
Illinois Valley Times

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

City of Lasalle City Council met February 24

City of Lasalle City Council met Feb. 24.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

A regular meeting of the La Salle City Council of La Salle, Illinois was held at 6:30 p.m. Mayor Jeff Grove presiding with proper notice being duly and continuously posted.

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m.



Present- Aldermen Demes, Bacidore, Ptak, Reynolds, Lavieri, Jeppson, Herndon, Crane Absent: None

A quorum was present.


Moved by Alderman Demes and seconded by Alderman Reynolds to accept and place on file the minutes of the February 10, 2020 Regular City Council meeting. Each and every alderman has a copy.

Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.


Moved by Alderman Reynolds and seconded by Alderman Lavieri to grant the request of Ameren Illinois to break ground at 2345 St. Vincent Avenue to install gas and electric services, relocate pole and downguy and at N Chartres Rd./E 3rd Rd. (Illinois Cement quarry area) to remove approximately 1.2 miles of overhead lines and poles, relocating them on the quarry. Each and every alderman has a copy.

ROLL CALL: AYE: Alderman Demes, Bacidore, Ptak, Reynolds, Lavieri, Jeppson, Crane 

NAY: None Absent: None Abstain: Alderman Herndon

Motion Carried 7-0-1

Moved by Alderman Jeppson and seconded by Alderman Reynolds to grant the request of Carolyn Moore to have students age 18 and over distribute free VOTE decals to motorists at the intersection of 11th and Bucklin and at La Salle businesses on a date to be determined but prior to the March 17th Primary. Each and every alderman has a copy.

Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.

Clerk Brown will work with Ms. Moore to find a date suitable to the group and the City.

Moved by Alderman Lavieri and seconded by Alderman Reynolds to grant the request for 2020 Raffle Licenses to the Peru Education Foundation and Lighted Way. Each and every alderman has a copy.

Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.

Moved by Alderman Reynolds and seconded by Alderman Demes to grant the request from Rick Nowakowski on behalf of La Salle- PeruTravel Baseball to hold at Tag Day Collection on March 21, 2020 at the intersection of 11th and Bucklin and at La Salle Businesses. Each and every alderman has a copy.

Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.

Moved by Alderman Demes and seconded by Alderman Reynolds to grant the request from Jake Green for permission to block off Second Street from Joliet to Bucklin for the annual Cruisin’ La Salle Car Show on August 8, 2020 from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Each and every alderman has a copy.

Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.

Moved by Alderman Ptak and seconded by Alderman Lavieri to accept the recommendation of the Finance Committee to donate $250 to the Cruisin’ La Salle Car Show being held August 8, 2020 with proceeds to benefit the La Salle Boys and Girls Baseball programs. Each and every alderman has a copy.

ROLL CALL: AYE: Alderman Demes, Bacidore, Ptak, Reynolds, Lavieri, Jeppson, Herndon, Crane

NAY: None Absent: None Abstain: None

Motion Carried 8-0


Moved by Alderman Ptak and seconded by Alderman Lavieri to accept and place on file the Treasurer’s Report for January 2020 showing total cash balances in the La Salle State Bank of $7,677,309.26 and in Hometown National Bank of $3,817,600.47. Each and every alderman has a copy.

Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.

Moved by Alderman Herndon and seconded by Alderman Reynolds to accept and place on file the Monthly Police Income report for January 2020 showing total fees collected of $5,203.51. Each and every alderman has a copy.

Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.


Moved by Alderman Ptak and seconded by Alderman Lavieri to grant and place on file the Illinois Department of Revenue report showing sales tax collected for November 2019 of $72,057.61 and Home Rule Sales Tax of $63,273.96 for a total of $135,331.57. Each and every alderman has a copy.

Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.


Moved by Alderman Ptak and seconded by Alderman Jeppson to place on file the report of the Planning Commission regarding the request of Andrew Martinez for a Special Use Permit to potentially operate an adult-use cannabis dispensary at 853 First Street, La Salle, Illinois, for purposes of filing the report only with the City Council to vote later on during this meeting regarding the petitioner’s request. Each and every alderman has a copy.

