
Illinois Valley Times

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Village of McNabb Village Board met May 9.

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Village of McNabb Village Board met May 9.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The President and Board of Trustees met in regular session on May 9, 2018. Roll call was taken. Present were Village President Brandy Sandberg, Treasurer Dennis, Clerk Harrison, Trustees Edens, Haar, Vaskie and Wegrzyn. Absent were Trustees McNaughton and Trone.

The minutes of the April 11, 2018 meeting were approved as sent by Trustee Vaskie with a second by Trustee Edens, motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report - 04/30/2018

General Fund

FSB - Checking Account 3,049.48

FSB - Money Market 358,903.89

Total 361,953.37

Motor Fuel Tax Fund

FSB 28,807.59

Total 28,807.59

Sewer Fund

FSB 81,046.85

Total 81,046.85

Water Fund

FSB 16,589.93

Total 16,589.93

Baseball Fund

FSB 4,068.81

Total 4,068.81

Total Of All Funds $492,466.55

Trustee Haar made a motion to accept the 04/30/2018 financial report with a second from Trustee Vaskie. Motion carried.


Trustee Haar made a motion to pay bills as presented with a second from Wegrzyn, motion carried.

Trustee Haar made a motion to approve mileage for Pat Harrison, Clerk and Mike Dennis, Maintenance. Vaskie seconded, motion carried.


-Putnam County Community Center donation request, Edens made a motion to donate $100, Wegrzyn seconded, motion carried.

-NCICG - CDBG grant info

-Thank you from Special Olympics for donation


-Donna Forney - Emmaus Lutheran Church would like to donate time to clean up the park thru a program called “Gods Work - Our Hands”. Board suggested the end of August before the Car show and Puma Classic.

-Leo McCuley thanked the board for getting the recycling carts removed from the United Methodist Church and marking the water line.

Zoning And Planning

-No report

Water And Maintenance

-Bill from Complete Integration is being held until the control panel project at the pump house is completed.

-Tank behind pump house as been cleaned

-Fire hydrants have been flushed


-North and South lift stations laterals have been cleaned


-Mike Richetta, Chamlin Engineering presented the 2018 Street Maintenance program bid opening results to the board. Pavement Maintenance from Henry was the only bidder with a bid of $43,276.11. Deadline for completion is 7/31/2018.

Haar made a motion to accept this bid with a second from Wegrzyn. Motion carried.


-Officer Nimee has been busy with ordinance violations and traffic stops.


-Sandberg informed the board that a Bi-County softball team will be using the baseball diamond for practices. Keys have been given to the coaches for bathrooms and storage.

New Business

-A 4th Street resident inquired about whose responsibility it was for a crushed culvert at the end of his driveway. Will be contacted to inform his that it is homeowners responsibility.

-Treasurer Dennis informed the board that she is having hardware issues with her computer.

Will report back to the board with prices next month for the budget.

-No action was taken on the Meeting attendance ordinance. Sandberg would appreciate a notice from board member it they are unable to attend.

-Sandberg was contacted by Sheriff Doyle with an agreement between the Village and the County. This agreement would require the Village to pay extra yearly for dispatching fees.

No yearly cost was included in the agreement.

Sandberg will have Attorney Churney review this agreement.

-Sandberg will purchase flowers for the Main Street flower pots.

Old Business

-Gravel will be placed on the NW corner of Paul/10th Streets by Brandon Keller

-Keller will work on digging ditch on Railroad Street next week.

The Board moved into Executive Session at 7:15 p.m. Closed executive session at 7:28 p.m.

There was no further business. The next meeting will be held on June 13, 2018. Trustee Edens made a motion to adjourn the meeting with a second coming from Trustee Haar.

Meeting was adjourned.
