Seneca Township High School District 160 Board of Education Building, Grounds, and Transportation Committee met Aug. 5.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
A meeting of the Building, Grounds, and Transportation Committee was held at 4:30 p.m. The meeting was called to order with the following members present: Ron Frye, Joe Johnson, and Cory Yandell. Also present were Jim Carlson, Barry Buchanan, and Dan Stecken.
A. Public Comment- None
B. Building, Grounds & Transportation
1. Summer Projects Update
Mr. Buchanan review d the summer projects including energy efficiency work, shot put drainage tile forensics and cost to repair the tile, air conditioning issues in the copy center, and special consideration for when students return to school during the pandemic. The cost to repair the drain tile is $10,000, so the district is getting a quote to replace it. Barry reviewed the plan to replace the air compressor that serves Woods, Auto, and Ag. He also discussed the plan to trade the Smithco field groomer and instead purchase accessories that fit on the Ventrac.
2. 2020-21 Budget
Mr. Stecken and Dr. Carlson presented the tentative September amended budget for 2020-21 highlighting fund balances and planned building and transportation expenditures. Top vendors from FY 20 were also reviewed. At this time, the O&M Fund budget is showing deficit, but the Transportation Fund budget is a surplus.
3. Vehicle Rotation
Dr. Carlson reviewed the vehicle rotation. The FY 21 budget plans for the purchase of a new activity bus if necessary.
4. House Demolition
Dr. Carlson explained that the village issued a permit to demolish the home at 259 E. Scott St. The district has not yet applied for a demolition permit for the 220 E. Englewood Dr. The ROE must also issue permits. The administration is contacting utilities as a part of the permitting process through the ROE.
5. Future Projects
Dr. Carlson reviewed completed projects and future projects. A site plan for a new gym and modifications to the south entrance will be pursued. Other projects include repair/replace drain tile running through shot and discuss areas, installation of auditorium handrails, acquisition of additional adjacent properties, and demolition of homes purchased by the district.
6. COVID Expenses/Cares Grant
Mr. Stecken reviewed items the district will purchase using federal Cares Grant funds. Items essentially fall into two categories: technology and sanitization.
7. Housekeepers
Dr. Carlson reported that the district will not hire a part-time housekeeper to assist with sanitization efforts because the district has gone to a 1:10 p.m. dismissal. Rather, the district will repurpose one of its security monitors to assist with cleaning efforts. Additionally, due to the pandemic, the district will not use a weekend housekeeper as planned, but instead keep the housekeeper on afternoons during the week to support cleaning efforts. The building will be essentially closed on the weekend.
8. Support Staff Negotiations
Dr. Carlson reminded the committee that support staff negotiations begin this year. One item of which to be mindful is the impact of minimum wage increases on support staff salaries.
9. Goals Report
Dr. Carlson reviewed the finance goals sheet prepared by Mr. Stecken. The district met its goal increasing fund balances, as the total fund balance increased 12.16%.
C. Other
D. Adjourn
The meeting adjourned at 5:15 p.m.