ROLL CALL: AYE: Alderman Demes, Bacidore, Ptak, Reynolds, Lavieri, Jeppson, Herndon, Crane

NAY: None Absent: None Abstain: None

Motion Carried 8-0

Moved by Alderman Ptak and seconded by Alderman Jeppson to place on file the report of the Zoning Board of Appeals regarding the request of Andrew Martinez for a zoning variance to allow operation of a recreational cannabis dispensary at 853 First Street, La Salle, Illinois, up to within one foot of a residential unit for purposes of filing the report only with the City Council to then vote later on the petitioner’s request. Each and every alderman has a copy.

ROLL CALL: AYE: Alderman Demes, Bacidore, Ptak, Reynolds, Lavieri, Jeppson, Herndon, Crane

NAY: None Absent: None Abstain: None

Motion Carried 8-0

Mayor Grove then gave the petitioner, Andrew Martinez, the opportunity to address the council if he chose to do so.

Mr. Andrew Martinez stated that he currently runs two businesses. They are very well taken care of and are beautiful inside, and he stated that he also has raised over $20,000 through fundraisers that he has donated to groups such as St. Margaret’s and IVAR. He stated he hoped the council grants the variances needed to operate a cannabis dispensary in La Salle.

Alderman Lavieri asked Mr. Martinez if he had an architectural rendering for the building. Mr. Martinez responded that he plans to re-do the brick and put a canopy in front. Alderman Reynolds asked if Mr. Martinez has a written plan. He stated that he did, but he did not have it with him, however it was something that he had to provide to the State of Illinois as part of his application. Alderman Reynolds asked if he could provide a copy to the City. Mr. Martinez stated that he would.

Alderman Reynolds stated that for him, it is not a question of whether Mr. Martinez makes charitable donations, but it is a question of what the building is going to look like and what it will for the City of La Salle. Alderman Reynolds continued by explaining that he is not against the product or the business, but he is against the location and would like to see his business plan.

Mr. Martinez followed up by asking Alderman Reynolds why he was against the location. Alderman Reynolds responded that he did not believe it was condusive for the image of the City of La Salle. He added that with the historical distinction of our downtown, it did not seem to be the best fit.

Mr. Martinez asked if Doc’s or other bars in the downtown fit the historical distinction. Alderman Reynolds stated that many of those bars are established businesses. Alderman Reynolds stated that he is not against the product, but wants to maintain the historical image of the downtown. Alderman Reynolds reiterated that he thinks it is important that Mr. Martinez presents the City with a strong business plan, build out plans etc. in order to move forward. Mr. Martinez stated that he invested over $4,000 to prepare the application for the State which required a business plan and construction plans for the site. Alderman Reynolds stated that he believed the council would have liked to have seen a copy.

Alderman Herndon asked if Mr. Martinez has toured any other dispensaries in the state. Mr. Martinez responded that he has been to the Ottawa dispensary. He explained that medical dispensaries are very different than recreational dispensaries, as in recreational dispensaries customers are able to see the product.

Alderman Reynolds pointed out that Ottawa’s dispensaries are located on the north side of Route 80 and not in the downtown. Mr. Martinez explained that the reason he chose the First Street location is because it is within what the State of Illinois defines as the “blue light district.” He stated that he has a better chance of state licensure with this location. Alderman Reynolds explained that in this particular area of the City, efforts are being made to try and fill other vacant buildings with businesses. Alderman Reynolds wondered if other potential businesses would be dissuaded if the council approves this request because of the type of business it is.

Alderman Reynolds said he did not know if that would happen, but encouraged the council to look at the overall picture when making their decision.

Mayor Grove stated that he personally attended the Planning Commission Hearing and had the overall impression that the members wanted to see a plan. He continued by telling Mr. Martinez that although the state application is important, the City should be as important as the state application, since it is the City who has to approve the actual location. Mayor Grove used the St. Hyacinth School renovation as an example. He explained that when the developers of that property came before the Planning Commission, the Planning Commission members requested the same type of documents as they area asking of Mr. Martinez. The Planning Commission requested proof that the developers had adequate financing to complete the project. Mayor Grove stated with the current condition of the building in question, it is important for the council to know that Mr. Martinez has the financial backing for the project. Mayor Grove stated that he did not know what the council would decide, but if the answer is a no, he suggested that Mr. Martinez come back with a business plan, an architectural plan and proof of financing. The Mayor explained that to bring that building to code is going to take a lot of money. Mayor said he did not hear anyone express that the product was an issue, it was concerns for lack of a detailed plan. Mayor Grove continued by saying that is sounded like Mr. Martinez has a lot of these types of things completed, but did not bring them with him. He added, that for the future it would be best that he comes prepared with these types of things. Mayor stated that one of the questions the Planning Commission raised was in regard to educational classes. Mr. Martinez indicated he would hold educational classes for the public, but did not provide specifics as to when and how these classes would take place other than in general terms. Mayor stated that those types of details are what is important for the City to know. Mr. Martinez responded by saying that the state is still developing details as far as how educational classes should be handled, so it is difficult for him to have details. Mayor Grove said he understood that, but some general details could have been followed up on. Mayor Grove said that Mr. Martinez mentioned to the Planning Commission that he was considering IVCC as a possible location for these classes and stated that Mr. Martinez could have made efforts to contact IVCC to begin the process to see if the school was a viable option. Mayor Grove’s point was that is important that Mr. Martinez does his homework and has as many details in place as possible.

