
Illinois Valley Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Dimmick Consolidated School District #175 Board of Education met June 17

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Dimmick Consolidated School District #175 Board of Education met June 17.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Call to Order

President Deb Black called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Roll Call

Roll call showed members present: Michelle Rich, Heather Seghi, Laurie Ernat, Gina Mudge, Sid Haas, Josh Turigliatti and Deb Black.

Visitors Brooke Larsen

Approval of Board Agenda

Sid Haas made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Michelle Rich seconded the motion. A voice vote indicated all yeas. Nays: None. Motion carried.

Public Comment


Consent Agenda Laurie Ernat made a motion to approve the consent agenda with corrections to the minutes as discussed. Heather Seghi seconded the motion. Roll call yeas: Ernat, Seghi, Mudge, Haas, Rich, Turigliatti and Black. Nays: None. Motion carried.

Reports, Updates and Information


• The landscaping in front of the school will be cleaned up and the dead shrubs removed.

• IV Surveying and Consultants have proposed developing at least two different drawings for the septic/drainage issue at a cost of $3,500. The proposal awaits approval. Mr. Linnig will be following up on the details of the Maintenance Grant as a potential option to reduce District costs.

• The basketball hoop pulley system will be checked and repairs/adjustments made as necessary.

• A proposal from JB Contracting for the replacement of the 3 pairs of water fountains came in at $7,572. The new units would include a bottle filling station.

• The roof is 16 years old and we continue to lose shingles in heavier storms and there continues to be issues with minor leaks in certain areas. Mr. Linnig will explore options for replacement including shingles and standing seam metal roofing.

• The west parking lot is deteriorating in several areas and estimates for replacement will be sought for consideration.

2019-2020 Enrollment Projections

The enrollment for the 2019-2020 school year as of 6/17/17 is 156 students. In addition to discussing enrollment, copies of the class schedules were shared with board members.

Strategic Planning

The strategic planning process was discussed. The development of the plan will include collaboration of parents, staff and school board members.


The Working Cash Fund will be abolished and the balance transferred to the Education Fund effective June 30, 2019. The Working Cash Fund will then be re- established FY’20. The actions await approval.

Hazardous Routes Designation Resolution

A resolution designating all routes from residences within 1.5 miles as “hazardous” was presented and awaits approval.

Legislative Updates

The State passed a budget and increased the evidence based funding model by an additional $25,000,000 bringing the total to $375,000,000. Mandated categorical funding increased by $73,600,000. SB2078 passed setting the minimum base teacher salary at $40,000 by 2023.

July 15, 2019 Regular School Board Meeting

The board members discussed cancelling the July 15, 2019, and authorizing payment of the monthly bills. The decision awaits approval.

Action Items

Approval to Abolish Working Cash Fund

Michelle Rich made a motion to approve to abolish the Working Cash Fund and transfer the balance to the Education Fund effective June 30, 2019. Heather Seghi seconded the motion. Roll call yeas: Rich, Seghi, Haas, Mudge, Ernat, Turigliatti and Black. Nays: None. Motion carried.

Approval to Establish the Working Cash Fund for 2019-20

Heather Seghi made a motion to approve to establish the working Cash Fund FY’20. Michelle Rich seconded the motion. Roll call yeas: Seghi, Rich, Ernat, Mudge, Haas, Turigliatti and Black. Nays: None. Motion carried.

Approval of Hazardous Routes Designation Resolution

Sid Haas made a motion to approve the Hazardous Routes Designation Resolution. Gina Mudge seconded the motion. Roll call yeas: Haas, Mudge, Seghi, Ernat, Rich, Mudge, Turigliatti and Black. Nays: None. Motion carried.

Approval to Cancel the July 15, 2019 Regular School Board Meeting

Heather Seghi made the motion to approve cancelling the July 15, 2019 School Board Meeting and authorize payment of the monthly bills and payroll. Sid Haas seconded the motion. Roll call yeas: Seghi, Haas, Mudge, Ernat, Rich, Turigliatti and Black. Nays: None. Motion carried.

Executive Session

Sid Haas made the motion to adjourn to executive session to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, performance or dismissal of specific employees at 7:28 p.m. Laurie Ernat seconded the motion. A voice vote indicated all yeas. Nays: None. Motion carried.

Action Items Following Executive Session

Approval of Employee Resignations

Laurie Ernat made a motion to approve the resignations of the Lead Track Coach – Joel Foster, Lead Volleyball Coach – Tracy Robbins, and K-8 Art Teacher– Jaci Rathburn. Josh Turigliatti seconded the motion. Roll call yeas: Ernat, Turigliatti, Rich, Mudge, Seghi, Haas and Black. Nays: None. Motion carried.

Approval of Employment Recommendations

Sid Haas made a motion to approve the employment of Lead Track Coach – Adam King, Lead Volleyball Coach – Rey Arteaga, Assistant Track Coach – Brooke Larsen, 4-8 Art Teacher – Jordan Timm, and RtI Coordinator – Lisa Petersen. Michelle Rich seconded the motion. Roll call yeas: Haas, Rich, Turigliatti, Ernat, Mudge, Seghi and Black. Nays: None. Motion carried.


Heather Seghi made the motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:35 p.m. Laurie Ernat seconded the motion. A voice vote indicated all yeas. Nays: None. Motion carried.
