
Illinois Valley Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Waltham Community Consolidated School District 185 Board of Education met October 16

Webp meeting 11

Waltham Community Consolidated School District 185 Board of Education met Oct. 16.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Board President Jim McCabe called the Waltham Elementary School Board meeting of October 16, 2019 to order at 6:01 p.m.

Roll Call: Board Members present: Skip DeMaso, Kathy Jereb, Nicole Mertes, Brian Shofner and Jim McCabe.

Board Members Absent: Jason Depenbrock, and Buffy Hoskins

Also Present: Mrs. Kristine Eager, Superintendent

Pledge of Allegiance: All

Visitors: Katye Alvarado and Brittany Culjan (Teacher Reps)

Approval of Consent Agenda: Brian Shofner moved, second by Kathy Jereb to approve:

ꞏ Regular Budget Hearing September 25, 2019,

ꞏ Regular Board September 25, 2019,

ꞏ District Bills,

ꞏ Treasurer’s Report.

Roll Call Vote: “Yeas” – Skip DeMaso, Kathy Jereb, Nicole Mertes, Brian Shofner, and Jim McCabe “Nays” – None. Motion carried with 5 yeas, 0 nays.

Reports, Updates and Informational Items:

5.1 Facilities – Mrs. Eager reported: We are still holding the contingency money from Vissering until we are completely satisfied with the gym floor; few more items left on the punchlist; there’s been a police report filed against CR England trucking as to the driver who drove through the parking medians; the Fall Festival will be held at the South building on Wednesday, October 23rd; and we will have Mr. Mangieri look over the electrical bid for the shed.

5.2 Enrollment – Current enrollment is 197 - though we are waiting on the arrival of two new students.

5.3 1st Quarter Financials: The financials are right in alignment as to where we should be.

Other: IASB Meeting Update: Meeting was well attended and the District received lots of good comments regarding our new school, and the State Superintendent was excellent.

Action Items Prior to Executive Session: None

Executive Session: Kathy Jereb moved, second by Skip DeMaso to adjourn to Executive Session to discuss appointment, employment, compensation, performance or dismissal of specific personnel at 6:28 p.m. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1) Motion carried with 5 yeas, 0 nays.

Closed Session Roll Call: Skip DeMaso, Kathy Jereb, Nicole Mertes, Brian Shofner and Jim McCabe.

Motion to Return to Regular Session: Kathy Jereb moved, second by Brian Shofner to return to Regular Session at 6:47 p.m. Motion carried with 5 yeas, 0 nays.

Action Items After to Executive Session: None

Motion to Adjourn: Nicole Mertes moved, second by Skip DeMaso at 6:48 p.m. Motion carried with 5 yeas, and 0 nays.
