
Illinois Valley Times

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Village of McNabb Village Board met November 14


Village of McNabb Village Board met Nov. 14.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The President and Board of Trustees met in regular session on November 14, 2018. Roll call was taken. Present were Village President Brandy Sandberg, Treasurer Dennis, Clerk Harrison, Trustees Edens, Haar, Trone, Vaskie, and Wegrzyn. Absent was Trustee McNaughton. The minutes of the October 10, 2018 meeting were approved as sent by Trustee Haar with a second by Trustee Trone, motion carried.


General Fund

FSB - Checking Account 4,854.93

FSB - Money Market 388,628.29

TOTAL 393,483.22

Motor Fuel Tax Fund

FSB 1,204.82

TOTAL 1,204.82

Sewer Fund

FSB 86,477.59

TOTAL 86,477.59

Water Fund

FSB 2,885.94

TOTAL 2,885.94

Baseball Fund

FSB 4,068.81

TOTAL 4,068.81

TOTAL OF ALL FUNDS $488,120.38

Trustee Trone. Motion carried.


After reviewing the monthly bills, board members inquired about the results of the digging on Paul Street that was performed by IV Excavating.

The board made the decision to pay mileage to a village employee along with paying a flat $10/ day fee for truck usage.

Haar made a motion to approved these charges for use of personal equipment, Edens seconded, motion carried. Power Tools - $10/hr.

Truck - $10/day for use around town

Pressure Washer - $20/hr. (will discuss purchasing one at a later date)

Trustee Vaskie made a motion to approve mileage for Mike Dennis, Maintenance and Pat Harrison, Clerk. Wegrzyn seconded, motion carried.


- PC Wellness Program - Thank you for donation

- Betty Kidd Family - Thank you for memorial donation

- IEPA - water supply evaluation report was performed, Village in compliance - IEPA - TEST is approved responsible operator in charge


-Corey Grosenbach from GG’s Mini Mart was in attendance to again to request (3) gaming machines in his business. He stated machines will be barricaded off and in the back of the store - no visible to shoppers. Open alcohol will be limited (beer, wine, snacks) - no hard liquor will be served. Board members voiced their concern over open liquor with minors being able to enter the store. Mr. Grosenbach has stated that he is willing to not sell liquor to get the machines in his store. Sandberg will contact Attorney Churney to inquire if it is legal to request a signed contract from Mr. Grosenbach stating no open liquor will sold/served and is it possible the Village can revoke a liquor license?


-A resident has recently purchased a shed without obtaining a building permit. He had spoken to Sandberg concerning the specs and did not follow through with applying for a permit before purchasing. Letter has been sent requesting his permit application to be returned. The Village has not received it back at this time. A letter with charges will be sent to resident.

-M. Edgcomb is building a shed on the corner of 7th/Railroad Streets. His contractors ran over the water shut off and broke it off. He will get the shut off fixed at his expense.


-Lights at the STP are not working for checking/recording readings


-NCICG will be contacted concerning the results of our surveys


-Sandberg has talked to a young man about doing part-time patrolling and ordinance enforcement for the Village. With the winter months approaching, he will get back to Sandberg in a couple months with his decision. The Village would have to invest in a bullet proof vest for him.


-No update


-Haar made a motion to contract with Bob Bruch for snow removal at the cost of $85/hr. Wegrzyn seconded, motion carried.

-Village is responsible for snow removal on sidewalks that the businesses do not shovel -A Resolution Amending a Policy Prohibiting Sexual Harassment for the Village of McNabb was approved by roll call vote:

Edens - Aye Trone - Aye

Haar - Aye Vaskie - Aye

McNaughton - Absent Wegrzyn - Aye


Dead trees on 9th street property were once again discussed - will proceed with this in the spring.

-A number of Villages in the county have speakers not working on their weather siren. Ragan Communications feels that the siren is being used incorrectly. According to Ragan, there should be a cool down period in between siren blows. There are no proper directions available from the manufacturing company due to liability factor. Sandberg will send a letter to Fire Chief Poperella asking for some assistance from the fire department in paying for this repair. A letter will also be sent to the Sheriff’s office asking them to use proper procedures during storms. -Ordinance #249 2018 Tax Levy was signed and returned to Attorney Churney. The tax levy amount of $30, 444 was approved at the October 10, 2018 meeting.

A special finance meeting has been scheduled for January 16 to discuss the budget and water rate increase.

Village Christmas party will be held on Saturday, January 19 at Spratt’s Tap in Hennepin.

There was no further business. PLEASE NOTE: Next meeting will be held on December 5. Trustee Edens, made a motion to adjourn the meeting with a second coming from Trustee Haar. Meeting was adjourned.
