City of Oglesby City Council met September 3.
Here is the agenda as provided by the council:
1. Opening of Meeting
2. Roll Call
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Approve Minutes from the August 19, 2019 Regular Meeting
5. Approve Bills as Presented for Payment
6. Public Comment on Agenda Items only
7. Approve Ordinance 1074-090319 Amending Ordinance 1063-050619 Amending various provisions of Chapter 2.03, Council of Title 2 Administration and personnel of the Oglesby city Code
8. Approve Ordinance 1078-090319 authorizing the execution of a water easement agreement.
9. Approve Ordinance 1079-090319 authorizing the execution of a storm water sewer & easement agreement.
10. Approve Ordinance 1082-090319 Amending Ordinance 1063-050619 Entitled an Ordinance Amending Various Provision of Chapter 2.03 Council Title 2, Administration and Personnel of the Oglesby City Code.
11. Approve Ordinance 1083-090319 Amending Chapter 2.33 Police Department of Title 2, Administration and Personnel of the Oglesby City Code.
12. Place on file Ordinance 1080-091619 Approving and Adopting an Extension for the Completion of the Oglesby Tax Increment Financing District V Redevelopment Project Area, Plan, Projects and Obligations.
13. Place on file Ordinance 1081-091619 Authorizing Golf Carts/Neighborhood Vehicles for Use Within the Corporate Limits of the City of Oglesby.
14. Place on file Ordinance 1084-091619 Establishing Fees for Provisions for Disposal of Tree Branches and Lawn Care Refuse.
15. Place on file bids for Park Road Improvement Project.
16. Place on file bids for North 25th Road Improvement Project.
17. Discussion regarding letters to resident discussing sanitary sewer illegal storm water connections drafted by Atty. Andreoni.
18. Approval from the Starved Rock Runners Club to use the city streets on November 28, 2019 for the annual Turkey Trot.
19. Old Business
20. Public Comment
21. Commissioners’ Reports
22. Mayor’s Report
23. Adjournment