City of Earlville Committee of the Whole met Sept. 4.
Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:
Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
Alderman Mark Actis called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance
Alderman Actis warned against outbursts, profanity, personal attacks, and unacceptable behavior during the meeting stating anyone doing such will be asked to leave.
Roll Call
The following members were present: Alderman Mark Actis, Alderman Robin Austin, Alderman Edward Farley, Alderman Michael Goodbred, Alderman Chuck Jenkins, Alderman Steven Osborne, and Mayor Mike Hall.
Visitors at the meeting were Sheila Jenkins, Joan Jones, Jerry Jones, Sue Hall, Tom King, Bev Malkey, Wilma Stillwell, Chief Darrin Crask, Dr. Kevin Zollars, Jenny Smith, Martha Dankenrbing (Deputy Clerk), and Stu Bloom (Earlville Post).
Alderman Actis advised members to speak into the microphones, stated there were assistive hearing devices if needed, asked others who speak to go to the podium. No one requested an assistive hearing device.
Additional Agenda - None
Approval of Minutes
Alderman Jenkins made a motion, seconded by Alderman Austin, to approve the August 7, 2019, regular Committee Meeting minutes. All in favor by voice vote.
Motion Carried.
Alderman Actis read the City of Earlville Public Comment Policy reminding all present that these rules would be followed
Public Voice
Mr. King said he failed to see that new alderman have improved anything for the city, sidewalks are in disrepair, and we don’t need 2 full time clerks.
Alderman Austin made a motion, seconded by Alderman Jenkins, that payment of the bills be placed on the city council agenda. All in favor voice vote, Motion Carried.
Alderman Austin reminded the public that new vehicle stickers are now available and the deadline for sticker purchase is October 31, 2019. The cost is $20 and $10 for senior citizens
Public Works
Alderman Actis asked Mr. Torman to provide an update on 2019 Sanitary Sewer Cleaning and Televising Project. Mr. Torman reported that the project is done but he has not seen the video.
Mrs. Dankenbring reported the paperwork for Visu-Sewer of Illinois, LLC Pay Request #3 - 2019 Sanitary Sewer: Cleaning and Televising Project, in the amount of $20,804.73 has not been received yet. It may be here by the council meeting and if so will be on the council agenda action
Mr. Torman provided an updated on 2019 Street Maintenance Project, He said the micro laminate looks very good this year and they did it all in one day. He was very happy with it.
Alderman Actis made a motion, seconded by Alderman Osborne, to table for six months quote for siding Water Works building on Park Street. On Roll Call: Alderman Osborne - aye, Alderman Actis - aye, Alderman Austin - aye, Alderman Farley - aye, Alderman Goodbred - aye, Alderman Jenkins - aye, and Mayor Hall - aye. Motion Carried.
Alderman Actis made a motion, seconded by Mayor Hall to approve a quote for maintenance on Well #3 (Park Street) from Municipal Well and Pump for $49.476 and move to the regular council meeting. On Roll Call: Alderman Austin - aye, Alderman Goodbred - aye, Alderman Farley - aye, Mayor Hall - aye, Alderman Jenkins -aye, Alderman Osborne - aye, and Alderman Actis - aye. Motion Carried.
Alderman Jenkins made a motion seconded by Alderman Osborne, to move the quote to purchase 2 computers for squad cars to the regular council meeting. On Roll Call: Alderman Goodbred -aye, Alderman Farley - aye, Mayor Hall - aye, Alderman Osborne - aye, Alderman Actis - aye, Alderman Austin -aye, and Alderman Jenkins - aye. Motion Carried
Public Health and Safety
Alderman Farley led in a discussion relating to blocking of sidewalks. He recommended members should view ordinances from other towns then discuss it at the committee of the whole next month
Unfinished Business
Alderman Actis made a motion, seconded by Alderman Austin, to seek additional information on the bids for the City Hall roof as there is a $22,000 difference between the two bids and move to the regular council meeting. All in favor by voice vote. Motion Carried
Alderman Actis led in a discussion on Adult-Use Cannabis in regard to Public Act 1001-0027, the Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act. Mrs. Dankenbring stated the city needs to adopt something by January 1, 2020, in order to capture the 3 percent sales tax. The law says people can use it in their own home. The Mayor stated he liked something similar to Sheridan’s. Alderman Jenkins stated he liked Sheridan’s as well. Chief Crask said Illinois Chief’s established a website. Mayor Hall made a motion to continue this at the committee meeting in October. All in favor by voice vote. Motion Carried
New Business
Alderman Actis led in a discussion on Solar Panels Regulations. He said the city needs to look at getting rules on the books in terms of regulations. He recommended members give their thoughts. Alderman Actis made a motion, seconded by Alderman Austin, to put Solar Panel Regulations on the October Committee of the Whole Agenda. All in favor by voice vote. Motion Carried.
Closed Session - Noe
At 7:43 p.m., Alderman Jenkins made a motion seconded by Alderman Goodbred, to adjourn the meeting, All in favor by voice vote.