LaSalle County Land Use & TIF Committee met February 5.
Here is the agenda as provided by the committee:
I. Approval or Dispense of Previous Minutes
II. LAND USE (Construction/Environmental Service)
1. Budget 2019-2020
a. Review Current Bill Report to Monthly Report b. Approval of Bills
o New Lines - Line/Fund transfers - Budget adjustments
2. Capital Assets review/Approval
3. Citizen Comment
4. Annual Report
5. Monthly Construction Permit Reports
6. Enforcement Inspection Report and updates
a) Demolition and property clean up updates
7. IEPA Inspection Reports
8. Subdivision Ordinance
9. Zoning Ordinance
a) Special Use Permit Expiration
10. Floodplain Ordinance
11. Zoning Special Event Permits
12. Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan-Grant/Plan Update
13. Recycling
b) 2021 Illinois Electronics Recycling Program Opt-In
14. House & Senate Bills
1. Budget 2018-2020
a. Review Current Bill Report to Monthly Report b. Approval of Bills
2. Citizen Comment
3. TIF District
4. Department Reports
a.Treasurer b. County Clerk
5. Peru Redevelopment TIF – IGA
6. TIF Annual Review Meetings & Reports
7. House & Senate Bills
IV. Adjourn