
Illinois Valley Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Ladd Village Board met Oct. 26

Webp meeting8213

Village of Ladd Village Board met Oct. 26.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The Ladd Village Board met in regular session in the Village Hall. President Frank Cattani called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm and led the pledge of allegiance to the American flag.

Roll Call: Present: Trustees Jim Manning, Dave Margherio, Jan Martin, Dan Nelson, Molly Thrasher, Mike Urbanowski. (6)

In attendance: Attorney Pat Barry, Clerk Bezely, Engineer Adam Ossola, Asst. Police Chief Randy Dean, Superintendent, Doug Englehaupt, Building Inspector, Barry Flanagan, Ali Braboy & Kevin Lindeman from NCICG.

Thrasher Motion/Margherio Second to accept the October 12, 2021 meeting minutes as presented. Ayes: Manning, Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Thrasher, Urbanowski - Motion carried 6-0

Urbanowski Motion/Manning Second to authorize payment of the bills in the amount of $173,858.41 Ayes: Manning, Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Thrasher, Urbanowski - Motion carried 6-0

Manning Motion/Martin Second to accept the Treasurer’s Report for September 30, 2021. Ayes: Manning, Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Thrasher, Urbanowski - Motion carried 6-0

Correspondence: Phil Hocking called the Village and wanted to say how great the park looks after the fall protection was completed by D&M Landscaping.

Public Comment: None

Committee Reports: None

Engineer’s Report: None

Superintendent’s Report: None

Police Chief: Police Chief Dean mentioned needing to revisit the outdoor patio rules in the spring. People are congregating on the patios after the bars close, bringing drinks out to the patio. There are a couple of bars not getting people to leave on time when the bars close. Ladd bars close 1 ½ hours after surrounding area town’s bars which is an issue. B2 Zoning Enforcement: Cattani asked Dean how the B2 zoning enforcement is coming along. He questioned whether anyone has knocked on doors to see if people are living in the front of Main Avenue businesses which is against ordinance. Dean stated he would knock at the buildings of concern tonight and get back to the council. Manning asked if there was police coverage for Halloween and Dean stated one officer for sure possibly two. Manning then asked about the police garage doors and the expected time frame to have them installed is now November-December. The spray foam company is aware and plans to spray the garage as soon as the doors are installed. Dean reported that water is getting in the garage roof. American Metal Buildings has a work order to fix the roof and will be coming in the next couple of weeks.

Inspector’s Report: Barry was there to discuss a request from Rips to construct a pergola over the outside patio. This will be discussed later on the agenda.

Village Attorney: Atty. Barry stated that executive session minutes must be reviewed twice a year under the Freedom of Information Act. He and Atty. Colin Barry reviewed the executive session minutes and felt that all executive session minutes could be made open to the public except for the 8/24/2021 executive session minutes due to sensitive information regarding possible litigation.

Urbanowski Motion/Martin Second to release all closed session minutes except the 8/24/2021 executive session minutes.

Ayes: Manning, Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Thrasher, Urbanowski - Motion carried 6-0

Unfinished Business:

Hocking Tree Donation: Bezely stated that she spoke with Phil & Mary Ann Hocking and they were fine with waiting until after the Water Main Project is complete to plant the tree in War Memorial Park. The arborist will choose the best spot for the type of tree selected. Bezely and Englehaupt will relay the boards' feelings so the perfect spot can be selected.

New Business:

Donation Request for Thanksgiving & Christmas Baskets for Project Success: Margherio Motion/Manning Second to donate (4) Thanksgiving Baskets @ $140.00 and (4) Christmas Baskets @ $140.00 for a total of $280.00 donation to the food pantry for the holidays.

