
Illinois Valley Times

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Coal City Community Unit School District 1 Board met March 7.

Webp meeting808

Coal City Community Unit School District 1 Board met March 7.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Roll Call:

President Ken Miller called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. in the Coal City Community Unit School District #1 District Office Board Room. In attendance were Board members Robert Bianchetta, Mary Gill, Shawn Hamilton, Quint Harmon, Chuck Lander and Ken Miller. Board member Jeff Emerson was not in attendance. Superintendent Kent Bugg, CSBO Jason Smith, Director of Curriculum and Instruction Tammy Elledge, Director of Special Populations Sandy Rakes, Board Secretary Karen Vota, Michelle Painter, Dave Sinkular, Rachel Prendergast and member of the press Ann Gill were also in attendance.

Pledge Of Allegiance:

President Miller led the Board of Education and others present in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.

President Miller welcomed those in attendance. President Miller stated that before the meeting would get started with Notices and Communications, a motion would be needed to amend the agenda as follows:

Under Approval of Consent Agenda, Item 3, the next to last item should read “Adoption of a Resolution Re: Licensed Employees Authorizing Notice of Decision Not to Reemploy.” We also need to remove that item from the Consent Agenda and will take it up under Item 9, Action As A Result of Closed Session.

Under Old Business, Item 6.F., the amount of the General Obligation Refunding Bonds should read “not to exceed $9,900,000” and not $12,000,000.

Under Closed Session, Item 9, the purpose of the Closed Session is “To discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body as authorized by 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1) and pending, probable, or imminent litigation as authorized by 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11).”

Under Action As A Result of Closed Session, Item 9, we need “Adoption of a Resolution Re: Licensed Employees Authorizing Notice of Decision Not to Reemploy.”

Mr. Harmon moved and Mr. Lander seconded to approve the changes to the agenda as listed.

Roll Call:

Ayes: Quint Harmon, Chuck Lander, Robert Bianchetta, Mary Gill, Shawn Hamilton, Ken Miller


Motion Carried.

Notices And Communications:

1. Intermediate School Principal Tracy Carlson recognized six students for being published poets in the anthology “A Celebration of Young Poets”. Lexi Ragland, Aidan Kenney, Evan Greggain, Miley Smith, Austin Harding, and Devin Dearth were in attendance to read their poems. There were thousands of entries in the contest from Illinois and Indiana, and most students were not invited to be published.

2. High School wrestling state qualifiers Alex Friddle, Dan Jezik, Connor Huston and Ryan Wasliewski, were recognized by the Board. Head Coach Mark Masters reviewed highlights of the matches that ended with Alex Friddle and Dan Jezik earning second place medals and Connor Huston finishing 6th place in the individual state competition. The team was also recognized for their recent 3rd place finish at the team state competition. The Board also recognized the efforts of Coach Mark Masters, Jim Looper and parent volunteers for the program.

3. High School speech state qualifiers Sonia Minnick, Lauren Phillips and Brenna Kelly were recognized for their accomplishments by the Board. The Board also recognized the efforts of Coach Dave Sinkular, Ben Bare and Kara Erb.

President Miller made the following public comment statement: All public school board meetings include an opportunity for comments from the public. Visitors wishing to address the Board will be recognized by the School Board President. Pursuant to Section 2 (c) of the Open Meetings Act, no discussion of individual students or personnel matters is permitted in open session. If you have a concern regarding an individual student or a personnel issue, you will be given time to address the Board in closed session. In accordance with Board Policy 2:230, public comments are limited to 5 minutes. Additional time may only be granted by the School Board President. After being recognized by the School Board President, visitors addressing the Board should state their full name and address because all District #1 School Board meetings are broadcast live via the internet for the community.

Communications From The Floor:

1. In regard to agenda items - none

2. In general (Limited to 5 minutes per person.) – none.

Approval Of Consent Agenda:

President Miller asked if there were any other items that the Board wanted to remove from the consent agenda, hearing none, considers the motion carried.

Mr. Bianchetta moved and Mr. Lander seconded to approve the consent agenda including the minutes and closed session minutes from the regular meeting of February 7, the Board Study Session of the Whole of February 28, the January Activity Fund Reports; January Treasurer’s Report, the February Monthly Manual Checks report; the February Payrolls, the March Accounts Payable, personnel items including approval of resignations, employment, employee transfers, extra-curricular assignments, administrative contracts, and to approve the following building usage request:

Group; Building; Ins.; Date:

The Cavaliers; MS & HS; Yes; 6/30/2018

Coal City Junior Women’s Club; IS; Yes; 3/10/18

Roll Call.

Ayes: Robert Bianchetta, Chuck Lander, Mary Gill, Shawn Hamilton, Quint Harmon, Ken Miller


Motion Carried.

Administrators' Reports

A. Early Childhood Center Report

Principal Spencer Reported:

Calendar of Events:

March 2 Admin/Department Leaders Meeting 7:00am

March 2 Shelter In Place Drill

March 5 No School

March 7 Evacuation Drill

March 13 PSO Meeting

March 14 Early Dismissal

March 15 Free Health Screenings

March 15 First Grade Music Concert 6:30pm @ CCHS

March 23 Go to see IS Musical

March 24-April 2 Spring Break


Bus Misconduct 7

Inappropriate Physical Contact 2

Other-Pulling Pants Down 2

Other-Spitting 1

Other-Paper Clip as Weapon 1

Month in Review/Pupil Personnel:

February 2 Hot Chocolate Super Ticket Celebration

February 8 Kindergarten Concert

February 11 Fine Arts Festival

February 13 PSO Meeting 6:30 @ IS (Canceled)