Mayor Grove stated that he believes there are other opportunities in buildings that are within the blue light district but outside of the downtown area. Mayor stated that it was his understanding that the state application does not require the applicant to list a specific location, just an area.

Mr. Martinez stated that he made a follow-up call to the State of Illinois and confirmed that if he receives the license he can take the license to another town. He has the flexibility to go anywhere. Mr. Martinez stated that it was his personal preference to submit this location as he thinks it would get more traffic.

Alderman Reynolds stated that traffic for that product will be good wherever you put it.

Mayor Grove asked when the licenses will be issued. Mr. Martinez indicated they will be issued by the end of May. Alderman Demes asked how many licenses will be issued. Mr. Martinez said there will be three licenses issued for the surrounding eight counties.

Alderman Bacidore asked if the City Council were to turn down Mr. Martinez’s request, could the City then allow someone else to open up across the street if they petitioned the City?

Attorney McPhedran responsed that yes the City could allow someone else to petition for a location across the street and you could even allow Mr. Martinez to come back with a different or more specific plan. He continued by saying that each application is considered on its own merits and its compliance with the ordinance. Alderman Bacidore stated that he has been an alderman for eleven years and noted that the City has always strived to get people to come downtown. The area where Mr. Martinez wants to put this business is in an area of the downtown that we want people to come. Alderman Bacidore said from his understanding these types of businesses draw people and in addition the City receives revenue from the product.

Mayor Grove said his hope was that in the three weeks since the Planning Commission hearing, Mr. Martinez would have come forward with some of the items the Planning Commission was asking for, however again added that Mr. Martinez could always come back in the future with his plan. Mayor Grove told Alderman Bacidore the concern of the Council is not the product. Alderman Bacidore responded by asking if the council would have the same concerns if it were a shoe store. Mayor Grove responded that this is a little different, but that is why we will take an individual vote and each alderman can vote as they see fit. Alderman Lavieri added that a shoe store does not require a Special Use Permit.

Mayor Grove asked Leah Inman, who now serves as the City’s Economic Development Director, but was on the Planning Commission at the time of the February 10th hearing, if she had any comments.

Mrs. Inman stated that she wanted to correct something that Mr. Martinez stated earlier. She explained that in researching this issue further, it is her understanding that the applicant needs to meet one of three conditions. The conditions include the applicant having resided within the blue light district for a minimum of 5 years, the applicant having received a drug related charge that has been expunged since the law went into effect or the applicant will plans to employee ten or more people who reside in the blue light district. Mr. Martinez concurred that those conditions were correctly stated by Mrs. Inman.

Mr. Martinez had stated earlier that the business had to be located within the blue light district which Mrs. Inman explained was not correct.

Mayor Grove asked how long Mr. Martinez has lived on Sixth Street in La Salle. Mr. Martinez stated that he has lived there for two years. Mr. Martinez stated that under the Social Equity Application, which is what Mrs. Inman was referring to, he received a lesser application fee because he met one of the conditions outlined above.

Alderman Lavieri asked if his understanding that the location does not have to be within the blue light district was correct.

Mrs. Inman replied that his understanding is correct. Mr. Martinez explained that 100 extra bonus points are received if the applicant has met one of the three conditions mentioned earlier.

