
Illinois Valley Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Diamond Village Board met June 11

Webp meeting 11

Village of Diamond Village Board met June 11.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Proceedings, transactions and resolution made and order of said record of said Board in the Village of Diamond, IL on the 11th Day of June 2019.

The scheduled meeting of the Diamond Village Board was held on Tuesday, June 11, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. with Mayor Teresa “Terry” Kernc presiding. Upon roll call Commissioners present were Mark Adair, Jeff Kasher, Denise Brown and Dave Warner.

Motion to Open Public Hearing

MOTION was made by Commissioner Warner, SECOND by Commissioner Kasher to open the Public Meeting for the Purpose to Consider Ordinance Appropriating all Corporate Purposes. All Ayes; Motion Carried.

Public Comment


Motion to Close Public Hearing

MOTION was made by Commissioner Warner, SECOND by Commissioner Adair to close the Public Hearing for the Purpose to Consider Ordinance Appropriating All Corporate Purposes. All Ayes; Motion Carried.

Approval of May 28, 2019 Meeting Minutes

MOTION was made by Commissioner Kasher, SECOND by Commissioner Warner to approve the 05/28/2019 regular meeting minutes with revision and place on file. All Ayes; Motion Carried.

Approval of June 11, 2019 Bill List and Additional Bill List

MOTION was made by Commissioner Kasher, SECOND by Commissioner Brown to approve the June 11, 2019 bill list and additional bill list. All Ayes; Motion Carried.

Approval of May 2018 Treasurer’s Report


Public Comment


New Business

Approve Ordinance 2019-15; Appropriating for All Corporate Purposes

MOTION was made by Commissioner Brown, SECOND by Commissioner Kasher to approve Ordinance 2019-15; Appropriating for all Corporate Purposes. All Ayes; Motion Carried.

Discuss Community Solar Subscription Assessment

Mayor Kernc presented the information. After discussion, no action will be taken.

Discuss Video Gaming Funds

Mayor Kernc stated she’s always wanted to do something special with the income which the village receives from video gaming, so everyone would receive something from the revenue. Kernc stated she would like to use this money to offset the sewer charge surcharge to the residents. Kernc stated if the village could use these funds, the village could reduce the sewer surcharge to fifteen dollars bi- monthly versus thirty dollars bi-monthly. By utilizing the funds in this way, she feels that every family within the Village of Diamond will benefit from the video gaming proceeds. Commissioners Kasher and Brown were in favor of this. Commissioner Adair was concerned if the revenues were to decline, how would the village handle that situation. Adair stated he would like to be transparent to let residents know, the reduction will be in effect baring any reduction in the video gaming revenues. Kasher stated he would like to proceed with this and offer this for as long as the village could. Commissioner Warner stated the issue is that the sewer plant was mandated to be built, which cost was $7 million dollars. Implementing the surcharge was a visible measure to offset the cost and will be able to be taken off once the village is no longer deficit spending. Village Attorney John Gallo stated the sewer bond is based on the pledge from sewer revenues and water bond with water revenues. Gallo stated he must look at the bond ordinances to make sure this would be allowed to reduce the surcharge. Commissioner Warner agreed there are legal obligations based on the bonds of which further investigation must completed. Mayor Kernc stated this item will be tabled until Gallo can research the legal obligations for the bonds. Item Tabled.

Claypool Drainage Ditch

Mayor Kernc welcomed Developer Ron Schelling to the meeting. Mayor Kernc stated a complaint was received from a resident on Amber Lane. Resident stated his yard is eroding into the Claypool Ditch. Kernc and Bob Koerner from Claypool Drainage District went to see the issue. The downspouts of this house do not go underground. They drain onto the top of the yard. Koerner stated a berm was supposed to be placed in the yard when the development was constructed. If there was a berm whe3n initally built, then it has eroded away. Kernc reached out to Schelling to partner in this since he was the developer of this property. Koerner stated if the downspouts were underground, this would not be an issue. Koerner stated, due to the situation, the resident may place the down spout into the Claypool. Mayor Kernc stated she would like additional requirements in place for future development along the Claypool Ditch. Schelling stated there was never a requirement for homeowners to bury their down spouts in the past. After further discussion, it was agreed Schelling will handle the excavator and the Village will provide the rip-rap, dirt and seeding. The resident will be responsible for burying his downspouts and discharging them into the Claypool Ditch. This project will take place once the ground dries up. MOTION was made by Commissioner Warner, SECOND by Commissioner Kasher to complete the Claypool Ditch drainage issue on the Amber Lane property, which Schelling will provide the excavator and the village will provide the rip- rap, dirt and seeding. All Ayes; Motion Carried.

Old Business

Grundy and Will County Sheriff’s Monthly Update Mayor Kernc present the Will County Sheriff’s report.

Legal Counsel

No Report

Engineer Updates

Village Engineer Mike Perry stated the watermain work on McGinty St. is progressing and going along well. Grades were set on the Border St. storm sewer project. D Construction will be cutting the bike path for installation of 8 (eight) drains tomorrow.

Maintenance Updates

No Report

Clerk Updates

Village Clerk Lori Holmes thanked everyone for their assistance with the Diamond Summer Kick Off Celebration. Commissioner Kasher added he had several families state how appreciative they were of the event and the enjoyment they had. Holmes stated interviews were conducted for the seasonal lawn maintenance position and pre-employment screening is being completed. The audit will begin tomorrow.

Commissioner Comments Commissioner Kasher

No Report

Commissioner Brown

Commissioner Brown stated Norm Pacyga, a Board Member for Country Meadows Association, thanked Mayor Kernc and Public Works Director Austin Vining for the new street signs.

Commissioner Warner

No Report

Commissioner Adair

No Report

Mayor Kernc

Mayor Kernc stated Ann Gill is running an article in the Courant requesting volunteers to assist in the Thanksgiving Turkey Dinner. Kernc stated with the passing of Elsie Dewald, who volunteered her time for the entire week cooking the food etc., there is a need for someone to step up and run the kitchen and cook etc. so that the Thanksgiving Turkey Dinner can be held this coming year.


MOTION was made to adjourn the meeting at 7:07 p.m. by Commissioner Kasher, SECOND by Commissioner Adair. All Ayes; Motion Carried.