February 15 Early Dismissal P/T Conferences

February 16 No Student Attendance-Professional Development

February 19 No School

February 20 BLT Meetings

February 22 Family Wellness Night

**Congratulations to Mrs. Kodat and the Kindergarten students on a job well done with the Kindergarten Concert!

**ECC Enrollment:

Total number of Students: 448

PreK: 132

Kindergarten: 152

1st Grade: 164

B. Elementary School Report

Principal Spencer reported:

Calendar of Events:

March 2 Admin/Department Leaders Meeting 7:00am

March 2 Shelter In Place Drill

March 5 No School

March 7 Evacuation Drill

March 13 PSO Meeting

March 14 Early Dismissal

March 15 Free Health Screenings

March 23 Go to see IS Musical

March 24-April 2 Spring Break


Bus Misconduct 3

Inappropriate Physical Contact 9

Month in Review/Pupil Personnel:

February 11 Fine Arts Festival

February 13 PSO Meeting 6:30 @ IS (Canceled)

February 14 PBS Celebration (Winter Olympic Games)

February 15 Early Dismissal P/T Conferences

February 16 No Student Attendance-Professional Development

February 19 No School

February 22 BLT Meetings

February 22 Family Wellness Night

ES Enrollment:

2nd Grade: 158

3rd Grade:158

Total number of Students: 316

C. Intermediate School Report

Principal Carlson reported:

Calendar of Upcoming Events:

2/26 – Specials Team Meeting 3:10

2/27 – TALC 3:10

2/28 – Primary Colors Day

2/28 – 5th Grade Team Meeting 3:10

2/28 – Family Reading Night at the ECC 6:00-7:30 p.m.

3/1 – LLT at Public Library Annex 8:00-11:00 a.m.

3/1 – Fire Drill 12:10

3/2 – Dr. Seuss Day ~ Read Across America Day

3/5 – No School ~ Pulaski Day

3/6-3/9 – National School Breakfast Week

3/6 – PBS Meeting 3:10

3/7 – Student Council Meeting 7:30 a.m.

3/7 – 4th Grade Team Meeting 3:10

3/8 – A Team 2:00

3/9 – National Day of Unplugging

3/10 – Jr. Women’s Club Easter Egg Scramble 3:00-5:00 at CCIS

3/13 – TALC 3:10

3/14 – Pi Day

3/14 – SpEd Team Meeting 7:30 a.m.

3/14 – 5th Grade Music Practice at HS 8:15-10:45 a.m.

3/14 – 11:35 Dismissal

3/14 – 5th Grade Music Concert 7:00 p.m.

3/16 – Decades Day

3/18 – CCIS Bean Bag Tournament 1:00-4:00

3/19 – Specials Team Meeting 3:10

3/20 – PBS Meeting 3:10

3/20 – Youth Art Night at CCPL 5:00-6:30 p.m.

3/21 – Student Council Meeting 7:30 a.m.

3/21 – 5th Grade Team Meeting 3:10

3/22 – CCIS Musical Beauty and the Beast, Jr. at HS

3/23 – Hawaiian Day

3/24-4/2 – Spring Break

Current Enrollment:

4th Grade 162

5th Grade 135

Total 297

We also have four additional 5th grade students and one additional 4th grade student enrolled in other special education programs outside of CCIS.

Emergency/Crisis Drills Completed:

Evacuation 8/24/17; 10/23/17 Rained Out; 10/26/17

Shelter-in-Place/Storm 8/22/17; 11/1/17; 2/1/18

Lockdown/Armed Intruder 8/23/17; 12/12/17

Bus Safety/Evacuation 9/18/17

Student Discipline in Previous Month:

Bus Slips 1

Defiant 1

Disruptive in Class 2

Disrespectful to Staff 8

Disrespectful to Peers 3

Excessive Noise 4

Not Keeping Hands/Feet to Self 4

Running in Hallway 1


• We welcomed custodian Reilly Radomski to CCIS since Mike Muser resigned.

Previous Month in Review:

• We celebrated the 100th Day of School on January 30th. The students and staff wore “comfy clothes”, students brought their tech devices to read for 100 minutes, and student council sponsored a 100-Item Creation Contest. We had 40 entries in contest, which were on display in the cafeteria. Everyone who entered a creation was given a prize. The winners by student vote are listed below in the student recognition section.

• We practiced our third shelter-in-place/storm drill on February 1st.

• We had a Super Bowl themed staff potluck on February 1st.

• Our annual Daddy/Daughter Snowflake Ball was held on February 1st. One hundred eighteen girls attended the dance with their father or other family member. It was a very fun night full of dancing!

• CCIS held its annual Family/Community Bingo on February 3rd. The cafeteria was packed the first two hours. It was a fun Saturday!

• The 4th grade music concert was held in the Performing Arts Center on February 7th under the direction of Christina Duris, who has been subbing for Dr. Bennett since the beginning of the school year. The students did a wonderful job!

• Parent/Teacher Conferences were held from 4:00-8:00 on February 15th. Many teachers had the students run the conference for their parents. We had 52% of the parents attend.

• Our After-School Assistance Program (ASAP) currently includes 23 students – thirteen in 4th grade and ten in 5th grade. ASAP meets three days a week from 3:00-4:00 with Mrs. Cowherd and Mrs. Rink.

Student Recognition:

• The following students were the top 10 winners of the 100-Item Creation Contest based on our students’ votes: Mackenzie Messina, Kyle Cheever, Kaleb Reinert, Dane Noffsinger, Abby Kodat. Zander Meents, Dane Eaton, Allison Connell , D’Arcy Ness, Mick Kelly

• Fourth grader Cade Poyner was chosen as a finalist for the Economics and Financial Literacy Concepts Poster Contest. There were more than 800 posters from 25 different classrooms in 19 different schools. Cade is invited to attend a reception to accept his award in May at the University of St. Francis.

