Coal City Community Unit School District 1 Board of Education met Sept. 29.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
Roll Call.
President Miller called the Study Session meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. in the Coal City Community Unit School District #1 District Office boardroom. In attendance were Board members Robert Bianchetta, Mary Gill, Shawn Hamilton, Quint Harmon, Chuck Lander, and Ken Miller. Also in attendance were CSBO Jason Smith, Director of Curriculum and Instruction Tammy Elledge, Director of Special Populations Luke Krippel, Principal Christopher Spencer, and Board Secretary LaWanda Gagliardo. Board member Steve Rogers arrived at 6:05 p.m. President Miller led the Board and others present in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.
Introduction of New Certified Staff
Building Principals were present to introduce the following new certified staff personnel:
Early Childhood Center
Katie Aichele
Mike Pfeifer
Intermediate School
Kassandra Marsala
Middle School
Tara Sweeney
Robin Fincher
Zachary Edgar
High School
Elizabeth Smetana
Each Principal introduced their new certified staff member, and spoke briefly of their experience. All the new teachers echoed the same sentiment on how great their experience has been in their perspective buildings. They also felt supported by their peers, and couldn’t be happier to be a part of Coal City School District.
Discussion on Dresden Station
Dr. Bugg provided the Board with an update on legislation regarding Dresden Station. Dr. Bugg informed the Board that the Energy Bill had passed, and this is a great benefit for the community and school district. Dr. Bugg thanked Senator Sue Rezin, Senator David Welter, Senator Joyce and Representative Haas for their advocation for the district. Dr. Bugg firmly believes that being a member of Faircom is a great investment for the district, and the dues paid are worth protecting the $16 million in revenue received from Dresden. Dr. Bugg reminded the Board that this is a 5-year deal with Dresden and this is not new money, it’s the same amount of money while the expenses keep rising. The Board has implemented some recommendations from the Budget Efficiency Committee, but there is still work to be done. The Board thanked Dr. Bugg for his tireless efforts and the long hours he put into to ensuring the passing of the energy bill. Dr. Bugg and the Board also thanked his Administration team for all their hard work and dedication while Dr. Bugg focused his attention to this matter, along with the new State mandate.
Discussion on COVID Update
Dr. Bugg provided the Board with a summary of the district’s efforts to become compliant with the new State mandated COVID testing. Dr. Bugg discussed the testing options the district has implemented for the community and unvaccinated district employees. For the community, on Monday’s, Wednesday’s and Friday’s there will be a Nurse Practitioner at the Unit Office from 8 a.m. until noon. This is a more affordable option than local health care providers in the area. Unvaccinated district employees will be able to test on Fridays at the high school from 7:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. This is a convenience for staff and it allows the district to keep its employees. The Board is not obligated to provide this testing option for employees. Unvaccinated employees can go to their own health care provider and get tested. Employees are required to provide their tests results to Amanda Herrera at the District Office by 3:30 p.m. on Mondays in order to be compliant.
Finance Reports
The bank statements, monthly revenue, expenditure summary reports, check reconciliation report, and cleared check report for August were enclosed for review. Detailed reports were available in the Business Office for review prior to the meeting. The treasurer’s report, investment report, and lunch report for August were enclosed for review.
Items not known at agenda preparation time
Principal Spencer updated the Board on the status of the Acclaimed Coaler Program at the high school. This program focuses on creating a more well-rounded student, and college and career readiness. One of the ways this program will achieve this is by getting rid of valedictorian, salutatorian, and top ten percent. This will allow students to take classes geared towards their goals after high school, may that be college or a career, instead of taking classes get to valedictorian status. The district will eliminate ranking students against each other. This same change has taken place in other school districts.
Sharing Ideas / Information – none.
Closed Session
At 6:37 p.m. a motion made by Mr. Harmon and seconded by Mr. Bianchetta to go into closed session for the purpose of considering information regarding the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, dismissal of specific employees, student discipline, and collective bargaining matters.
Roll Call.
Ayes: Quint Harmon, Robert Bianchetta, Mary Gill, Shawn Hamilton, Chuck Lander, Steve Rogers, Ken Miller
Motion: Carried.
Mr. Hamilton moved and Mr. Rogers seconded to adjourn at 6:52 p.m. the Board Study Session of the Whole meeting.