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Friday, January 24, 2025

Oglesby Elementary School District 125 Board met May 15

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Oglesby Elementary School District 125 Board met May 15.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Call to Order/Roll Call

Doug Kramarsic, President, called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Present: Mike Barrie, Bob Etzenbach, Laura Hein, Scott Pescetto, Marc Strand, and Doug Kramarsic. Absent: Jim Knoblauch. Others present: Michael Pillion, Superintendent, Michael Balestri, Principal, Merritt Burns, Principal, and Traci Tomasson, Secretary, Board of Education.

Pledge of Allegiance

Approval of Agenda

MOTION by Marc Strand, seconded by Scott Pescetto, to approve the board meeting agenda for May 15, 2019, with some agenda items out of order. Voting aye: Marc Strand, Scott Pescetto, Mike Barrie, Bob Etzenbach, Laura Hein, and Doug Kramarsic. The motion carried 6-0.

Approval of Consent Agenda

MOTION by Bob Etzenbach, seconded by Laura Hein, to approve the consent agenda as presented, keeping the April 24, 2019, closed minutes closed. Voting aye: Bob Etzenbach, Laura Hein, Mike Barrie, Scott Pescetto, Marc Strand, and Doug Kramarsic. The motion carried 6-0.

Public Comment, Correspondence and Announcements

Mr. Pillion said he received a thank you note from Mary Newcomer for the nurses’ day flowers.

District Approval of Health, Life, Vision and Dental Insurance Renewal

Jo Suarez and Lora Gramer from Suarez & Associates attended the meeting to answer questions regarding the insurance renewal. Mr. Pillion said the changes have gone through the insurance committee, and now with combining dental and vision to the Humana plan, the increase has gone down to 9%. He said the union met and the recommendation was to go with Humana for health, dental and vision, and keep life insurance with ProTec. MOTION by Laura Hein, seconded by Mike Barrie, to approve the health, vision, dental and life insurance renewal as presented. Voting aye: Laura Hein, Mike Barrie, Bob Etzenbach, Scott Pescetto, Marc Strand, and Doug Kramarsic. The motion carried 6-0.

Discussion/Approval of Technology Upgrade of Infrastructure

Mr. Pillion said he has talked with the board about the upgrade which involves more access points and fiber connections. He said E-rate should reimburse at 80%, but noted that the approval is pending the E-rate reimbursement which is now at the third review. MOTION by Marc Strand, seconded by Scott Pescetto, to approve the technology upgrade to infrastructure as presented. Voting aye: Marc Strand, Scott Pescetto, Mike Barrie, Bob Etzenbach, Laura Hein, and Doug Kramarsic. The motion carried 6-0.

Discussion/Approval of Consolidated District Plan

Mr. Pillion said the consolidated plan ties together the IDEA with the multiple Title plans. He said the board must approve the overall plan along with having the Timely and Meaningful consultation done prior to approval. MOTION by Laura Hein, seconded by Mike Barrie, to approve the consolidated district plan as presented. Voting aye: Laura Hein, Mike Barrie, Bob Etzenbach, Scott Pescetto, Marc Strand, and Doug Kramarsic. The motion carried 6-0.

Presentation of Amended Budget

Mr. Pillion said he needs to amend the budget due to the bond issuance, put the amended budget on display for 30 days on the website and in the district office, and have a budget hearing at next month’s meeting. MOTION by Bob Etzenbach, seconded by Scott Pescetto, to approve the presentation of the Amended Budget and put on display for 30 days. Voting aye: Bob Etzenbach, Scott Pescetto, Mike Barrie, Laura Hein, Marc Strand, and Doug Kramarsic. The motion carried 6-0.

Discussion/Approval of Milk Bid

Mr. Pillion said the cost of milk went up one penny for next school year. MOTION by Laura Hein, seconded by Marc Strand, to approve the milk bid from Prairie Farms as presented. Voting aye: Laura Hein, Marc Strand, Mike Barrie, Bob Etzenbach, Scott Pescetto, and Doug Kramarsic. The motion carried 6-0.

First Reading of Updated and New Board Policies (2:20, 2:40, 2:50, 2:60, 2:250, 4:30, 4:100, 4:110, 4:150, 4:160, 4:190, 5:10, 5:250, 5:330, 6:15, 6:65, 7:185, 8:95) Mr. Pillion said most are PRESS updates, and 4:190 is a new policy pertaining to safety. He said most of this policy is in other policies, but there are some wording changes.

Recognition of Retirees

Mr. Pillion congratulated retirees, Gail Sunken and Diana Roda, who have both been with the district for many years. He said there will be a potluck held on May 24th in their honor.