• The following students were selected to be published in an anthology called “A Celebration of Young Poets”: Lexi Ragland, Aidan Kenney, Evan Greggain, Miley Smith, Austin Harding, Shannon Dempsey, and Devin Dearth. There were thousands of entries in the contest from Illinois and Indiana, and most students were not invited to be published.

• Congratulations to the Fine Arts Festival Ribbon Winners: 5th Grade Best in Show: Melody Kinder-Monochromatic Scene, Tessellations: 1st: Millie Bell, 2nd: Julian Read, 3rd: Logan Hausman, 4th: Brooke Mueller 1pt. Perspective Cityscape: 1st: Aylie Castle, 2nd: Grady Gillan, 3rd: Calleigh VandeWerken, 4th: Cole Stover Monochromatic Scene: 1st: Madi Petersen, 2nd: Kara Huddlestun, 3rd: Azira Eilertson, 4th: Bella White Sugar Skulls: 1st: Bailee Greene, 2nd: Emily Bergmark, 3rd: Molly Ramsden, 4th: Sebastian Middleton Zentangle Names: 1st: Fianna Gregory, 2nd: Wyleigh Serena, 3rd: Evan Lavasseur, 4th: Zander Meents Claes Oldenburg Food Sculpture: 1st: Peyton Gibson, 2nd: Mayson Wantroba, 3rd: Alexa Wiltz, 4th: Lilly Feisley 4th Grade Best In Show: Bridget Feeney- Radial Print, Eclipse: 1st: Lance Perino, 2nd: Gaven Vestal, 3rd: Addison Harvey, 4th: Miley Smith Color Wheel Eye: 1st: Aubrey Grunwald, 2nd: Naya Clark, 3rd: Christian Wren, 4th: Kyndra Cox Radial Print: 1st: Winter Wills, 2nd: Gavin Van Duyne, 3rd: Liam Seeley, 4th: Ethan Olson Pinch Pot Critter: 1st: Addison Ritchie, 2nd: Kyle Hansen, 3rd: Martin Ramierz, 4th: Lily McCants Complementary Critter (Fox): 1st: Jael Bailey, 2nd: Kat Huston, 3rd: Bella Byers, 4th: Abby Kodat Principal’s Choice Award: Rhaina Vanek- Pinch Pot Bird Bath

• Congratulations to following Students of the Week: Week of 1/29: Naomi Stoudt, Ayden Starr, Gavin Berger, and Lana Larsen; Week of 2/5: Michael O'Hare, Azira Eilertson, Bella Byers, and Devin DeMichele; Week of 2/12: Elliana Allen, Vince Mugnolo, Tyson Sample, and Abby Moore; Week of 2/20: Addison Hodgen, Bailee Greene, Hailey Ledesma, and Kaleb Reinert

Staff Recognition:

• Our Daddy/Daughter Dance would not be possible without the support of CCIS staff members: Ali Scrogham, Carol Talty, Sandy Davis, Betsy Stahler, Tanya Miller, Jenn Rink, Brad Boresi, Danielle Meyer, Nikki Boresi, Jenn Ness, Amy Gaffigan, Neil Nicholson and Andy Leve.

• Thank you Betsy Cowherd for helping at CCIS Bingo.

• I want to recognize the following staff members, who received the weekly CCIS Kudos:

- Mrs. Rink for planning science and social studies for her team

- Miss Mary for helping with the dance decorations

- Mrs. Scrogham for always having a great attitude

D. Middle School Report

Principal Johnson reported:

Calendar of Events:

February 28 IVC Spelling Bee – 4:00pm – Dwight Grade School

Family Reading Night – 6:00pm – ECC

Board Study Session – 6:00pm – Unit Office

March 1 LLT – 8:00am

8th Grade Celebration Dance Meeting – 5:30pm

March 5 No School – Pulaski BDay

March 7 Board Meeting – 6:00pm – Unit Office

March 13 End of 3rd Quarter

March 14 8th Grade Gown Measurement Day

12:00pm Early Dismissal – Staff Development Day

March 16 CCMS Spring Dance

March 20 Youth Art Night @ CCPL – 5:00-6:30pm

Mar. 25-April 2 No School – Spring Break

Ccms Discipline Report:

As of end of 2/23

Month 1/29-2/23 Year to Date

0 Out-of –school suspensions 2

3 In-school-suspension 12

2 Bus suspensions 2

8 Behavior-related detentions 70

Month in Review:

• Coal City Schools held a Staff Development Day on February 16 at Coal City High School. The majority of the staff development time was spent on attending a Dyslexia Training and CCMS staff also participated in CPR Training, Smart Board Training and Department Meetings to discuss district curriculum and assessments. Teachers also began planning for 2018 Summer work as well as 2018-19 planning.

• CCMS students observed Presidents Day on February 19.

Principal’s Award: Shaela O’Keefe Van Gogh’s Autumn Sky - 8th Grade

Best of Show: Anthony Powers: Building Hobbies (wire sculpture) - 7th Grade

Best of Show: Ariam Delgado Vargas: The Beauty of Mexico (colored pencil culture name tile) - 6th Grade

Best of Show: Alexandra Greisen: Friendship Pot (ceramic coil pot)

• CCMS 8th Graders are beginning preparation for their transition to becoming Freshmen at CCHS. CCHS hosted the annual 8th Grade Parent Night on February 21. Mr. Hamann and the Counselors created a new format for the students and parents. The new format included building tours, curriculum, clubs and organizations booths and a parent meeting. We had approximately 130 8th graders and their families participate in the night. A very productive night for everyone involved.

• The District hosted their Annual Family Wellness Night on February 22. Thanks to CCMS PE Teacher Rodney Monbrum for chairing and helping organize this event.

