Dimmick Community Consolidated School District 175 Board met April 23.
Here is the minutes as provided by the board:
Call to Order President Deb Black called the meeting to order at 6:40 p.m. The Pledge of
Allegiance was recited.
Roll Call Roll call showed members present: Eve Postula, Deb Black, Sid Haas and
Heather Seghi. Michelle Rich arrived 6:41 p.m. Gina Mudge arrived 6:51 p.m.
Laurie Ernat was absent.
Visitors Lisa Petersen
Approval of Sid Haas made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Eve Postula
Board Agenda seconded the motion. A voice vote indicated all yeas. Nays: None. Motion
Public Comment None.
Consent Agenda Eve Postula made a motion to approve the consent agenda. Michelle Rich
seconded the motion. Roll call yeas: Postula, Rich, Seghi, Sid Haas and Black.
Nays: None. Motion carried.
Reports and
School The first through fourth grade standard based report cards are complete and await
Improvement approval.
Team Report
The parent/student handbook will be ready for approval at next month’s board
meeting. There have been a few changes including season ticket pass options as
follows; $20.00 for adults and $7.00 passes for seniors for each sporting event.
The school improvement team is looking for a parent to serve on the committee
for 2018 – 2019 school year.
Financial Report Mr. Linnig updated the board on the financial status of the district. Special
Education and Legal costs exceeded that which was budgeted. As a result a lineitem
transfer resolution will be recommended in June. Based on the tax extension
report received by the LaSalle County, the 2017 levy tax rate payable in 2018 will
be $1.59.
2017 Essentials The results from the 2017 5 Essentials Survey were positive and the District was
Survey rated as “Well-Organized” which is the highest overall composite score a school
can earn.
Student The superintendents involved in the joint transportation contract negotiated a two
Transportation year contract extension with Illinois School Bus Company for 2.5% increase per
Contract year. The contract extension awaits approval.
2018 IASB The District’s proposal has been accepted to present a session on “Low Cost/No
Presentation Costs STEM Experiences” at the School Board Convention in November 2018.
Staff Recognition Mr. Linnig read a letter from the Illinois Council on the Teaching of Foreign
Languages commending Mrs. Wilcoxen for contributions in the review and
update of the Illinois foreign language standards.
ISBE/Legislative State Representative Jerry Long is proposing a bill to permit a school board to opt
Update out of unfunded mandates.
SB4232 is asking that the Annual Statement of Affairs would be required to be on
the school’s website and not be posted in the local newspapers.
Senator Sue Rezin is proposing a bill that would require school districts to share a
superintendent if approved through referendum.
On April 24, 2018 Mr. Linnig, John Izzo, the District’s Attorney, and Deanna
Sullivan from IASB will be going to Springfield to testify before the TIF
Other Concerns were raised regarding the future expansion plans for Illinois Cement as
they look to cross 3rd road, south of the District. This expansion may have an
impact on transportation routes and therefore costs.
Action Items
Approval of 1-4 Heather Seghi made a motion to approve the 1st – 4th grade report cards.
Grade Report Michelle Rich seconded the motion. Roll call yeas: Seghi, Rich, Postula, Mudge,
Cards Haas and Black. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Approval of Sid Haas made a motion to approve the extension of the transportation contract
School Bus Co. with Illinois Central School Bus Company with a 2.5% increase in cost. Gina
Contract Mudge seconded the motion. Roll call yeas: Haas, Mudge, Seghi, Rich, Postula
Extension and Black. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Executive Session Eve Postula made the motion to adjourn to executive session to discuss the
collective bargaining matters between the public body and its employees and to
review the executive session minutes at 7:21 p.m. Sid Haas seconded the motion.
A voice vote indicated all yeas. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Regular meeting reconvened at 8:22 p.m.
Action Items
Executive Session
Approval of Sid Haas made a motion to approve to retain all the executive session minutes.
Retention of Eve Postula seconded the motion. A voice vote indicated all yeas. Nays: None.
Executive Session Motion carried.
Adjournment Sid Haas made the motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:23 p.m. Heather Seghi
seconded the motion. A voice vote indicated all yeas. Nays: None. Motion