port Place. The infrastructure is installed except a couple additional services. Developer is Kevin Donovan with financial backing. Heritage Harbor will handle sales and marketing. Age targeted community but open to all. Not a lot of local people moving into the resort. Visited a show this past weekend, people want out of Illinois. Starved Rock Country needs to be the place, need to capture the opportunity. Kevin Donovan stated the following: 2- bedroom to 3-bedroom units, attached or detached garage, 1000 to 2,000 square feet. $250,000 to $350,000. Duplexes held back to create a pocket park. Will plant mature trees 15 to 25 feet tall. Start construction right away.

Todd Volker: how did you gauge the market? – Kevin: spoke with locals and toured several resorts

Brent: Should the alley go through? Tom: this was part of the original design could be an interesting discussion.

Brent: garbage location? – Tom: centralized location or small vendor.

Moved by John Stone that OPC recommend that the City Council approve the conditional use of a planned unit development in Heritage Harbor Ottawa; Port Place East and Port Place

West including preliminary and final plat including staff report.

Seconded by Jackie Etscheid

Ayes: Debbie Burns, Doug Carrol, Jackie Etscheid, Curt Sesto, John Stone, Todd Volker

Nayes: None

b. Lanis Simpson requesting a zoning amendment from A-2 (Single and Two-Family

residential) to C-3 (Special Business) at 1200 West Madison Street legally described as lot 10 in block 7 in Sanger Addition to the City of Ottawa, Illinois situated in the City of Ottawa, County of LaSalle, State of Illinois, subject to the general real estate taxes for the year 1981 and subsequent years, and subject further to all easements, covenants and restrictions of record.

Ginger, on behalf of owner Lanis Simpson presented the property. Bought in 1981, as a commercial business, since then it’s mostly been an auto repair shop. Currently renting to Brett Miller under a rent to own contract. Recently been made aware this is residential. Request be zoned back to commercial. Talked to neighbors, nobody has an issue.

Debbie B: why rezone. Ginger: wants Brett’s business to continue

Debbie: look at uses under C-3, any use can happen. Not necessarily want the uses under zoning classification.

The existing use can continue as non-conforming.

Brett Miller: nothing in front of sidewalk/City property

Tom Vandervort, 1205 W. Jefferson: lived in the house since 1971 seen all types of business.

No problem with the business now. Parking is tight. Auto body shop in 1970’s.

Moved by Debbie Burns that the OPC recommend that the City Council deny A-2 (Single and Two-Family residential) to C-3 (Special Business) at 1200 West Madison Street

Seconded by Doug Carrol.

Ginger Sinpson-Govero withdrew the request.

Motion died.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