E. High School Report

Principal Hamann reported:

Calendar of Events:

Feb. 26 Spring Sports Start

March 3 IHSA Solo & Ensemble contest

March 5 No School (Casimir Pulaski day)

March 8-11 H.S. Musical (Les Miserables)

March 12 Varsity Club Speaker (Kirsten Verdun)

March 13 Sport Picture Day

March 13 NHS Inductions 7 p.m.

March 14 Early Dismissal

March 17 Winterguard Competition (host)

March 24 April 1 Spring Break

March 23 & 24 FBLA State Competition


• February Students of the Month: Austin Berglund, Lexi Clake, Julie Appleton, Wyatt DeMarse, Gavyn Williams, Emily Powers, Kade McKinney, and Natalie Teague January Students of the Month: Abigail Charles, Charlize Morris, Lainy Pierce, Miranda Ramirez, Jace Haas, Nicole Neuman, Emily Root, Katelyn Guthrie and Maddie Tucker

• Nick Berta was recognized Monday, February 12th in Morris as Coal City High School’s DAR rep.

• Bridgett Kauzlaric advanced to the Sectional Level of the three-point shooting contest.

• The following are our CCHS Band students who on Monday, February 26th at Westmont, will be participating in the I-8 Honor Band Festival: Matt Misewicz, Caitlyn Painter, Brenna Kelly, Sonja Minnick, Sarah Moore, Nathan Fisher, Kelly Olha, Luke Cairns, Cody Rogers, Anthony Baudino, Levi Counterman, Dominic Curtis, Tori Miller

• Sophomore students who will be representing Coal City High School in a couple of leadership conferences are: Aspen Johnson – Illinois Leadership Seminar and Cody Rogers – HOBY.

• The Coaler Speech team competed in the Sectional tournament at Washington High School. The team had three students make it to advance to the State Tournament. Those advancing were Lauren Phillips, Brenna Kelly and Sonja Minnick. Congratulations to all the speech participants and coaches on a great year.

• Wrestling Team sent four individuals to state. The four individuals who advanced were Alex Friddle, Dan Jezik, Connor Huston and Ryan Wasliewski. Coming away with All-State status were Friddle and Jezik getting Second Place and Huston finished in Sixth Place.

• Competitive Cheerleaders did a great job at Sectionals but fell just short of moving on to State.

• The Coaler Poms placed first at the Hononegah IDTA Regional Contest. This qualified them to advance to state where they did not place.

• January Director Award Winners at GAVC: Darlynn Best in Computer Graphics & Multimedia Design, Emily Frick in Early Childhood.

• The Math team participate in the Wilmington tournament and finished in First Place and then took Third Place in the I-8 Tournament.

• Nick Berta and Bridgett Kauzlaric were the two seniors selected to represent Coal City High School at the IPA Three Rivers Region recognition breakfast. Mrs. Kenney will be accompanying the students.

• Varsity Scholastic Bowl won the Class 2A Masonic Academic Bowl Tournament. The team went 7 – 0 and will advance to the State Masonic Academic Bowl held in Bloomington on March 3rd.

• The JV Scholastic Bowl team took First Place at the I-8 Conference Tournament. They currently have a 18-2 record this year.

Month in Review:

• On February 21 we held our new version of 8th Grade Parent/Student Night. It was a huge success as we offered up tours and the ability to talk to a variety of clubs and organizations as well as with a counselor or department representative. Mrs. Dransfeldt and Mr. Kiper also held half hour information sessions with all the parents and students. A big thank you to all the students and staff who made this event possible and especially Mrs. Dransfeldt and Mr. Kiper.

• Guidance had all our current high school kids registered by the end of January and they also helped Mrs. Painter at the Middle School finish up her students.

Current Enrollment Figures as of February 23, 2018-

9th Grade 172

10th Grade 170

11th Grade 167

12th Grade 166

Total 675

Discipline Report For February 2018-

Disrespect 2

Truancy 4

Vandalism 2

Lunch room misconduct 3

Vaping 1

AUP Violation 1

Fighting 1

Total 14

F. Special Populations Report

Director Rakes reported:

Special Education-

• The first round of interviews was held on March 1, 2018. This round was all internal candidates. I anticipate some internal movement.

• We are still awaiting the results of our recent Medicaid audit. This audit focused on transportation.

• Annual Reviews are underway at the ECC, ES and IS.


• There are only special education spots open in the preschool program. I anticipate them being filled by the end of March or early April.

• We are still waiting for news on the Preschool for All grant.


• The Access assessment has been administered to all ELL eligible students. We should receive the results by the end of summer.

G. Curriculum Report

Director Elledge reported:

Professional Development:

• March professional development will focus on data analysis and curriculum revisions, mathematics interventions at the middle school and other department goals.

Standardized Testing:

• We received the 2017 science results from the Illinois Science Assessment. As part of NCLB and now ESSA our students are tested in science in grades 5, 8 and high school biology. Our results were as follows:

5th Grade; 8th Grade; HS Biology:

Local % of students meeting: State % of students meeting; Local % of students meeting: State % of students meeting; Local % of students meeting: State % of students meeting:

87.3: 54.1; 53.3: 58.9; 52.2: 40.2

Department News:

• The Spanish department is in the adoption cycle for new resources for 2018-2019. Department leader Tyler Castle is leading that process. Michelle Painter has also requested to put materials for social and emotional materials into the adoption cycle for next year.


• Facebook continues to be a vital component of communication with our community. We recently reached over 2000 followers on our page. Traffic continues to increase with the postings, shares and personal messages.

H. Superintendent’s Report

Dr. Bugg reported:

1. Christopher Mehochko, Regional Superintendent, recently inspected district buildings. All buildings were in compliance and Mr. Mehochko complimented staff for the exceptional condition of each facility. Mr. Mehochko stated in his letter that the Board of Education and district citizens can be proud of the educational setting provided.