Mayor Grove reminded the council that when the Planning Commission met months ago to consider possible zoning and areas of town where certain cannabis facilities could be located, the recommendation made to the council kept the zoning restrictions pretty open in terms of location. The council accepted the recommendation of the Planning Commission which recommended the zoning areas facilities could be located in. Mayor Grove continued by saying that now the council is trying to fine tune it, which he said they have the right to do. However, everyone voted for the Planning Commission’s recommendation which allows this type of business in a commercial district. Mayor said he wants businesses to be successful, however, he added, when the council considers an ordinance or potential variance, it is the council’s job to do their homework. The building in question is in bad condition, and the Mayor said part of him would love to jump on this opportunity knowing someone is there, but he also wants to be sure that the project will be done properly and to completion. Mayor stated that he would have liked Mr. Fouts and Mr. Sondgroth to be present, so they could answer questions of the council. Mr. Martinez stated that if he is granted the state license he will buy the building. Again, Mayor Grove stated that when Mr. Martinez gets his ducks in a row, he would have the option of returning to the Planning Commission and Zoning Board for the petitions to be considered again.

Attorney McPhedran explained that one of the conditions of the Zoning Board’s recommendation was that the variance was contingent upon to the City Council approving the Special Use Permit.

Mayor Grove stated that there are resources like the Small Business Center at IVCC who could assist Mr. Martinez with the items the City is looking for to assist in making this decision.

Alderman Herndon told the council to keep in mind that Mr. Martinez’s businesses on Route 6 began as bare units when he started. They are all finished now which shows he was able to complete the project just fine. Alderman Reynolds stated that those businesses are not located in the downtown like this would be and that is his main concern.

Alderman Ptak stated that he is all for a dispensary in downtown La Salle. He continued by saying that he voted for the ordinance allowing a dispensary in the downtown and would vote in favor of a dispensary downtown La Salle. Alderman Ptak stated that he lives downtown La Salle and did attend the Planning Commission hearing. He continued by saying that he was disappointed in Mr. Martinez’s presentation at the hearing as it was a very important night for him and wondered why he did not show up with some legal counsel. He continued by saying that Mr. Martinez has had three weeks to prepare himself, but he has not. Alderman Ptak stated he was disappointed. However, Alderman Ptak explained that he would like to give Mr. Martinez another opportunity by making the following motion.

It was moved by Alderman Ptak and seconded by Alderman Reynolds to deny the petitioner, Andrew Martinez, request for a Special Use Permit as filed, without prejudice to the petitioner, Andrew Martinez, to refile at a later date with a different and/or more specific proposed request for Special Use Permit, including a more specific plan related thereto.

Mr. Martinez said he has the whole application on a USB that contains a business plan and his financing. Alderman Ptak responded by saying he should have brought it here. He continued by saying that Mr. Martinez has had three weeks to think about this and prepare and he showed up doing the same thing. Alderman Ptak said this is important to him and if he spent $2,500 on an application fee, he should have spent a couple hundred dollars to have an attorney come and represent him. Alderman Ptak said his motion allows Mr. Martinez to refile at a later date.

Mr. Martinez questioned why he should hire an attorney when he can represent himself. He added that an attorney is not going to speak to his character. Alderman Ptak responded that he is not talking about his character. Mr. Martinez stated that he has never used an attorney for any of this other businesses.

Mr. Martinez stated that he contacted the State of Illinois and was told that if he were to receive licensure, he could use the license anywhere. Mayor Grove followed up by stating stated that if Mr. Martinez has the flexibility to move it to another town, then it would also make sense that he would not be limited to the building on First Street. Mr. Martinez said it was a personal choice in regard to that location. Mayor Grove stated that Alderman Ptak was not questioning his character, he, as a businessman knows the importance of utilizing an attorney to assist through these types of situations. He said it is not a sign of weakness, it is just unchartered territory so it may have been helpful to have legal counsel. Mayor said it is very new, for all of us, so that is why it is necessary to do our homework.

It was then moved by Alderman Lavieri and seconded by Alderman Herndon to go out of the order of the agenda to address this issue.

ROLL CALL: AYE: Alderman Demes, Bacidore, Ptak, Reynolds, Lavieri, Jeppson, Herndon, Crane

NAY: None Absent: None Abstain: None

Motion Carried 8-0

Alderman Ptak then re-read his motion.

Prior to the vote, Attorney McPhedran asked if anyone from the public had comments. Alderman Demes confirmed that Mr. Martinez understood the motion under consideration, that basically states the council wanted to see a plan and finances and that he could refile once he had those documents.

