
Illinois Valley Times

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Village of Mc Nabb President and Board of Trustees met May 8

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Village of Mc Nabb President and Board of Trustees met May 8.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The President and Board of Trustees met in regular session on May 8, 2019. Roll call was taken. Present were Village President Brandy Sandberg, Treasurer Dennis, Clerk Harrison, Trustees Haar, Trone and Wegrzyn. Absent was Trustee Chambers, Edens, and McNaughton. The minutes of the April 17, 2019 meeting were approved as sent by Trustee Trone with a second by Trustee Wegrzyn, motion carried.


General Fund

FSB - Checking Account 1,983.02

FSB - Money Market 423,209.35

TOTAL 425,192.37

Motor Fuel Tax Fund

FSB 7,074.01

TOTAL 7,074.01

Sewer Fund

FSB 101,505.54

TOTAL 101,505.54

Water Fund

FSB 4,515.17

TOTAL 4,515.17

Baseball Fund

FSB 4,068.81

TOTAL 4,068.81

TOTAL OF ALL FUNDS $542,355.90

Trustee Trone made a motion to accept the 4/30/2019 financial report with a second from Trustee Haar. Motion carried.


Trone questioned the charge of mileage and time from M. Dennis on the same day. Sandberg stated that was acceptable as long as usage for vehicle/tools was not also charged. Trustee Trone made a motion to pay bills as presented with a second from Wegrzyn. Motion carried.

Trone made a motion to approve mileage for M. Dennis, Wegrzyn seconded, motion carried.

At this time, Village President presented out going Trustee Rich Haar with a plaque for his many years of service and dedication to the village board. She stated he would be missed and his willingness to offer assistance when needed was greatly appreciated.

Newly elected Village Trustees Diane Cimei, Maria Krowlek, Tricia

Stickler and Jim Wegrzyn were then sworn into office by Village Clerk Patricia Harrison.


-PC Community Center - Strickler made a motion to donate $100, Cimei seconded, motion carried.

-Granville Car Show - August 2 - donation request. No action taken

-NCICG - info on sponsorship for Economic Development District - no action taken -Marshall Putnam County Highway Dept. is having a used tire removal - deadline to turn in count of used tires is June 1.


-Corey Grosenbach/GG’s Mini Mart was once again in attendance to ask the board to allow him to purchase Class A liquor license that would allow him to obtain gaming machines in his business. He stated that the store is closed at the present time but will re-open only if he is allowed to obtain gaming machines. A gaming agent was also in attendance to answer questions and present a virtual look into the store setup for the machines. He informed the board that it will take at least 3 months to get the machines and the village gets 5% of the revenue.

GG’s hours of buisness will be 8 am - 8 pm Monday thru Saturday 9 am - 4 pm Sundays

John Crist, Leo McCauley, and Evan Smith were in attendance to encourage the board to vote yes to allow the machines.

-Leo McCauley is having driveway work done and will have contractor take the extra gravel from his driveway to the alley behind his house. He stated contractor will talk to the board about a new culvert.

-Peggy Smith/Library would like to do something for the kids the day of the September car show.


-Village President Sandberg appointed Rich Haar as Zoning officer. Wegrzyn made a motion to accept this appointment, Strickler seconded, motion carried.

-Evan Smith inquired about a letter that he was sent concerning the building permit that was not applied for before purchasing a 12 x 8 shed. After discussion with Sandberg, Smith will fill out the permit application and pay $10 permit fee. Sandberg feels no variance will be needed. WATER AND MAINTENANCE

-PH tank has been cleaned.

-Arsenic levels are a little high - letters have gone out to all residents and businesses.

-Had transfer switch problems at the PH

-A new tank for the PH has been purchased


-North/South lift stations have been cleaned

-Spare pump for the lift station has been repaired

Joe Glynn informed Ahlers that some changes have gone into effect from the EPA.

3 samples in 1 day must be taken at the STP. These samples need to be refrigerated until Glynn can get them picked up. A small refrigerator will be purchased.


-Alan Augspols from Chamlin & Associates informed the board that they are getting final details together for the grant for the new well. Chamlins will get paperwork submitted to the state as soon as it is complete.


-Granville Police Dept. has a new part time police officer that is interested in extra work. Sandberg will meet with her as soon as she is available. McNabb will match Granville’s hourly wage with 5-10 hrs/week if she is interested in the position.


-Pitching machine is being used by a girls team at the present time


-Legal updates on minimum wages from Attorney Churney were distributed to all board members for review

-Sandberg informed the board that she will be purchasing flowers for Main Street pots. Her daughter, Lillian, will once again plant the flowers.

-Harrison was informed that the sidewalk in front of the library is uneven. Jim Wellner will be contacted to look at it and submit a bid for repair to the village.

-Campbell Insurance workers comp insurance policy in the amount of $1659.00 is due.

-M. Dennis has some parts to the old mower - he inquired whether he can give them to the man that bought it. Board was ok with giving the parts to him.


-Trustee Strickler made a motion to approve the issuance of a Class A liquor license to GG’s Mini Mart. Strickler, Krowlek, and Cimei voted yes with no votes coming from Trone and Wegrzyn. Motion carried.

The Class A license will be prorated for the remainder of the year.

-Sandberg will email the county engineer requesting some action be taken to fix the water that stands in front of the vet clinic and the holes on the south side of Main Street west of the store. -B. Keller will be instructed to open up or cut off the culvert south of Whitney Appraisal.

-There was no further business. Next meeting will be held June 12. Trustee Wegrzyn made a motion to adjourn the meeting with a second coming from Trustee Trone. Meeting was adjourned.
