Rep. Ryan Spain
Rep. Ryan Spain
Rep. Ryan Spain (R-Peoria) said at press conference that Peoria reinvented itself during prohibition and it can reinvent itself again during the COVID-19 pandemic.
"At one point (Peoria was) providing over 50% to the federal government based on the distilling business," Spain said. "It grew our community into prominence and that economy was shut down overnight with prohibition."
Spain said Peoria is uniquely capable to move forward with a safe regional reopening plan. He said he looks forward to getting to work and focusing on matters the General Assembly should have already been doing.
"Several weeks ago, the city sent the governor our reopening plan and we have not heard anything back," Spain said. "We’re calling for a vote because of this."
Spain said Peoria's plan came from data, as well as scientists and medical professionals.
"We’re using the data," Spain said. "We're listening to scientists and epidemiologists."
Spain said Peoria should be able to open up at this time.
"The metrics have been met and exceeded in our region for more than 30 days now," Spain said.
Spain said that while every Illinois region looks different, workers are frustrated.
"We see the frustration of business owners, of childcare workers and of restaurant owners," Spain said. "We want to continue to battle coronavirus and rebuild the economy in a safe and responsible way."
Spain said legislators are calling on the governor to let municipalities do that.
"We're calling for a vote," Spain said.
Spain said he doesn't see Pritzker's plan as solely a Democrat plan.
"We need more input and collaboration for how we move forward as a state," Spain said. "With the governor’s plan, we have businesses not scheduled to reopen until the end of June."
Spain said this would be devastating for those businesses.
"The governor's plan could be put on hold for a year as a vaccine is developed," Spain said. "I would hope all of the General Assembly would like to roll up their sleeves and help this state."