
Illinois Valley Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Mendota School District 289 Board of Education met March 19

Webp meetingroom05

Mendota School District 289 Board of Education met March 19.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

A regular meeting of the Board of Education of Community School District #289, LaSalle, Bureau, and Lee was held at 6:30 p.m. in the district #289 Education Center Boardroom.

Narration: Roll Call

At 6:30 p.m. Mr. Pappas called the meeting to order with the following Board members answering present: Mr. Pappas, Mr. Pohl, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Kain, and Mrs. Eisenberg. Absent: Mrs. Komitas and Mr. Sheaves. Mr. Pappas declared a quorum was present.

Resolution: Approve Agenda

A motion was made by Mr. Pohl, seconded by Mrs. Kain to approve the Agenda with the removal of the Executive Session. The following roll call was recorded: Ayes - Mr. Pappas, Mr. Pohl,, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Kain, and Mrs. Eisenberg. Motion carried. (5-0)

Narration: Opportunity for Public Comment

No Public comment

Resolution: Approve Consent Agenda

A motion was made by Mrs. Kain, seconded by Mr. Pohl to approve the Consent Agenda including the disposition of minutes for February 2020, Payment of Bills, District Treasurer's Report, Imprest and Activity Fund Report, Cafeteria Report, summer school offering, IESA track membership for 2020-2021 approval and personnel report as presented. The following roll call was recorded: Ayes – Mr. Pappas, Mr. Pohl, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Kain, and Mrs. Eisenberg. Motion carried. (5-0)

Narration: Information Items

FOIA request - None

State owes $184,036 Dr. School informed the Board members on the following items

1. Excellence in Education recipients: Amy Prusator, Megan Gatza, Valerie Chase, and Vickie Tolley 2. Dr. School reported on COVID 19 and the district elearning plan, and shared that teachers are doing an exceptional job given the circumstances and what has been asked of them in a short period of time. The district is doing an exceptional job of reaching out to parents and students and our community.

Ms. Daley presented to the Board members the proposal of a trimester schedule in middle school (grades 5-8) for 2020/2021. The first trimester will be 58 days, second trimester is 61 days, and the third trimester will be 55 days. The periods will be 42 minutes and RTI for each grade is 30 minutes. The exploratory classes will be computers, healthy living, and art. The change includes adding a full time art teacher and a full time health (Healthy Living) teacher.

Ms. Daley reported that the numbers for the Honors Banquet are very high this year and that the Civic Center would not be able to house all students and their families.

Mr. Pappas, Board President, stated there were no Board Committee meetings since last the school board meeting

Resolution: Approve FY21 Consolidation Plan

A motion was made by Mr. Pohl, seconded by Mrs. Eisenberg to approve the FY21 Consolidated Plan as presented. The following roll call was recorded: Ayes - Mr. Pappas, Mr. Pohl, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Kain, and Mrs. Eisenberg. Motion carried. (5-0) 2.020

Resolution: Approve Intergovernmental Agreement with MHS/Choir

A motion was made by Mrs. Kain, seconded by Mr. Pohl to approve an intergovernmental agreement with MHS to offer choir for 2020-2021 at a cost of $4,852. The following roll call was recorded: Ayes - Mr. Pappas, Mr. Pohl, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Kain, and Mrs. Eisenberg. Motion carried. (5-0) 2.020

Resolution: Approve IASB - Superintendent search

A motion was made by Mr. Kain, seconded by Mrs. Eisenberg to approve the hiring of IASB to conduct the superintendent search at a cost of $7900. The following roll call was recorded: Ayes - Mr. Pappas, Mr. Pohl, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Kain, and Mrs. Eisenberg. Motion carried. (5-0) 2.020

Resolution: Approve tenure

A motion was made by Mrs. Eisenberg, seconded by Mr. Pohl to approve placing Kristian Barajas, Ellen Eich, Hannah Keesee, Jordan Zoelzer and Mary Kieffer on tenure as presented. The following roll call was recorded: Ayes - Mr. Pappas, Mr. Pohl, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Kain, and Mrs. Eisenberg. Motion carried. (5-0) 2.020

Resolution: Approve Contract with Salary increase

A motion was made by Mrs. Kain, seconded by Mrs. Eisenberg to approve Stacy Kelly as Blackstone Principal for a one year 2020-2021 contract with salary increase of 4%. The following roll call was recorded: Ayes - Mr. Pappas, Mr. Pohl, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Kain, and Mrs. Eisenberg, Motion carried. (5-0) 2.020

Resolution: Approve Contract with Salary increase

A motion was made by Mrs. Kain, seconded by Mr. Pohl to approve Paula Daley as Northbrook Principal for a one year 2020-2021 contract with salary increase of 4%. The following roll call was recorded: Ayes - Mr. Pappas, Mr. Pohl, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Kain, and Mrs. Eisenberg. Motion carried. (5-0) 2.020

