
Illinois Valley Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Ottawa Playground and Recreation Board met March 8.

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City of Ottawa Playground and Recreation Board met March 8.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Recreation Board Members Present: John Levy, Maribeth Manigold, Austin Monroe, Phil

McNally, Steve Kuhn, Kevin Quick, Randy Bretag, Danielle Piagentini, Brian Porter (Mark Astle, Director of Recreation).

Others attending the meeting: Tami Huftel, Commissioner Less

Guests: Tony Bianchi

Recreation Board Members Absent: None

1. Maribeth moved to approve February minutes, Phil second. Motion passed.

2. Phil moved to accept February Recreation Financial Report. Randy second. Roll Call: All AYES. Motion passed.

3. Phil moved to accept the February Pool financial report. John second. Roll Call: All AYES. Motion passed.

4. Guests: Tony Bianchi, director of Junior League affiliated with Ottawa National Little League, discussed the possibility of using Ollum Field. The board discussed the possibility. Phil will work with ONLL to work out details and a schedule.

5. Pool: Tracy not required to attend.

6. Commissioner’s report:

a. Commissioner Less noted that the upcoming weekend was a Dayton Bluff improvement weekend.

b. Commissioner Less discussed the progress of PIP Park, announcing that equipment delivery was imminent. He was optimistic that construction would be finished in September.

c. Commissioner Less announced that Special Olympics will cooperate with Ottawa Youth Soccer League to share use of the Central School Property.

7. Director’s Report:

a. Adult Basketball -- Mark reported that the adult basketball season ended with JJ’s winning the tournament championship over Herman’s.

b. Mark reported that the hiring ad had been placed and that he was beginning to plan programs.

c. Mark reported that a Spanish language version of the summer brochure would be available for the first time.

8. Old Business – Kevin reported on outstanding money committed.

9. Long Range Planning and Board Goals –

a. Construction in Progress – Phil reported that maintenance was being done changing light bulbs on OGFA field 2.

b. Park Inspections – None

c. Long Range Plans – Kevin reported that he, Maribeth, and Danielle met to begin creation a long-range plan for all the parks.

d. Bike Paths – Discussed Peck Park Bike Paths.

e. New Subdivisions and city acquisitions –None.

10. Committee Reports

a. By-laws (Austin) – None

b. Financial (Kevin) – None

c. Parks (John) – None

d. Programs – (Phil)

i. Phil reported on the dissolution of Pony League. The reservation calendar developed by Austin will be used to assist with scheduling the use of both Ollum Field and Whitney Field. Austin will take on the responsibility this year with the eventual goal of turning that over to the city.

ii. Phil announced that the required documents from OGFA were in order to award the league maintenance money for the year. Phil moved to pay OGFA $2500. Danielle second. Roll Call: All AYES. Motion passed.

iii. Phil reported that the Wooden Kiwanis Park sign had been damaged and would be replaced.

iv. The board discussed splitting the cost of cement dugout slabs with OGFA, paying no more than $1500. John moved to pay no more than $1500 to OGFA for concrete dugout slabs. Randy second. Roll Call: All AYES. Motion Passed.

v. Phil asked the board to consider adding safety nets to Whitney Field. Total cost would be $5,500. John moved to give Phil authority to purchase the nets at a cost of $5,500. Randy second. Roll Call: All AYES. Motion passed.

vi. Kevin presented updated adult softball rules. Phil moved to accept the rules. Maribeth second. Motion passed.

vii. Steve presented a proposal by Rob Thompson to mow and maintain the adult softball fields for a cost of $4200 for summer and fall league seasons. Phil moved to accept the proposal. Kevin second. Roll Call: All AYES. Motion passed.

viii. Pool (Danielle) –

1. Phil reported on upgrades to the chemical room at Riordan Pool.

2. Randy moved to authorize Mark to pay pool bills from Illinois Valley Plumbing and Clegg Perkins Electric for the upgrades.

11. New Business – Officers were nominated for the election to be held in April. Steve nominated Kevin to serve as President. Kevin accepted the nomination. Steve nominated Maribeth as Vice-president. Maribeth accepted. John nominated Austin to be Treasurer. Austin accepted.

12. Meeting adjourned.