2. Dr. Bugg attended a meeting today at Joliet Junior College regarding the issue of Dual Credit. The college may begin charging students per credit hour for the issue of dual credit from the college. Dr. Bugg will attend a meeting next week along with High School Principal Mitch Hamann to voice their concern regarding the new charges. Dr. Bugg will provide an update.

3. Enclosure: Monthly student enrollment figures

Dates To Remember:

March 5 Casimir Pulaski Day – No School

March 13 End of third quarter classes at MS

March 14 Early Dismissal

March 28 Board Study Session

March 24-April 2 Spring Break

I. Special Education Cooperative Report

Mr. Harmon reported:

1. Director Sanburg presented the 2016-2017 school year mandated categorical prorations that will be vouchered this fiscal year.

• Special Education Private Facility – 90% (-6%)

• Special Education Transportation – 91% (Even)

• Regular/Vocational Transportation – 84% (+13%)

2016-2017 school year programs reimbursed in FY17:

• Special Education Orphanage – 100% (Even)

• Regular Orphanage – 100% (Even)

• Illinois Free Lunch/Breakfast – 22%

2. The 12th Annual Camp Math/Camp Read Programs are scheduled for July 9th through July 27th. Camps will again be open to non-IEP students who currently participate in district RTI programming. Camp Read will be held July 9th through July 20th from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., while Camp Math will run July 23rd through July 27th from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Camp Read and Camp Math will be located in River’s Edge Academy, as well as Shabbona Building classrooms. The theme for the camps this year is “Boot Camp." Additional questions may be directed to the Camp Director, Stephanie Benson, at sbenson@grundyspecialed.org.

3. Director Sanburg reported on a meeting held with Sandy Rakes and Dr. Bugg to discuss the transition following the Coal City withdrawal from the Joint Agreement. Although a smooth transition process is anticipated, preliminary estimates indicate that the cooperative will see a reduction of approximately $520,000 in offsetting revenue due to the withdrawal. Coal City would like to contract Hearing Impaired and Vision Impaired Itinerate services through the cooperative for FY18. Coal City Elementary School will continue to house cooperative programs in three classrooms. Additionally, the Joint Agreement will need to be modified in order to address a change in Executive Board leadership.

4. Approved the Consent Agenda.

J. Grundy Area Vocational Center Report

Mr. Lander reported:

1. The current GAVC student enrollment projection for 2018-2019 is 724 students, which is up from the 599 students currently enrolled. Director Copes reminded the Board that GAVC has never had an enrollment over 600 students. Coal City High School's projected enrollment is 147.

2. On May 2nd, GAVC will host its third honors night beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the Morris High School Auditorium.

3. GAVC will once again be partnering with the Morris Community YMCA to offer a variety of summer camps to be housed at GAVC.

4. Director Copes presented the schedule for the annual cooperative paper order.

5. Approved posting the Engineering/Technology Instructor position, which is a new GAVC program for 2018-2019.

6. Approved the FY19 school calendar as presented.

7. Approved entering into an agreement with Ayers Electric to replace all three shop lighting systems at a cost of $24,120.

K. Athletic Director Report

Athletic Director Dan Hutchings reported:

February Athletic Report-

February 3 IHSA Individual Wrestling Regional Host

February 24 IESA Wrestling Regional Host

February 26 IHSA Spring Sports start Practice

February 26 IHSA Girls Basketball Super-Sectional Host

7:00pm Peoria Richwoods vs. Kankakee Sr.

High School-

Girls Basketball Season ended in the Regional against Pontiac

Overall record (12-18)

I-8 Record (6-5)


Connor Huston 6th Place 113lb

Jr. Alex Friddle 2nd Place 120lb

So. Daniel Jezik 2nd Place 160lb

So. Ryan Wasielewski State Qualifier 145lb

So. TJ Jezik State Qualifier 152lb

2017-18 Wrestling Team Qualified for the IHSA State Dual Tournament

Placed 3rd at State Tournament

Middle School-

7th Grade Volleyball - IVC Champs (15-6)

8th Grade Volleyball - IVC Runner-up (16-6)

Communications From The Floor:

1. In regard to agenda items – none.

2. In general (Limited to 5 minutes per person.) – none.

Old Business:

A. Discussion/Action On Hazardous Bus Route Declaration

The State Board of Education requires that school boards annually review the conditions of the hazardous bus areas and certify to the state whether or not the hazardous conditions remain unchanged. As discussed at the February Board Study Session, certain areas north and east of Broadway have had sidewalks added and no longer qualify as hazardous, which will make students in that area ineligible for bus service. The school district will be sending notification letters to parents whose students have been eligible for bus service in the past, but will no longer be eligible next school year.

All other areas that have been designated as hazardous will remain unchanged for the 2018-2019 school year.

Ms. Gill moved and Mr. Harmon seconded to approve the status of the existing Hazardous Busing Areas as presented and submit the certification to the State Board of Education and the Illinois Department of Transportation.

Roll Call.

Ayes: Mary Gill, Quint Harmon, Robert Bianchetta, Shawn Hamilton, Chuck Lander, Ken Miller


Motion Carried.

B. Discussion/Action On Registration, Cafeteria, Athletic, Camp, And Misc. Fees For 2018-2019

At the February 28 Board Study Session, the board reviewed current student fees. The Registration Fee for next year will remain the same: Pre-K: $25; Grades K-3: 40; Grades 4-5: $45; Grades 6-8: $55; Grades 9-12: $60. Athletic event charges at the Middle School and High School will remain the same as they align with what I-8 and IVC conference schools charge for their home events. Camp fees and adult class fees, as well as, summer school fees for 2018-2019 will remain unchanged. The Board reviewed summer school data in order to make sure that the fee charged is appropriate. They will consider a change in the summer school fee for 2019-2020.