Mr. Kyle Fogel stated that he is a La Salle resident but visits Lyons, Colorado often. He stated that it is a popular destination because it is the gateway to the Rocky Mountains National Forest. He stated that it has a beautiful, busy downtown which has an ice cream store 100 feet from a mariuana facility. He continued by saying that this does not seen to affect tourism or the populations thoughts of families visiting the downtown. He stated there is a good vibe for the people downtown and it does not seem to create havoc or chaos.

Mayor Grove stated that this vote is not in regard to approving the dispensary, but he did mention for the record that others have expressed their disapproval of a dispensary downtown including Mr. Peter Limberger and Tom Arnold. Mayor Grove stated that he also received comments from downtown business owner Denna Leifheit who was in favor of approving the dispensary. She commented that she was more concerned about bars and cigarette butts on sidewalks.

Alderman Bacidore asked if there was a certain amount of time to re-petition. Attorney McPhedran stated that he will have to re-file and the process will have to begin again with the Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals depending what his application requests.

Amber Brown indicated that in regard to the refiling questions, she would vote no. She stated that it just delays it longer and she suggested that he is given an extension to bring documents to the next meeting. She stated that this is the first time he is being told he needs these items. She explained that she is a person who does renderings and stated they cannot be done quickly, she needs exact measurements, etc. Mayor Grove responded to Ms. Brown’s statement by indicating that this the is the council’s point and we agree with her 100% in regard to the time it takes to produce the required items. She continued by saying she would prefer it is not held off to a later date, because the City would not have to go through the whole process again, nor would he. It may save the City money.

Alderman Reynolds suggested that any local bank can provide a list of what is needed if he were seeking a loan. Mr. Martinez stated that he could not go to a bank for a loan for a dispensary. Alderman Reynolds further explained that he was suggesting he could use any bank’s loan application as a guide as to what financial documents they would require in a loan application as those are the types of items the City is looking for him to produce.

Mayor Grove explained that they City of La Salle is all about timeliness, as our motto is “we are open for business” but there are certain items that we must cross our t’s and dot ouri i’s and in this instance he is not comfortable foregoing the Planning Commission process.

Amber Brown asked if Mr. Martinez was given that list when he applied. Attorney McPhedran stated that he was given a copy of the ordinance that indicates a number of things that are required as part of the application. In addition, Mayor Grove added that he was told at the Planning Commission hearing three weeks ago, that the members were concerned about the lack of Mr. Martinez having a plan.

Alderman Reynolds stated that if he is interested in doing business with the City of La Salle, we are interested in seeing a plan as to what he is doing, how long it is going to take and how soon he plans to finish the project.

Alderman Jeppson added that he would like to see a plan for parking.

Alderman Demes stated that the parking concern was brought up at the Planning Commission. Since that time, Alderman Demes has been taking pictures of parking in that area, and he said he does not think there is a parking issue.

Mr. Martinez stated that usually customers are in and out. Mayor Grove said it was previously stated at the Planning Commission hearing that Mr. Martinez had plans to work with the Flamingo in regard to parking, but there were not definite plans provided to the Planning Commission and we still have no details. Mr. Martinez stated that he does not have contact information for the Flamingo owner. Mayor Grove stated that the City could assist him with that.

It was moved by Alderman Ptak and seconded by Alderman Reynolds to deny the petitioner, Andrew Martinez, request for a Special Use Permit as filed, without prejudice to the petitioner, Andrew Martinez, to refile at a later date with a different and/or more specific proposed request for Special Use Permit, including a more specific plan related thereto.

ROLL CALL: AYE: Alderman Demes, Ptak, Reynolds, Lavieri, Jeppson, Herndon, Crane 

NAY: Alderman Bacidore Absent: None Abstain: None

Motion Carried 7-1

Alderman Demes made a motion to pass on voting on the proposed variance until the petitioner refiles. The motion failed for a second.

After a brief discussion, Attorney McPhedran advised that since the petitioner has to go through the process again, he felt it would be cleaner to vote on the variance now since the original hearing was a joint hearing of the Planning Commission and Zoning Board. Since the petitioner has to go through the process again, he would not want someone to later challenge if the council could vote on the original variance given the fact that the Planning Commission would have heard additional evidence.

It was moved by Alderman Ptak and seconded by Alderman Reynolds to deny the request of the petitioner, Andrew Martinez, for proposed variance to the Zoning Ordinance of the City of La Salle, La Salle County, Illinois with reference to allowing a recreational cannabis dispensary to operate within one foot of premises used as a residential unit, but without prejudice to allowing the petitioner to file an additional request for variance related to a different and/or more specific request for a Special Use Permit related to the premises at 853 First Street.

