
Illinois Valley Times

Saturday, January 11, 2025

City of Ottawa Police Pension Board met April 10.

City of Ottawa Police Pension Board met April 10.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board

Members present:

Brenden Donahue - President

Jeff Bangert – Secretary

Jamie Kummer - Asst. Secretary

Dale Baxter - Treasurer

Randy Baxter - Vice President

Don Harris - City Treasurer

Called to order at 1:06 P.M.

No one wished address the board

Public Comment:


Old Business:

Previous meeting minutes were read by Jeff Bangert. A motion to accept was made by Randy Baxter, seconded by Jamie Kummer. By acclimation, the motion carried unanimously.

The financial reports for January, February, and March of 2018 were presented by Brenden Donahue. A motion to accept was made by Jeff Bangert, seconded by Randy Baxter. By acclimation, the motion carried unanimously.

Brenden Donahue made the following advisements to the board:

A bill was received from Roenfeldt & Lockas in the amount of $2,000 for the preparation of pensioner 10-99 forms.

Pensioner David Guinee increased his withholding for the I.R.S., changed his mailing address, and updated his direct deposit information. Gail Lowe increased her pension withholding.

New Business:

Brenden Donahue advised that the Vanguard transfer is complete for the equities portion of the Ottawa Police Pension Fund portfolio.

A discussion was held regarding the fixed income portion of the fund's portfolio. It was tabled until April 24th, 2018 at 1:0 p.m., at which time a special meeting would be conducted for the purpose of hearing a presentation from the Trust Dept. of First National Bank for a proposal for the fixed income component.

The annual audit for the pension fund will begin at the end of April 2018.

A motion to adjourn was made by Dale Baxter, seconded by Jamie Kummer. By acclimation, the motion carried unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 2:15 p.m.

The next regular meeting of the Ottawa Police Pension Board is scheduled for April 24th, 2018 at 1:00 p.m. at the Ottawa Central Police and Fire Department.