As mandated by the state of Illinois, cafeteria fees will be raised by twenty (20) cents per lunch. Lunches for students in grades K-3 will be $2.70, for grades 4-8 will be $2.85 and for grades 9-12 will be $3.10. Adult lunches will cost $3.60. K-5 Breakfast meals will cost $1.40 each which is an increase of five (5) cents.

The fee charged for non-eligible bus students to ride the bus will remain at $600 per student for the year and the Driver’s Education Fee will remain at $100.

Mr. Lander moved and Mr. Bianchetta seconded to approve the registration, cafeteria, athletic, camp and miscellaneous fees for the 2018-2019 school year as presented.

Roll Call.

Ayes: Chuck Lander, Robert Bianchetta, Mary Gill, Shawn Hamilton, Quint Harmon, Ken Miller


Motion Carried.

C. Discussion/Action On Bid Award For Transportation Services

The current transportation contract with Illinois Central School Bus expires at the end of this fiscal year. As a result, the Board of Education made the decision to once again seek competitive bids for this service. The District #1 administration in collaboration with the Board of Education’s Transportation Committee developed the bid specifications that were made public. Bids for a three- year Transportation Service contract were opened on Tuesday, February 20, 2018 at 2 p.m. A legal notice was published in the Coal City Courant on January 24, 2018, bid information was available on the district website and known companies were contacted.

Two (2) companies submitted bids: First Student and Illinois Central School Bus. Positive Connections declined to submit a bid for services. After critically reviewing both bids, the Board of Education’s Transportation Committee recommended that the Board accept the bid of Illinois Central School Bus. A final contract will be approved at the April Board meeting.

The Transportation Committee also made other recommendations to the Board regarding transportation services.

1. They asked that the Board investigate placing cameras on each bus route.

2. The also asked that the Board investigate GPS software that could be used by parents and school district officials to provide the exact location of busses.

3. For many years, the Board has offered alternate bus stops to students in addition to their normal bus stop. Many years ago, the Board allowed an unlimited number of alternate stops, but due to cost and safety concerns, the number of alternate stops was limited in recent years. The Transportation Committee is recommending further limiting of multiple stops to one stop in the morning and a different stop in the afternoon. The District currently has 262 students with multiple stops, which means we have 262 extra seats being rostered on our current routes. Also, at a time when we are all concerned about student safety, the Committee is worried about the liability that could be caused by accidentally placing a student on an incorrect bus.

Limiting multiple stops in this way not only allows our transportation services to run more efficiently, but also enhances student safety.

4. Now that the Village of Coal City has added sidewalks on the east side of the Elementary School, that area no longer meets IDOT guidelines for hazardous routing. As a result, students living in this area will no longer be eligible for bus service to the Elementary School, Intermediate School, or High School. Students impacted by this change will be receiving a letter from the school district.

5. The Committee also recommended that the school district lease two white activity busses. Currently, the District has access to one activity bus that is the property of Illinois Central School Bus, and the District is charged a per mile fee for use. After analyzing current costs, it was determined that the District could lease two activity busses for the same cost we were currently paying Illinois Central for the use of their one activity bus. The administration also believes that two activity busses will allow a savings on charter bus costs throughout the school year.

Mr. Harmon moved and Mr. Bianchetta seconded to accept the lowest responsible bid from Illinois Central School Bus for Specification No. 1A (firm bid), to provide transportation services from July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2021with a base bid amount of $1,890,186 for fiscal year 2018-2019, and to reject all other bid specifications.

Roll Call.

Ayes: Quint Harmon, Robert Bianchetta, Mary Gill, Shawn Hamilton, Chuck Lander, Ken Miller


Motion Carried.

D. Discussion On Strategic Plan Update

Dr. Bugg updated the Board on the progress that has been made towards completing the following Strategic Goal:

Unit #1 Community – Continue to expand auditorium offerings. Dr. Bugg reviewed the additional programing that has been added this year and will continue to work with Director Jack Micetich to come up with potential dates for future events.

Unit #1 Community – Maximize the effectiveness and efficiency of District communications – report on website and application development. Jason Smith and Tammy Elledge have been working on the website transition to the new Edlio platform. The new site will be 100% mobile ready and ADA compliant. The community will also have the option to use an App to interact with the district. The targeted launch date will be spring. Training for administrators and teachers will be held in late spring. Jason Smith will send Board members a link to the updated website so that they can review and provide feedback.

E. Discussion/Action On Authorization To Go Out For Bids For Architectural Services

One of the Board's Strategic Planning goals for this year is to review relevant professional services. The Board has decided to explore options for future architectural services.

Mr. Lander moved and Mr. Bianchetta seconded to authorize administration to go out for bids for architectural services for the 2018-2019 school year.

Roll Call.

Ayes: Chuck Lander, Robert Bianchetta, Mary Gill, Shawn Hamilton, Quint Harmon, Ken Miller


Motion Carried.

F. Discussion/Action On Bond Refinance Resolution

• Resolution providing for the issue of not to exceed $9,900,000 General Obligation Refunding School Bonds, Series 2018, of Community Unit School District Number 1, Grundy and Will Counties, Illinois, for the purpose of refunding certain outstanding bonds of said School District, providing for the levy of a direct annual tax sufficient to pay the principal and interest on said bonds, and authorizing the execution of a Bond Purchase Agreement with Raymond James & Associates Inc. in connection with the proposed sale of said bonds.

