
Illinois Valley Times

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Village of McNabb Village Board met March 14.


Village of McNabb Village Board met March 14.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The President and Board of Trustees met in regular session on March 14, 2018. Roll call was taken. Present were Village President Brandy Sandberg, Treasurer Dennis, Trustees Edens, Haar, Trone, Vaskie and Wegrzyn. Absent was Trustee McNaughton and Clerk Harrison. The minutes of the February 14, 2018 meeting were approved as sent by Trustee Trone with a second by Trustee Haar, motion carried.


General Fund

FSB - Checking Account 2,469.60

FSB - Money Market 354,062.87

TOTAL 356,532.47

Motor Fuel Tax Fund

FSB 27,681.06

TOTAL 27,681.06

Sewer Fund

FSB 67,351.34

TOTAL 67,351.34

Water Fund

FSB 25.889.39

TOTAL 25,889.39

Baseball Fund

FSB 4,442.13

TOTAL 4,442.13

TOTAL OF ALL FUNDS $481,896.39

Trustee Vaskie made a motion to accept the 02/28/2018 financial report with a second from Trustee Trone. Motion carried.


Trustee Trone made a motion to pay bills as presented with a second from Haar, motion carried.

There were no travel expenses this month to approve.


-Illinois Valley Association of Realtors Proclamation

-Request for donation from PC Rotary for Prom Afterglow - Edens made a motion to donate $200 with a second from Vaskie, motion carried.

-IL Dept. of Agricultural - information on spraying Gypsy Moths

-PC Historical Society Newsletter


-Keith Piper was in attendance voicing his concern with new garbage service. Sandberg explained that all village residents unless they are business owner must have this service.

-Peggy Smith - asking for donation for Magnolia Township Museum. Trone made a motion to donate $100 with a second from Edens, motion carried.

She also informed the board about future movie nights.


-No report


-Grassers will be installing new filters at the pump house on March 26. Notices will be posted to inform residents of possible rust in the water.


-Due to snowplowing at the STP, the gravel in the driveway has been pushed off in the grass. 

Will need to be raked back on the drive.


-Don Bixby/Chamlin Engineering was in attendance with 2018 street work paperwork.


-Officer Nimee was present to inform the board of whats been going on this month.

She has been working on ordinance violations.

Radar gun was sent in for recertification - waiting for it to be returned.

Car needs a light bar installed which was donated from Granville Police Dept.

Repairs for the car that are needed: siren, speaker, and cable for lights


-Trone has received the baseball equipment from Locker Room.


-Ordinance #245 Disorderly Conduct was approved and passed by roll call vote.

Aye - Edens, Haar, Trone, Vaskie

Nay - Wegrzyn

Absent - McNaughton

-Tabled to next meeting was discussion concerning the culvert at the corner of Railroad and 9th Streets

-Board ok’d the disposal of old filing cabinet and table

-Sandberg will contact the woman interested in doing volunteer work to satisfy her probation hours.

-Guisti will be contacted to give us a proposal on reworking the electrical sockets in the library.



There was no further business. The next meeting will be held on April 11, 2018. Trustee Edens made a motion to adjourn the meeting with a second coming from Trustee Trone. Meeting was adjourned.
