
Illinois Valley Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Ottawa Playground and Recreation Board met April 12.

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City of Ottawa Playground and Recreation Board met April 12.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Recreation Board Members Present: John Levy, Maribeth Manigold, Austin Monroe, Phil McNally, Steve Kuhn, Kevin Quick, Randy Bretag, Brian Porter (Mark Astle, Director of Recreation).

Others attending the meeting:


Recreation Board Members Absent: Danielle Piagentini

1. John moved to approve March minutes, Phil second. Motion passed.

2. Maribeth moved to accept March Recreation Financial Report. Kevin second. Roll Call:

All AYES. Motion passed.

3. Phil moved to accept the March Pool financial report. Maribeth second. Roll Call: All

AYES. Motion passed.

4. Pool: Tracy reported the following:

a. 18 guards are confirmed returning

b. She intends to hire 8 new guards

c. She has been in contact with Jim Jobst regarding preparing the pool for opening

d. Her goal is to open Memorial Day weekend or the weekend of June 2.

e. Guards will paint the baby pool prior to opening day.

f. The state license has been renewed.

g. Phil reported on the pool safety upgrades.

5. Commissioner’s report: None

6. Director’s Report:

a. Adult Softball –

1. Registration forms are available online, city hall, and the Y. Registration night will be Wednesday May 9

2. In the process of contacting umpires.

b. Summer Recreation –

1. Mark reported that summer supervisors are in the process of being hired.

2. Mark reported on the progress of summer camp planning.

7. Old Business – Kevin reported on outstanding money committed.

8. Long Range Planning and Board Goals –

a. Construction in Progress – Maribeth moved to approve the purchase of Bollards at the cost of $1407. Randy second. Roll Call: All AYES. Motion Passed.

b. Park Inspections – None

c. Long Range Plans – Kevin reported that he, Maribeth, and Danielle met to begin creation a long-range plan for all the parks.

d. Bike Paths – Discussed new path near the old canal shelter.

e. New Subdivisions and city acquisitions –None.

9. Committee Reports

a. By-laws (Austin) – None

b. Financial (Kevin) – None

c. Parks (John) – None

d. Programs – (Phil)

1. Phil reported on money spent so far at Whitney Field.

2. Reported that maintenance will begin on OGFA lights.

3. Phil moved to pay American Little League (North Side Little League) $2500 maintenance money. Maribeth second. Roll Call: All

AYES. Motion passed.

4. Reported that all Whitney nets had been received and would be installed soon.

5. Phil reported that Ottawa Youth Soccer League is using the south Lincoln Douglas soccer field for the spring season. Rec and OYS will split the cost of tree trimming at that field.

6. Phil announced that all the park restrooms had the water turned on.

e. Pool (Danielle) –

1.The board approved Mark to pay invoices from Illinois Valley Plumbing ($1878.88 to pay to repair a broken pipe at the pool), Clegg Perkins, and Mucci & Kirkpatrick.

10. New Business –

a. Officers were elected. Kevin will serve as President. Maribeth will serve as Vice president. Austin will serve as Treasurer.

b. Steve announced his resignation from the board.

11. Meeting adjourned.