At the February 28 Board meeting, Elizabeth Hennessey, a representative from the district’s bonding company Raymond James was in attendance to discuss the potential restructuring of the school district's current bond debt. Raymond James has been retained by the Board to serve as their advisor in such issues. The Board is investigating a potential restructuring of current bond debt in an attempt to both shorten the bond repayment period to save interest costs and to take advantage of lower interest rates. Three different restructuring models were presented for Board consideration. In order to execute the refund, it is necessary to adopt the bond refinance resolution.

Mr. Harmon moved and Mr. Hamilton seconded to adopt the Resolution providing for the issue of not to exceed $9,900,000 General Obligation Refunding School Bonds, Series 2018, of Community Unit School District Number 1, Grundy and Will Counties, Illinois for the purpose of refunding certain outstanding bonds of said School District, providing for the levy of a direct annual tax sufficient to pay the principal and interest on said bonds, and authorizing the execution of a Bond Purchase Agreement with Raymond James & Associates Inc. in connection with the proposed sale of said bonds, as presented and to waive the reading of the resolution.

Roll Call.

Ayes: Quint Harmon, Shawn Hamilton, Robert Bianchetta, Mary Gill, Chuck Lander, Ken Miller


Motion Carried.

G. Final Reading Of Revised District Policies

The first reading of the revised district policies took place on January 10, 2018. Board members Robert Bianchetta and Chuck Lander met with Dr. Bugg to review the updates prior to the second reading on February 7, 2018. This was the final reading for the following revised district policies:

2:20-E Exhibit-Waiver and Modification Request Resource Guide

2:150-AP Administrative Procedure-Superintendent Committees

2:250-E2 Exhibit-Immediately Available District Public Records and Web-Posted Reports and Records

2:260 Uniform Grievance Procedure

4:10 Fiscal and Business Management

4:15 Identity Protection

4:80 Accounting and Audits

4:110 Transportation

4:110-AP2 Administrative Procedure-Bus Driver Communication Devices; Pre-Trip and Post-Trip Inspection; Bus Driving Comments

4:150 Facility Management and Building Programs

4:170 Safety

5:10 Equal Employment Opportunity and Minority Recruitment

5:20 Workplace Harassment Prohibited

5:90 Abused and Neglected Child Reporting

5:100 Staff Development Program

5:100-AP Administrative Procedure-Staff Development Program

5:200 Terms and Conditions of Employment and Dismissal

5:220 Substitute Teachers

5:220-AP Administrative Procedure-Substitute Teachers

5:240 Suspension

5:250 Leaves of Absence

5:290 Employment Termination and Suspensions

5:330 Sick Days, Vacation, Holiday, and Leaves

6:20 School Year Calendar and Day

6:50 School Wellness

6:60 Curriculum Content

6:140 Education of Homeless Children

6:140-AP Administrative Procedure-Education of Homeless Children

6:150 Home and Hospital Instruction

6:235-AP1, E1 Administrative Procedure-Exhibit-Student Authorization for Access to the District’s Electronic Networks

6:250-E Exhibit-Resource Person and Volunteer Information Form and Waiver of Liability

6:280 Grading and Promotion

6:300 Graduation Requirements

6:310 High School Credit for Non-District Experiences; Course Substitutions; Re-Entering Students

6:340 Student Testing and Assessment Program

7:10 Equal Educational Opportunities

7:10-AP Administrative Procedure-Accommodating Transgender Students or Gender Non-Conforming Students

7:10-AP2 Administrative Procedure-Accommodating Breastfeeding Students

7:15 Student and Family Privacy Rights

7:20 Harassment of Students Prohibited

7:60-AP2 Administrative Procedure-Establishing Student Residency

7:70 Attendance and Truancy

7:150 Agency and Police Interviews

7:180 Prevention of and Response to Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment

7:190 Student Behavior

7:250 Student Support Services

7:250-AP2 Administrative Procedure-Protocol for Responding to Students with Social, Emotional, or Mental Health Problems

7:260 Exemption from Physical Education

7:270 Administering Medicines to Students

7:270-AP1 Administrative Procedure-Dispensing Medication

Mr. Bianchetta moved and Mr. Hamilton seconded to approve the final draft of the revised District Policies as presented.

Roll Call.

Ayes: Robert Bianchetta, Shawn Hamilton, Mary Gill, Quint Harmon, Chuck Lander, Ken Miller


Motion Carried.

H. Discussion/Action On Agreement With Midwest Bus Sales For Lease Of Activity Bus

Administration did not receive the necessary paperwork to take action on the lease agreement and will consider this further at the April Board meeting.

New Business:

A. Discussion/Action On 2018 Graduation/Promotion Date

Principal Hamann has recommended that High School graduation be held in accordance with the published district calendar on Sunday, May 20, 2018 at 2:00 p.m.

Principal Johnson has recommended the following end of year calendar for the Middle School:

Thursday, May 24 8th grade class trip to Great America

Friday, May 25 8th grade Promotion at 7:00 p.m. in the HS gym

One emergency day was used on Friday, February 9. If no additional emergency days are used, the last day of school for students will be Tuesday, May 29 and a Teacher’s Institute Day will take place on Wednesday, May 30. The Board will take action in April to approve the end of the 2017-2018 school year.

Mr. Lander moved and Mr. Harmon seconded to approve the following end of year calendar dates:

Sunday, May 20, 2018 - High School Graduation at 2:00 p.m.

Thursday, May 24, 2018 - Eighth grade class trip to Great America

Friday, May 25, 2018 - Middle School Promotion at 7:00 p.m.

President Miller asked if there was any opposition to the motion, hearing none, considers the motion carried.

B. Discussion/Action On Continuing Disclosure Report

In order to sell bonds, the district had to enter into a written agreement or undertaking to make certain annual financial information about the issuer is publicly available for as long as any bonds remain outstanding. The contractual obligation by the district to make information available on an annual basis is referred to as “continuing disclosure,” and the written document the issuer signs is usually called the “Continuing Disclosure Undertaking”. The annual submission of the Continuing Disclosure Report has been completed by Raymond James & Associates. The report was reviewed by the Board.