Resolution: Approve Contract with Salary increase

A motion was made by Mrs. Kain, seconded by Mrs. Eisenberg to approve Dave Lawrence as Lincoln Principal for a one year 2020-2021 contract with salary increase of 4%. The following roll call was recorded: Ayes - Mr. Pappas, Mr. Pohl, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Kain, and Mrs. Eisenberg. Motion carried. (5-0) 2.020

Resolution: Approve Contract with Salary increase

A motion was made by Mrs. Kain, seconded by Mrs. Eisenberg to approve Tyler Pearce as Northbrook Assistant Principal for a one year 2020-2021 contract with salary increase of 4%. The following roll call was recorded: Ayes - Mr. Pappas, Mr. Pohl, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Kain, and Mrs. Eisenberg. Motion carried. (5-0) 2.020

Resolution: Approve Contract with Salary increase

A motion was made by Mr. Pohl, seconded by Mrs. Kain to approve Tari Jansen as Director of Student Services for a one year 2020-2021 contract with salary increase of 4%. The following roll call was recorded: Ayes - Mr. Pappas, Mr. Pohl, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Kain, and Mrs. Eisenberg. Motion carried. (5-0) 2.020

Resolution: Approve Retirement Contract with Salary increase

A motion was made by Mr. Pohl, seconded by Mrs. Kain to approve Beth Wackerlin as Director of Teaching and Learning for a one year 2020-2021 retirement contract with retirement increase of 6%. The following roll call was recorded: Ayes - Mr. Pappas, Mr. Pohl, Mrs. Kain, and Mrs. Eisenberg. Nay - Mr. Johnson. Motion carried. (4-0) 2.020

Resolution: Approve Salary increase

A motion was made by Mr. Pohl, seconded by Mrs. Eisenberg to approve Hallie Monroe as district nurse for 2020-2021 with salary increase of 4%. The following roll call was recorded: Ayes - Mr. Pappas, Mr. Pohl, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Kain, and Mrs. Eisenberg. Motion carried. (5-0) 2.020

Resolution: Approve Salary increase

A motion was made by Mrs. Kain, seconded Mrs. Eisenberg to approve Laura Younger as district assistant nurse for 2020-2021 with salary increase of 4%. The following roll call was recorded: Ayes - Mr. Pappas, Mr. Pohl, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Kain, and Mrs. Eisenberg. Motion carried. (5-0) 2.020

Resolution: Approve Salary increase

A motion was made by Mrs. Kain, seconded by Mr. Pohl to approve Emily Clark as district social worker for 2020-2021 with salary increase of 4%. The following roll call was recorded: Ayes - Mr. Pappas, Mr. Pohl, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Kain, and Mrs. Eisenberg. Motion carried. (5-0) 2.020

Resolution: Approve Salary increase

A motion was made by Mrs. Kain, seconded by Mrs. Eisenberg to approve Hannah Halberg as district social worker for 2020-2021 with salary increase of 4%. The following roll call was recorded: Ayes - Mr. Pappas, Mr. Pohl, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Kain, and Mrs. Eisenberg. Motion carried. (5-0) 2.020

Resolution: Approve Salary increase

A motion was made by Mrs. Kain, seconded by Mr. Pohl to approve Jason March as district IT director for 2020-2021 with salary increase of 4%. The following roll call was recorded: Ayes - Mr. Pappas, Mr. Pohl, Mrs. Kain, and Mrs. Eisenberg. Nay - Mr. Johnson. Motion carried. (4-0) 2.020

Resolution: Approve Salary increase

A motion was made by Mrs. Kain, seconded by Mr. Pohl to approve the daily rate for Lindsey Zidow, school psychologist at $364 per day. (4%). The following roll call was recorded: Ayes - Mr. Pappas, Mr. Pohl, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Kain, and Mrs. Eisenberg. Motion carried. (5-0) 2.020

Resolution: Approve Hire

A motion was made by Mrs. Kain, seconded by Mr. Pohl to approve the employment of Kylie Clary as full time Art permanent substitute for 2020-2021. The following roll call was recorded: Ayes - Mr. Pappas, Mr. Pohl, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Kain, and Mrs. Eisenberg. Motion carried. (5-0) 2.020

Board approved calendar changes as presented: incorporating Spring Break into the mandated closure. Still have Good Friday off (April 10th). Since teachers will now be working during Spring Break, those four days (April 6, 7, 8, 9) will now be days that are taken off the end of the school year making the last day with students May 27th and the teacher institute May 28th. Graduation will still be on May 28th

Resolution: Adjourn Meeting

At 7:02 p.m. with no further business to conduct a motion was made by Mrs. Eisenberg, seconded by Mrs. Kain to adjourn the meeting. Board President, Mr. Pappas, called for a voice motion. Motion carried. 4-0
