Village of Ladd Village Board met August 13.
Here is the agenda as provided by the board:
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. Approve Minutes of July 23, 2019 meeting
5. Authorize Payment of Bills - $80,007.38
6. Correspondence
7. Public Comments
8. Reports
A. Committee
B. Village Engineer
C. General Superintendent
D. Police Chief
E. Building Inspector
F. Village Attorney
9. Unfinished Business
A. Pass ordinance to increase certain Village fees
B. Consider enacting stricter fencing rules
C. Consider quotes to replace manholes
10. New Business
A. Direct Village Clerk to redeem Motor Fuel Tax CD upon maturity
B. Discuss replacement of South Peru Avenue sidewalk
C. Consider proposal for new copy machine
11. Announcements
12. Adjournment