Coal City Community Unit School District 1 Board of Education met Oct. 30.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
Roll Call
President Miller called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. in the Coal City Community Unit School District #1 District Office Board Room. In attendance were Board members Robert Bianchetta, Jeff Emerson, Mary Gill, Shawn Hamilton, Quint Harmon, and Ken Miller. Board member Chuck Lander was not in attendance. Superintendent Kent Bugg, CSBO Jason Smith, Director of Curriculum and Instruction Tammy Elledge, Special Populations Director Sandy Rakes, and board secretaries Karen Vota and LaWanda Gagliardo were also in attendance.
Coaching Hall of Fame Recognition
Dr. Bugg has been working with the high school administration and Coalers with Character on a coaching Hall of Fame recognition display for the competition gym. The criteria for recognition was reviewed by the Board. An event will be held in January to recognize the coaches who will be inducted into the Coal City School District #1 Coaching Hall of Fame.
Facilities Assessment Plan Update
CSBO Jason Smith provided a facilities assessment plan update for fiscal year 2021. District architects Cordogan, Clark and Associates have identified projects on the plan that should be completed during the summer of 2020. The Elementary School domestic water piping replacement and High School boiler 1 and boiler 2 placement projects may qualify for Health and Life Safety funding. The Board will consider approval of the Life Safety Amendments further at the November 6 meeting.
The Board also discussed the potential renovation of the High School library. The Board would like administration to move ahead and get firm numbers on completion of the project. CSBO Jason Smith has placed the library renovation in the budget for this fiscal year.
TIF Joint Review Board Meetings
Dr. Bugg reviewed information from the TIF Joint Review Board meetings in the Village of Diamond and the Village of Coal City.
Community Services Available at the Help for Hope Facility
Dr. Bugg updated the Board on the agencies that are currently providing services at the Help for Hope facility. The Grundy Health Department provides services weekly for addiction, Li-Heap comes twice per month, SNAP/Medicade provides services one a month and starting in November, Illinois Valley Industries will be coming twice per month.
2019 Tentative Levy
CSBO Jason Smith reviewed the 2019 tentative levy worksheet. The Board will consider the tentative levy further at the November 6 meeting.
School Safety Advisory Committee Report
In accordance with the Board's Strategic Plan Goals, the School Safety Advisory Committee met on Wednesday, October 23 at 6:00 p.m. The committee consisted of Board members Ken Miller and Quint Harmon, as well as parents, support staff, teachers and administrators. The committee's recommendations were reviewed by the Board.
Strategic Plan Update
Dr. Bugg provided an update on progress made towards reaching the goals set on the Board Strategic Plan. Under Student Safety, a training for staff members on SECA indicators will be provided during the January 6 Teacher Institute Day. Under Long Range Planning, Dr. Bugg reported that the Budget Efficiency Committee will be meeting soon to develop a plan to review current expenditures, staffing levels and resource allocation. Also under Long Range Planning, the Facility Usage Committee will be meeting soon to review the plan for district buildings and fields.
Finance Reports
The monthly revenue and expenditure summary reports for September were reviewed by the Board. Detailed reports were available in the Business Office for review prior to the meeting. The Treasurer’s report, investment report and lunch program report for September were also reviewed.
a) Items not known at agenda preparation time - none.
b) Sharing Ideas / Information - none.
Closed Session
At 6:43 p.m. a motion made by Mr. Harmon and seconded by Mr. Hamilton to go into closed session for the purpose of considering information regarding the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees; and the purchase or lease of real property for the use of the public body, including discussing whether a particular parcel should be acquired, 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(5).
Roll Call
Ayes: Quint Harmon, Shawn Hamilton, Robert Bianchetta, Jeff Emerson, Mary Gill, Ken Miller
Absent: Chuck Lander
Motion Carried.
When the Board returned to open session, President Miller called the board study session meeting back to order at 7:32 p.m. with the board members answering roll call present: Robert Bianchetta, Jeff Emerson, Mary Gill, Shawn Hamilton, Quint Harmon, and Ken Miller. Board member Chuck Lander was not in attendance.
Mr. Harmon moved and Mr. Hamilton seconded to adjourn at 7:32 p.m. the Board Study Session of the Whole meeting.