ROLL CALL: AYE: Alderman Demes, Ptak, Reynolds, Lavieri, Jeppson, Herndon, Crane

NAY: Alderman Bacidore Absent: None Abstain: None

Motion Carried 7-1

Alderman Lavieri asked Attorney McPhedran if he is allowed to use his state permit anywhere, how can we approve another person not knowing where he is going. Attorney McPhedran stated there is no limit as to how many can be in La Salle, however it is up to the State to approve the licenses.

Mayor Grove stated for the public and the press, that this is not a vote against the dispensary, it is a vote against the plan right now with hopes the person will re-apply with the items the council is asking for. Mayor Grove wanted to clarity this as it was mentioned in the press a few weeks ago after the Planning Commission hearing that it was a total thumbs down,which was not the case. The vote was 4-4, which indicated there were still some questions.

Mr. Martinez again asked what the City is exactly looking for. Mayor Grove said we are asking what the State requested, plus a bit more. Mayor Grove responded that since the dispensary will be in our town and based on the condition of the building, we need to be assured the issues will be corrected and that this building will turn out like his businesses on Route 6. Attorney McPhedran stated that we can provide Mr. Martinez with another copy of the ordinance. Mr. Martinez stated that he had a copy. Attorney McPhedran advised him to specifically look at Sections C and F and the section concerning dispensaries as well as paragraphs A-E in the original Special Use Permit ordinance.

Mayor Grove stated that whatever Mr. Martinez can do to remove doubt and make the council say “wow” about the plan is what we are looking for. The bottom line the City needs to see a business plan, build-out plan, and proof of financing.


Moved by Alderman Bacidore and seconded by Alderman Ptak to accept the recommendation of the Streets, Alleys and Traffic Committee and grant the request from Martin Cingle, owner of Lil’ Mad Café for a portable 15-minute parking sign for 728 1st Sreet that can be rolled out during his hours of operation. Each and every alderman has a copy.

ROLL CALL: AYE: Alderman Demes, Bacidore, Ptak, Reynolds, Lavieri, Jeppson, Herndon, Crane

NAY: None Absent: None Abstain: None

Motion Carried 8-0


Moved by Alderman Herndon and seconded by Alderman Jeppson to accept and place on file the resignation of Patrolman Frank Bray. Each and every alderman has a copy.

ROLL CALL: AYE: Alderman Demes, Bacidore, Ptak, Reynolds, Lavieri, Jeppson, Herndon, Crane

NAY: None Absent: None Abstain: None

Motion Carried 8-0

Chief Uranich stated that Patrolman Bray was an excellent officer and will be missed. Frank Bray accepted a position with the Illinois State Police.


Moved by Alderman Bacidore and seconded by Alderman Herndon to confirm action on a straw vote previously taken regarding the placement of a street light at the intersection of Rt. 351 and St. Vincent Avenue near the entrance to Country Aire Subdivision. (2969th Road)

ROLL CALL: AYE: Alderman Demes, Bacidore, Ptak, Reynolds, Jeppson, Herndon, Crane 

NAY: None Absent: None Abstain: Alderman Lavieri

The light on Rt. 351 and St. Vincent Avenue near Country Aire will be installed by Ameren at a cost of $700. The light pole off of Rt. 351 and St. Vincent Avenue is a La Salle Township pole on 2959th Road. We will contact the township to see if a light can be installed and if they will incur the cost.


Alderman Demes thanked and recognized Attorney Jim McPhedran for his efforts to continually ensure the council does everything properly.


Moved by Alderman Ptak and seconded by Alderman Lavieri to accept, pay and place on file bills with Total Submitted totaling $267,572.98 (Total Payroll $163,965.27, Bills to be Paid $99,958.98, Total Bills Paid $3,648.72) Each and every alderman has a copy.

ROLL CALL: AYE: Alderman Demes, Bacidore, Ptak, Reynolds, Lavieri, Jeppson, Herndon, Crane

NAY: None Absent: None Abstain: None

Motion Carried 8-0

Moved by Alderman Reynolds and seconded by Alderman Crane to adjourn the meeting. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion is carried.

ADJOURNED 7:33 p.m.




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