Superintendent Reports/Information

 Enrollment Report– Mr. Pillion said enrollment was similar to last month with little change.

 Legislative Update– Mr. Pillion said there are many bills out there right now, some of which include consolidation, the $40,000 base salary, the 6% versus 3% for TRS, increasing P.E. time, and civics at the junior high.

 Financial Update – Mr. Pillion said we received the third mandated categorical payment, and he noted that we most likely will not get a fourth one this year.

 Building Updates– Mr. Pillion said the flooring will begin in July, and he is waiting to hear about the windows. He said he is checking on pricing for the PA system at Washington and may be able to fit it into the budget this year.

 Levy Update – Mr. Pillion said the overall rate was right where it was expected, and noted that the readjustment was a.0002 difference.

 Set Summer Hours– Mr. Pillion said the summer hours for the office will be Monday through Thursday, 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., and Fridays, 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon.

 Teacher Assignments – Mr. Pillion said teaching assignments for the 2019-2020 school year will be handed out next week.

 Summer Workers – Mr. Pillion said the summer workers will be Mrs. Delvallee, Mrs. Kulis and Ms. Buffington.

 Lunch Audit – Mr. Pillion told board members that a copy of the lunch audit was in the packet. He said there were a few items regarding poster locations, as well as the federal government wanting the district to increase the lunch prices to $3.00. He noted that the lunch prices may have to increase over the next few years.

Principal Reports/Information (Lincoln)

 Curriculum– Mr. Balestri said the students will continue to have 1:1 Chromebooks at the 3rd through 5th grade level next school year, and the K-2 will have shared Chromebook carts and iPads. He said the math RtI program will be transitioning to a daily period, and the Ready math adoption will be the main curriculum focus.

 ROE Excellence in Education Banquet–Mr. Balestri said on May 2nd, three members of the Lincoln Staff were recognized at the ROE Excellence in Education Banquet. He congratulated Amanda Ragsdale, Educator Award, Charles Trovero, Educator Award, and Diana Roda, Retiring Support Staff Award.

 Professional Development – Mr. Balestri said on May 1st, Cara Burr and Amy Turri presented on math instructional strategies to staff. He said the handbook committee met to review and discuss the handbook for the 2019-20 school year. He said on May 8th the grade level teams met for vertical articulation and planning for the 2019-20 school year, and noted that formal training for Ready Math is scheduled for the May 24th early dismissal.

 Assessment – Mr. Balestri said the Spring AimsWeb Plus benchmark testing was completed the week of May 6th, and results are used for planning for next school year, seeing growth over the course of the year and RtI placement at the beginning of the 19-20 school year. He said he has received preliminary results from the ACCESS test which was administered in January to the ELL population, and he said those results are being reviewed. He said the ISBE has indicated that preliminary IAR results will be available at the end of May.

 P.B.I.S. – Mr. Balestri said the end of the year celebration for students is scheduled for June 7. He thanked P.B.I.S. coaches Cara Burr, Jennifer Porter, and the entire team for their hard work throughout the year in coordinating the program.

 P.B.I.S. – Mr. Balestri congratulated the following P.B.I.S. Spotlight Students: Kindergarten, Vanessa Ramirez, 1st Grade, Landon Steele; 2nd Grade, Aedan Duda; 3rd Grade, Dalton Gallup; 4th Grade, Zach Pescetto; 5th Grade, Dominic Bidasio and Gracie VanZuiden.

Principal Reports/Information (Washington)

 Graduation/Banquet- Mr. Burns said graduation will be held on June 7 at 7:00 p.m. at Washington Junior High. He said the Award’s Banquet will be held May 20 at 6:00 p.m. at Elk’s Lodge to honor extracurricular participants.

 Testing- Mr. Burns said the Spring AimsWeb Plus benchmark testing was completed and they are in the process of analyzing the data to help make decisions for supporting students and adjusting their interventions. He said there are preliminary results from the ACCESS test which was administered in January to the ELL population. He said ISBE has indicated that preliminary IAR results will be available the end of May.

 History Fair – Mr. Burns congratulated all of the attendees and recognized the following presenters who received a “superior”: 8th Grade – Brendan Pillion, 7th Grade – Aiden & Alex Anderson, Landon Arthur.

 Excellence in Education Banquet– Mr. Burns congratulated Gail Sunken, Karen Anderson, and Diana Roda, who were honored at the ROE35 Excellence in Education banquet for their years of service to the district and community.

