Village of Millington Board of Trustees met March 12.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
Call to Order: Doug Holley called this meeting of the Village Board to order at 7:00 pm.
Roll Call/Establishment of Quorum: Present were Trustees Beverly Casey, Brad Pekoc, Pat Aloisio, Jordan Thibault, Kevin Jensen and Yvonne Roller. Sandy White, Treasurer present. Lenée Kissel, Clerk Present. No attorney present. Mayor Doug Holley present. Kevin Jensen arrived during president’s comments.
President’s Comments: Doug met with Harold Martin today to discuss policing and told him that his main objective is to get an intergovernmental agreement. Also, discussed the sale of Norm’s bar and elaborated on what an ORI number is, and explained that the Village needs to get one since the number was abolished when the police department disbanded. Kevin Jensen arrived at this time. Doug has also tried to get a hold of Bill Scheidecker but has not been able to do so yet. Doug stated he will put junk day on next month’s agenda and he will try to get pricing before then.
Trustee’s Comments: Bev stated that Harold Martin said it might be difficult to get help because the sheriffs are now on 12-hour shifts and after they come off of multiple shifts it is hard to get them to volunteer for the overtime. More discussion on this topic. Doug stated that if we had police and they weren’t here one day it would revert back to LaSalle/Kendall. Bev discussed the procedure for filing complaints against people in town in the case of scooters, etc. Doug stated that the suggested rate right now is $60/hr. and may or may not include use of the squad car. Jordan stated the boat launch needs work, particularly gravel. Discussion about garbage by the river.
Citizen’s Comments: Rick Trevino introduced himself as the next potential owner of the Last Chance. Gave his resume and explained his plan. Jordan mentioned that Norm and Mandi came to the Board if they need to close the streets. Terry stated that there were comments made about him at the last meeting regarding changing the password on the cameras. He asked if there was going to be a retraction because the comments are not true. Terry stated that he gave Bev what he had and that it needed to be fixed after he was no longer on the Board and he doesn’t have the password. Terry stated that if anyone had come to him in the last year he would have given him the information that he had. Brad, Pat, Bev stated that they don’t have the password. Terry asked to have it taken out of the minutes. Kevin made a motion to retract, “It was stated the Terry knows the password and changed it and has not given it to the Village.” Pat seconded, motion carried unanimously. Several Board members apologized. More discussion on this topic. Doug stated that he has had lies said about him before, too. Scott Smith said that the Village of Millington sign on the other side of the river is down.
Minutes for February 2018 Meeting: Kevin made a motion to accept the February minutes with the retraction noted above. Pat seconded, motion carried unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report: Read by Sandy. Net income for the month of February was $4633.42. Year to date net income is $11,093.67. Checking has $89,367.85. Savings has $35,873.44 including $5000 donation. Playground fund has $24,241.43. Motor fuel has $24,241.43. Brad made a motion to accept the February treasurer’s report. Yvonne seconded, motion carried unanimously.
Bills to Pay:
Lenée Kissel 253.46
Ron Rithaler 122.36
S. White 152.95
Doug Holley 44.25
Ancel Glink 902.50
AT&T Internet 39.83
AT&T 275.77
Waste Management 53.30
Ameren IP 775.05
Illinois Department of Revenue 51.14
Department of Treasury 161.68
Total Bills From General Checking $2,832.31
Jordan asked what Ron’s bill was. Sandy said it is his monthly plus inspections. Kevin asked for clarification on Ancel Glink bill. Sandy and Doug clarified the legal bill. Jordan made a motion to accept the bills. Brad Seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Police Report: Deputy Briars attended the meeting and read his report. He stated that they are asking the residents join the Illinois Sheriff’s Association and elaborated on that point. Kevin asked for clarification on the three calls the Deputy reported. They were to assist another agency, request to patrol and another he was unsure of but minor in nature.
Building Report: Doug stated that Ron is running low on inspection tickets. Doug asked Terry about this and Terry thinks he has information for him. Sandy stated that her computer needs repair. Given permission to have it looked at and see if it is worth fixing or if it needs to be replaced.
New Business:
• Belle Rive Lot 6 Loma Request/Ron Bauer-Ron handed out maps and explained the situation with this lot. He needs a letter signed by the Mayor that the Village is ok with stating that this is not in the floodway. Kevin asked about fill and Ron stated that they cannot put fill on the property. Doug has signed a letter that everything on the property is fine with regard to this Loma request.
• Seed and Blanket Along new Sidewalks Vine Street-we have to do this because we did not have the seed and grass completed when the work was done originally. The pricing from S&K is $2000, which will be $1000 from us and $1000 from Kendall County. Kevin made a motion to allow S&K to finish the seeding for the cost of $2000, half of which will be reimbursed by Kendall County. Pat seconded, motion carried unanimously. Kevin asked if we can get more funds or if anything is left. Kevin stated he would like to see sidewalk go from Vine to the Bridge.
• Resolution Appointing Beverly Casey Mayor Pro Tem-Doug explained. This would only be for his term. Kevin made a motion to pass Resolution 03-01-18, “A Resolution Appointing a Village President Pro Tem for the Village of Millington (Beverly Casey)- Pat seconded, motion carried. Jordan and Bev abstained.
Old Business:
• Discuss Attorney-Bev stated that she gave the information on the other possible attorneys last time. Jordan asked Doug if he asked Greg to adjust their pricing for meeting attendance. He has not. Brad stated that he would like to ask Greg if he could adjust the price, as they know our history. Kevin questioned the cost. Jordan stated that we are getting billed for doing work. Jordan spoke on behalf of keeping the current attorney. Jordan would like to see if they will adjust their pricing for meetings or perhaps send someone that comes from a closer location to save on travel time. Yvonne suggested that we should contact Ancel Glink to see if they can work with us. Jordan asked for clarification on the other attorneys. Bev clarified the travel time pricing that was offered by the other companies. Jordan reiterated that we should contact Ancel Glink first to see if they will work with us as a professional courtesy. Doug was directed to speak to them about this.
No further business discussed. Brad made a motion to adjourn, Bev seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Adjourned at 8:06 pm.