Village of Ladd Village Board met July 23.
Here is the agenda as provided by the board:
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. Approve Minutes of the July 9, 2019 meeting
5. Authorize Payment of Bills - $125,721.07
6. Accept Treasurer’s Report for June 2019
7. Village Investments
8. Correspondence
9. Public Comments
10. Reports
A. Committee
B. Village Engineer
C. General Superintendent
D. Police Chief
E. Building Inspector
F. Village Attorney
11. Unfinished Business
A. Consider enacting stricter fencing regulations
B. Consider quotes to remove and replace manhole in alley behind water tower
12. New Business
A. Consider Plan Commission recommendation on Colby Fordham’s variance request to increase the height of a fence located in a side yard from 4’ to 6’ at his residence at 207 South Central Avenue
B. Accept FY19 Audit Report from Hopkins & Associates
C. Approve liquor licenses for Cancun, Dick’s Tap, Giacometti’s, Rip’s Tavern, Softails, Casey’s General Store, Ladd Lanes & Loyal Order of Moose
D. Consider quotes for maintenance of Ladd Community Center parking lot
E. Pass ordinance to increase certain Village fees
F. Consider stop signs @ Cedar & Iowa and Chicago & Pine
G. Consider request to attend Civic Systems Symposium on September 12-13
H. Consider Intergovernmental Agreement with Bureau County for Animal Control Services
13. Announcements
14. Adjournment