Mr. Lander moved and Mr. Harmon seconded to approve the annual Continuing Disclosure Report completed by Raymond James & Associates as presented.

Roll Call.

Ayes: Chuck Lander, Quint Harmon, Robert Bianchetta, Mary Gill, Shawn Hamilton, Ken Miller


Motion Carried.

C. Discussion/Action On School Site Donation From The Village Of Coal City

A School Site Donation in the amount of $19,978.20 has been received from the Village of Coal City. A resolution was prepared for acceptance of the school site donation.

Ms. Gill moved and Mr. Bianchetta seconded to approve the resolution to accept the School Site Donation of $19,978.20 from the Village of Coal City and to waive the reading of the resolution.

Roll Call.

Ayes: Mary Gill, Robert Bianchetta, Shawn Hamilton, Quint Harmon, Chuck Lander, Ken Miller


Motion Carried.

D. Discussion/Action On Tuition Student

Out-of-District parents are requesting approval for their child to attend Coal City High School as a tuition student, beginning August 17, 2018. The tuition cost for the 2017-2018 school year is $12,962. The tuition cost for 2018-2019 will be determined by the state and will be adjusted accordingly.

Mr. Lander moved and Mr. Bianchetta seconded to approve the out-of-district request for a student to attend the Coal City High School on a tuition basis for the 2018-2019 school year as per the state guidelines. President Miller asked if there was any opposition to the motion, hearing none, considers the motion carried.

E. Discussion On School Safety

Dr. Bugg reviewed various issues related to school safety. Schools across the country are still reeling from the recent tragic act of violence in Parkland, Florida. Although our school district maintains a “Crisis Plan” that is reviewed annually in conjunction with local law enforcement, there is always room for critical reflection and review of current practices. The events of Sandy Hook in 2012 served as a catalyst for some important changes in our school district’s safety practices. It was after this that we instituted an expectation that all classroom doors remain locked from the outside at all times. We also started to require that all staff members wear identification badges, and required all visitors to the building to provide a drivers license for identification purposes. Furthermore, we installed a buzzer entry system at each of our schools. All of these changes to enhance school safety were positive additions to our school district. Similar changes are expected to come as a result of this current review of our school safety policies and procedures.

On Monday, February 26, a meeting with the administrative team was held to discuss various aspects of our school safety plans. We spent time discussing the importance of reinforcing our current practices, and talked about possible ways to improve our school safety plans. We discussed the importance of our plans including not just reactive ideas, but proactive suggestions as well. The team talked about the importance of morning, between classes, and after school faculty duty stations. We discussed the possibility of limiting entrances and exits before and after school. The current schedule of the School Resource Officer was brought up, as was the need to proactively identify students who are showing signs of mental stress and how we can intervene in a timely manner with such students. This brought the discussion to the role of our current student services staff, and the possible need for additional staff to proactively meet the needs of our students.

On Wednesday, February 28, Dr. Bugg discussed our school safety measures with the District Learning Leadership Team, which includes not only District faculty and staff, but also parents within our school community. He addressed our current practices and some of the enhancements that were being considering, and he took questions from parents. Most of the questions from the parents centered on how we could meet the needs of students before violence becomes an option for those students.

On March 13, a meeting of an ad hoc focus group of administrators, teachers, support staff and local law enforcement will be held to talk about our current school safety program and opportunities for continuous improvement. Board member Quint Harmon volunteered to be a part of this discussion. Following this meeting, Dr. Bugg will then engage a parental focus group to hold a similar discussion.

Once these opportunities for critical feedback have been completed, Dr. Bugg will present an action plan to the Board of Education that includes specific recommendations to enhance school safety in District #1. As we move through this process, it is important that we gather this critical feedback so we have the information necessary to assure that our school safety plans reflect the values and expectations of the communities we serve.

Open For Items Not Known At Agenda Preparation Time – none.

Communications From The Floor:

1. In regard to agenda items – none.

2. In general (Limited to 5 minutes per person.) – none.

Closed Session:

Mr. Lander moved and Mr. Harmon seconded to go in to closed session at 7:14 p.m. to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body as authorized by 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1) and pending, probable, or imminent litigation as authorized by 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11).

Roll Call.

Ayes: Chuck Lander, Quint Harmon, Robert Bianchetta, Mary Gill, Shawn Hamilton, Ken Miller

Absent: Jeff Emerson


Motion Carried.

When the Board returned to open session, President Miller called the regular meeting back to order at 7:31 p.m. with the board members answering roll call present: Robert Bianchetta, Mary Gill, Shawn Hamilton, Quint Harmon, Chuck Lander, and Ken Miller. Board member Jeff Emerson was not in attendance.

Action As A Result Of Closed Session:

1. Mr. Hamilton moved and Mr. Harmon seconded to adopt the Resolution Re: Licensed Employees Authorizing Notice of Decision Not to Reemploy, to be issued to Cassandra Bashayreh, Rachel Prendergast and Jessica Warren, and to waive the reading of the resolution.

Roll Call.

Ayes: Shawn Hamilton, Quint Harmon, Robert Bianchetta, Mary Gill, Chuck Lander, Ken Miller


Motion Carried.

Board Study Session Of The Whole Date: Wed., March 28 @ 6 p.m.

In Coal City CUSD #1 Administrative Center Board Room

Next Regular Meeting Date: Wednesday, April 4 @ 6 p.m.

In Coal City CUSD #1 Administrative Center Board Room


Mr. Hamilton moved and Mr. Lander seconded to adjourn the meeting at 7:32 p.m. President Miller asked if there was any opposition to the motion, hearing none considers the motion approved.



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