City of Princeton City Council met June 17.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Quiram. Upon roll call, the following answered present, constituting a quorum: Council Members Ray Swanson, Ray Mabry, Hector Gomez, and Jerry Neumann. All present at the meeting offered the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America.
MOTION # 1: Neumann (2nd Swanson) that the printed copy of the minutes for the Regular Meeting of June 3, 2019, be approved.
VOTE # 1
ROLL CALL VOTE: Council Members Swanson, Mabry, Gomez, Neumann, and Mayor Quiram voted Aye. Motion declared carried.
MOTION # 2: Neumann (200 Swanson) that the bills and payrolls of the Department of Public Affairs and Department of Accounts and Finance, the Department of Streets and Public Improvements, the Department of Public Health and Safety, and the Department of Utilities and Public Properties, be allowed and paid.
VOTE # 2
ROLL CALL VOTE: Council Members Swanson, Mabry, Gomez, Neumann, and Mayor Quiram voted Aye. Motion declared carried.
MOTION #3: Neumann (2nd Swanson) that Ordinance 0-19-010 amending the Sewer Code be approved.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Council Members Swanson, Mabry, Gomez, Neumann, and Mayor Quiram voted Aye. Motion declared carried.
MOTION #4: Neumann (2nd Swanson) that suspension of the requirement for a Second Reading
for Ordinance 0-19-011 amending the Liquor Code, be approved.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Council Members Swanson, Mabry, Gomez, Neumann, and Mayor Quiram voted Aye. Motion declared carried.
MOTION # 5: Neumann (2nd Swanson) that Ordinance 0-19-011 amending the Liquor Code, be approved.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Council Members Swanson, Mabry, Neumann, and Mayor Quiram voted Aye. Gomez voted Nay. Motion declared carried.
MOTION #6: Neumann (2nd Swanson) that Resolution R-19-023 seeking a parade permit from
IDOT for the Homestead Parade in September, be approved.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Council Members Swanson, Mabry, Gomez, Neumann, and Mayor Quiram voted Aye. Motion declared carried.
MOTION #7: Neumann (2nd Swanson) that Resolution R-19-024 authorizing the borrowing of not-to-exceed $4,500,000 in the name of Julia Rackley Perry Memorial Hospital, be approved.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Council Members Swanson, Mabry, Gomez, Neumann, and Mayor Quiram voted Aye. Motion declared carried.
MOTION #8: Neumann (2nd Swanson) that Resolution R-19-025 accepting the final plat of the
First State Bank Subdivision, be approved.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Council Members Swanson, Mabry, Gomez, Neumann, and Mayor Quiram voted Aye. Motion declared carried.
MOTION #9: Neumann (2nd Swanson) that Resolution R-19-026 adopting grant terms of the Abandoned Residential Property Municipal Relief Program from the Illinois Housing Development Authority, be approved.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Council Members Swanson, Mabry, Gomez, Neumann, and Mayor Quiram voted Aye, Motion declared carried.
MAYOR REPORT: Mayor Quiram gave the financial data for May 2019, in the absence of City Manager Rachel Skaggs. The data were on-target for the time in the budget year. Sales Tax receipts also were on par with previous years. He reviewed pension asset reports and the May 2019 building permits. The mayor announced a compliance incentive program to get sump pumps disconnected from the sanitary sewer lines. Lastly, he sought approval of a nominee for the Library Board.
MOTION # 10: Neumann (2nd Swanson) that the appointment of Paul Ernst to the Princeton Public Library Board of Trustees for a 3-yr. term ending on 6-30-2022, be approved.
VOTE # 10
ROLL CALL VOTE: Council Members Swanson, Mabry, Gomez, Neumann, and Mayor Quiram voted Aye. Motion declared carried.
MOTION # 11: Neumann (2nd Swanson) that the Regular Meeting be adjourned. The next Regular Meeting of the City Council will be on Monday, July 1, 2019, 7:00 p.m, at City Hall.
VOTE # 11
ROLL CALL VOTE: Council Members Swanson, Mabry, Gomez, Neumann, and Mayor Quiram voted Aye. Motion declared carried. Adjournment at 7:16 p.m.