
Illinois Valley Times

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Gardner Community Consolidated School District 72-C Board of Education met April 19

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Gardner Community Consolidated School District 72-C Board of Education met April 19.

Here is the minutes as provided by the board:

The school board meeting was held on Thursday, April 19, 2018. Dave Hahn called the meeting to order at 7:09 p.m.

Roll call

Members Present:

Denny Christensen, Dave Hahn, Toni Johnson, Kelly Steichen, Jamie Wilkey

Absent: Brad Male, Lauren Vitko

Pledge of Allegiance

Visitors : Betsy Hennessy, Craig Rury, Sara Countryman, Sarah Sancken, Cassi Bexson, Katie Johnson, 

Angie Tjelle, Linda Tyler, Jessica Wilson, Samantha Siano, Sharon Sovey, Laura Lenzie

Motion to approve minutes from the March 15, 2018 board meeting.

1st Christensen, 2nd Hahn

Ayes: Christensen, Hahn, Johnson, Steichen, Wilkey

Absent: Male, Vitko

Motion passes

Motion to approve minutes from the Special Board meeting on March 15, 2018

1st Johnson, 2nd Wilkey

Ayes: Johnson, Wilkey, Christensen, Hahn, Steichen

Absent: Male, Vitko

Motion passes

Brad Male entered the meeting at 7:19 pm.

Financial Business

Motion to approve payment of bills for the month of April 2018

1st Hahn, 2nd Male

Ayes: Hahn, Male, Johnson, Steichen, Wilkey

Abstain: Christensen

Absent: Vitko

Motion passes

Motion to approve payroll in the amount of $66,248.75 (net) $84,302.13 (gross).

1st Wilkey 2nd Hahn

Ayes: Wilkey, Hahn, Christensen, Johnson, Male, Steichen,

Absent: Vitko

Motion passes

Motion to approve the treasurer’s report for the month of February 2018.

1st Hahn, 2nd Johnson

Ayes: Hahn, Johnson, Christensen, Male, Steichen, Wilkey

Absent: Vitko

Motion passes

Motion to approve the treasurer’s report for the month of March 2018.

1st Christensen, 2nd Wilkey

Ayes: Christensen, Wilkey, Hahn, Johnson, Male, Steichen,

Absent: Vitko

Motion to accept a letter of intent to retire from Mary Gigi Pierard at the conclusion of the 2020-2021 school 


A board member asked for this motion to be tabled to closed session.

              REAP Grant and Grow America Grant information are both completed and submitted. Mr. Harris 

              wants to look  into a STEM program for 5th-8th grade students. There is a STEM seminar in Aurora 

              that he would like to send some of our staff to.

              Discussion related to “RIF” of support staff, we do not need to “RIF” our support staff. We can let 

              them go at  any time. Investment Update, Mr. Harris had good new to report with Mike Vazetti.

Audience/Visitor Participation

Mrs. Hennessy read a letter to the GGS Board of Education that was given to an employee whom was suspended for one day from work. All of the visitors expressed their concerns about the letter and how it was written/stated. They all expressed their gratitude for this employee and in support of his character. The Board members had not seen a copy of the letter that was given to the employee. They heard it for the first time when Mrs. Hennessy read it aloud to the board.

Lauren Vitko entered the meeting at 7:50 pm

New Business/Superintendents Report

                Junior High Field Trip last Thursday, April 12th to Springfield- Mr. Harris expressed to the board that 

                 the field trip went well besides a few incidents with kids bringing cell phones and they were told for 

                 2  weeks prior that they were not allowed to bring them.

                 PARCC and MAP testing.

                 Math and Science Night was held just prior to the board meeting. It was a great success.

                 Briefing on recent sports committee meeting at S. Wilmington, they have another meeting 

                  scheduled to further discuss our co-op sports.

                  Discussion related to academic awards. Mr. Harris would like more details on who receives gold 

                  cords at graduation and Honor Roll pins at the end of the year.

Motion to approve Cross Country Intergovernmental Agreement with South Wilmington District #74, and Braceville Elementary District # 75

Motion is to be tabled until the June Board meeting.

Motion to approve Baseball Intergovernmental Agreement with South Wilmington District #74, and Braceville Elementary District # 75

Motion is to be tabled until the June Board meeting.

Motion to approve softball Intergovernmental Agreement with South Wilmington District #74, and Braceville Elementary District # 75

Motion is to be tabled until the June Board meeting.

                    First reading of board policies

                             2:210 – School District Governance

                             2:220 – Powers and Duties of the School Board

                             2:240 – Board Member Qualifications

Motion to approve the 2018-2019 school calendar as presented.

1st Steichen, 2nd Hahn

Ayes: Steichen, Hahn, Christensen, Johnson, Male, Vitko, Wilkey

Motion passes

Motion to approve updated school board policies:

1:10 School District Legal Status

1:20 District Organization, Operations and Cooperative Agreements

1:30 School Board Philosophy

1st Hahn, 2nd Wilkey

Ayes: Hahn, Wilkey, Christensen, Johnson, Male, Steichen, Vitko,

Motion passes

Motion to adjourn into closed session to consider the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity. 5 ILCS120/2 © (1) TIME: 8:37 pm

1st Male, 2nd Wilkey

Ayes: Male, Wilkey, Christensen, Hahn, Johnson, Male, Vitko

Motion to adjourn closed session and return to open session TIME: 9:55 pm

1st Christensen, 2nd Wilkey

Aye: Christensen, Wilkey, Hahn, Johnson, Male, Steichen, Vitko,

The Board acknowledged Mary “Gigi” Pierard’s letter of intent to retire at the conclusion of the 2020-2021 school year.

Motion to hire Matt Eggert as the 7th & 8th Grade Boys Basketball Coach for the 2018-19 school year.

1st Wilkey, 2nd Vitko

Ayes: Wilkey, Vitko, Christensen, Hahn, Johnson, Male, Steichen,

Motion passes

Motion to ask the superintendent to reconsider the disciplinary action of an employee.

1st Christensen, 2nd Johnson,

Ayes: Christensen, Johnson, Steichen

Nays: Hahn, Male, Vitko, Wilkey

Motion Does Not Pass

Motion to ask the superintendent to reconsider the verbiage of the disciplinary letter of an employee.

1st Christensen, 2nd Steichen

Ayes: Christensen, Steichen, Johnson, Male, Wilkey

Nays: Hahn, Vitko

Motion Passes

Motion to adjourn: Time: 10:34 pm

1st Wilkey, 2nd Male

Ayes: Wilkey, Male, Christensen, Hahn, Johnson, Steichen, Vitko
