
Illinois Valley Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

LaSalle County Zoning Board Of Appeals met June 2

Webp meeting372

LaSalle County Zoning Board Of Appeals met June 2.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

In light of the current COVID-19 public health emergency the meeting of LaSalle County Zoning Board of Appeals will be held remotely, by electronic means.

The meeting will be live streamed on LaSalle County’s YouTube Channel:

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjwHFIoW13M224SgVU95Ifg A link is also available at www.lasallecounty.org on the main page.



Meeting Number/Access Code: 126 831 5493

Meeting password: 9uJt9JA7mhG (98589527 from phones and video systems) TO JOIN BY PHONE CALL: 1-408-418-9388

Meeting Number/Access Code: 126 831 5493

Meeting Password: 98589527

If you have any problem joining the meeting, please call 815-587-2017 prior to the start of the meeting at 5:00 p.m. Any members of the public who would like to speak during the meeting must call (815-434-8666) or email

landuse@lasallecounty.org by 3:00 p.m. on June 2, 2020 to be placed on the list.

Any person wishing to have a written comment read at the meeting, must submit such statement prior to 3:00 p.m., on June 2, 2020 by mailing to Environmental Services and Land Use, 119 W. Madison Street, Rm 107, Ottawa, IL 61350 or emailing it to landuse@lasallecounty.org.

Everyone attending the meeting electronically is asked to keep their microphone muted, except when speaking, to keep any background noise from interfering with the meeting.

i. Call to Order

II. Approve or Dispense of Previous Meeting Minutes 

III. Open Meeting

A. 20-02 VAR Porter Reduction of the west side yard setback from 10’ to 3’ (1409 Little Main St, Streator, IL) Otter Creek Township (34-30-117-024)

B. 20-03 VAR Corda A. Fruendt Trust Increase maximum allowable square footage of accessory buildings to 17,000 square feet

(821 N 2803 Rd, Utica, IL ) Utica Township (19-09-118-000)

C. 20-02 MA Donald and Elaine Goerne Map Amendment from A-1 to RR

(2005 N 15th Rd, Streator) Otter Creek Township (34-16-307-000)

D. 20-04 SU Northern Partners Special Use for Commercial Grain Storage

(4536 IL Rt 251, Mendota) Mendota Township (01-16-306-000)

IV. Special use permit extension requests

A. Borrego Solar 18-38 SU (PIN 28-19-404-000) Owner: Trager

B. Summit Ridge Energy 18-36 SU (PIN 26-29-203-000) Owner: Ernat/Helmig

C. Summit Ridge Energy 18-43 SU (PIN 31-08-102-000) Owner: Briscoe, Moore, Tomanek

D. Summit Ridge Energy 18-47 SU (PIN 26-31-201-000) Owner: Briscoe, Moore, Tomanek

V. Recess/Adjourn Meeting