 Band-O-Rama - Mr. Burns said Band-O-Rama was held at Washington School April 26 and 27. He congratulated Mr. Dennison and the band directors from Dimmick, Tonica, Waltham, Spring Valley, LaSalle Lincoln, and Peru Parkside for their efforts at the event. He said the following were individual award winners: Nicholas Butler, Flute, Virginia Anderson, Clarinet, Eleanor Radtke, Saxophone, Abigail Beckcom, High Brass, and Lea Asani, Low Brass.

 Extra-Curricluar – Mr. Burns said the track team competed at the Sectional Meet at Putnam High School and Connor Lorden won the 8B shot put with a throw of 41’6”. He said the 7B 4X400m relay team of Alex Anderson, Joel Hernandez- Venes, Deven Faletti, and Hunter Savage, outran the competition placing first. He noted that at the conclusion of the regular season, the following school records were broken: Connor Lorden 8B shot put (45’5”), Taylor Martyn 8G Long Jump (14’1”), Nica Hein 7G 200m dash (30.04 seconds). He said the athletes competed at the State Track Meet in East Peoria on Saturday, May 11, and said Connor Lorden earned third place.

 P.B.I.S. – Mr. Burns congratulated the following P.B.I.S. Spotlight Students: Eva Glynn, 6th Grade, Kaylie Reese, 7th Grade, and Elissa Pelka, 8th Grade.

Old Business

Mr. Kramarsic said the board committees are set and each committee can pick a chairperson.

New Business

Mr. Pillion said he received a resignation letter from Katie Huss, P.E. teacher at Washington School. MOTION by Mike Barrie, seconded by Bob Etzenbach, to approve the resignation as presented. Voting aye: Mike Barrie, Bob Etzenbach, Laura Hein, Scott Pescetto, Marc Strand, and Doug Kramarsic. The motion carried 6-0.

Closed Session

MOTION by Mike Barrie, seconded by Laura Hein, to enter into closed session at 6:12 p.m. to discuss:

1. Theappointment,employment,compensation,discipline,performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1).

2. Collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2).

Voting aye: Mike Barrie, Laura Hein, Bob Etzenbach, Scott Pescetto, Marc Strand, and Doug Kramarsic. The motion carried 6-0.

MOTION by Bob Etzenbach, seconded by Marc Strand, to return to regular session at 6:27 p.m. Voting aye: Bob Etzenbach, Marc Strand, Mike Barrie, Laura Hein, Scott Pescetto, and Doug Kramarsic. The motion carried 6-0.

Action Items after Closed Session

Discussion/Approval of Coaching Positions for 2019-2020

Mr. Pillion said he will table the approval of the entire list of coaching positions at this time, but will seek approval to have Katie Ritchie replace Gail Sunken as the Scholastic Bowl Coach. MOTION by Laura Hein, seconded by Scott Pescetto, to approve Katie Ritchie to replace Gail Sunken as the Scholastic Bowl coach for next school year. Voting aye: Laura Hein, Scott Pescetto, Mike Barrie, Bob Etzenbach, Marc Strand, and Doug Kramarsic. The motion carried 6-0.

Approval of Retirement Numbers

MOTION by Mike Barrie, seconded by Marc Strand, to allow 2 members of the teachers’ union to file retirement notices during the 2019-2020 school year. Voting aye: Mike Barrie, Marc Strand, Bob Etzenbach, Laura Hein, Scott Pescetto, and Doug Kramarsic. The motion carried 6-0.

Approval of Hiring of Personnel

MOTION by Scott Pescetto, seconded by Mike Barrie, to approve the hiring of Allison Hiestand for the first grade teacher position for the 2019-2020 school year as presented. Voting Aye: Scott Pescetto, Mike Barrie, Bob Etzenbach, Laura Hein, Marc Stand, and Doug Kramarsic. The motion carried 6-0.

Approval of Psychologist Contract

MOTION by Mike Barrie, seconded by Marc Strand, to approve the psychologist contract with the first year at 2% and the second year to be negotiated. Voting aye: Mike Barrie, Marc Strand, Bob Etzenbach, Laura Hein, Scott Pescetto, and Doug Kramarsic. The motion carried 6-0.

Approval of Retirement Request

MOTION by Laura Hein, seconded by Bob Etzenbach, to approve the retirement request from Diane Chapman (including the 6% increase for one year), and Karen Anderson, for the 2019-2020 school year. Voting aye: Laura Hein, Bob Etzenbach, Mike Barrie, Scott Pescetto, Marc Strand, and Doug Kramarsic. The motion carried 6- 0.


MOTION by Mike Barrie, seconded by Laura Hein, to adjourn. All in favor, aye. The motion carried 6-0. Time: 6:29 p.m.




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