
Illinois Valley Times

Monday, January 13, 2025

City of Peru Parks and Recreation Board Met August 11

Meeting 07

City of Peru Parks and Recreation Board met Aug. 11.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Board President Steve Michelini called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.

Attendance: Board Members- Steve Michelini, Ray Zborowski, Linda Dzierzynski, Gena Wallin, John Fusinatto; Recreation Director-Adam Thorson and Recreation Manager-Seth Brannan.

Absent: Jeff Puetz, Bill Steve I- Guest


II- Previous Minutes

A motion to approve the minutes of the June 16, 2020 meeting was made by Gena W and seconded by John F. All were in favor and the motion carried. A motion to approve the minutes of the July 14, 2020 meeting was made by Linda D and seconded by Ray Z. All were in favor and the motion carried.

III- Revenue and Expense Report

The Revenue and Expense Report were sent out the following day via email. Any questions on the report are to be directed to Director of Parks and Recreation, Adam Thorson or Finance Officer, Justin Miller.

IV- New Business


Ray Z stated the two new statues that were donated to the City look great. One is placed in the new City parking lot and the other located outside Splash Field. Ray Z and Steve M mentioned that they have heard great comments on Music in the Park events.

Playground area at Centennial Park:

Ray Z stated that there are a lot of weeds coming through the sand under the playground equipment. Adam T said that the City workers have been working to resolve the issue. Adam T also stated that he has looked into getting some sort of borders to put around playground equipment to put surfacing inside the borders.

Discussion on parks:

Steve M stated that the grass at McKinley Park is now starting to fill in better. Gena W questioned to make sure that all new swings were put up in the parks.

Splash pad:

Seth B updated the board on the health guidelines that are still being followed. Stated that the attendance numbers are lower and that we have not reached capacity sine the first week of opening. Seth B also informed the board that the scoreboard at the pad got damaged in the storm, which caused some electric issues and that the splash pad will be closed until further notice. Seth B also updated the board on possible closing date, which is normally Labor Day weekend, but we might stay open a week later for a United Way fundraiser on September 12. Steve M asked Seth B if social distancing is being followed and Seth B responded saying that they are doing their best to keep their families together.

Summer Camp/Program Updates:

Seth B gave an update on all summer camps and programs. There were 260 signups for 20 camps. 3 of those camps had to be cancelled. Overall, lower numbers were anticipated due to the pandemic, but good numbers for the situation that we are in. Gena W brought up the idea of donating the extra camp t shirts to schools or people in need.

Music in the Park:

Steve M started discussion on the upcoming bands. John F is going to find out pricing for a band that he is interested in for next summer.

Lighting in the Park:

Steve M stated that using United Rentals for lights in the park when people are leaving would be a good idea since it is starting to get dark earlier. Adam T said he would look into it. Linda D suggested Christmas lights on the tree trunks.

Washington Park paint lines:

Adam T gave an update on the courts being painted at Washington Park. Adam T does not have a timeline for when the project will be completed but knows that the workers have been there each day for the last week working so they are making good progress.

V Unfinished Business


VII- Public Comment


VII- Adjournment

A motion to adjourn at 7:15 was made by Ray Z and seconded by Linda D. All were in favor and the motion carried.

*** Minutes submitted by Adam Thorson