Ayes: Manning, Margherio, Nelson, Urbanowski - Motion carried 4-0-2

Abstain: Martin & Thrasher due to their positions at the Food Pantry

Rebuild Downtown & Main Streets Capital Grant: Bezely explained that NCICG, Ali Braboy, and Kevin Lindeman were here tonight to discuss the grant application. Bezely explained to the council that many possible projects were discussed and most were not a good contender. Bezely also told the board these funds could not be applied for in an effort to pay for any additional cost on the Water Main Replacement due to not having the ability to change where the funding is coming from. It was then explained that the application was going to be for Main Avenue Light Poles to be changed out. A lengthy discussion ensued with the pros and cons of the project being discussed. Bezely also told the board 3D Sculptures were being considered as part of the application as well. Braboy & Lindeman stated that this grant is extremely competitive with a $250,000.00 minimum application and a $3,000,000.00 maximum award. Braboy stated we really need to work hard to get the support of residents and businesses. Englehaupt stated that our current light poles are still available today. They are heavy-duty poles and esthetically they are not outdated. He provided another option to leave the existing poles but change the electric to underground using directional boring which would look very different. Cattani mentioned leaving the existing poles and placing a decorative pole in between each of the existing poles. Martin Motion/Nelson Second to approve Engineering costs for plans and cost estimates not to exceed $5,000.00 to apply for the Rebuild Downtown & Main Street Capital Grant.

Ayes: Manning, Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Thrasher, Urbanowski - Motion carried 6-0 IL EPA Notice of Funds Opportunity for Low Income Residential Energy Efficiency Program: Kevin Lindeman from NCICG explained the rules to apply for this grant. The application must be made by am electricity providing municipality or a not-for-profit owner of housing that has funding from the Bureau County Housing Authority or receiving State of Federal benefits for assistance. Barry told Bezely she could pass this information onto the Ladd Senior Village to see if they could apply and use the funds according to the rules. The Village doesn’t have any other housing that would fit this grant.

Signage on Main Avenue for Truck Traffic: Police Chief Dean told the board that Walmart trucks GPS sends semis north on Route 89 instead of South when they are looking for Walmart DC. Dean stated that the semis are turning down side streets trying to get turned around. The board felt placing signs on Main Avenue was a waste of money. The best approach would be to contact IDOT and request a sign on Eastbound 80 Ramp and Westbound 80 Ramp showing the direction to Walmart DC. Bezely stated that she emailed Yogesh Patel from IDOT today explaining the Village’s concerns. This summer a Walmart DC semi that turned the wrong way caused just short of $10,000.00 damage for the Village of Ladd. Not to mention several other residents and a business had damage claims as well. Bezely will work with Engineer Ossola to see what IDOT’s reply is regarding signage.

Village Hall Upstairs Cleaning: There were pictures provided of the upstairs showing excessive garbage and junk being stored upstairs. Bezely stated some items of value could be sold. Bezely will have help from Trustee Thrasher and get things cleaned and organized upstairs. Garbage will be removed. The board agreed we should get things cleaned up and sold.

Pergola Over Patio at Rips: Angie Panizzi was present but had to leave. She is requesting the board allow her to place a pergola over her outdoor patio seating. The Village doesn’t have the authority to allow this pergola on the state right-of-way. Permission could be granted to allow the pergola from the front of the building to the east only. Barry Flanagan knows the intention of the board and will speak with her. Thrasher stated we don’t want to discourage her because it will look nice and we are trying to improve the look of Main Avenue. The board agreed.

Announcements: Bezely announced that both installments of property taxes have been received and copies were provided to the council. She also stated the 2020 Census results were in and Ladd’s population was 1263. Bezely asked if the State would provide new population signs for the Village and was told yes. Bezely told the board she relayed their dissatisfaction to Jim Pozzi of Republic Services about the oil and “goo” being left on Village streets by the garbage trucks. Bezely informed the board that our automatic debit of payments process which takes place on the last day of the month is changing. North Central Bank sent a notice that they are discontinuing their relationship with Magic Wrighter. Bezely is working with the software company to get a solution to eliminate the step to send to Magic Wrighter and just send the file directly to North Central Bank. Bezely also stated she’s been approached by an employee requesting payroll direct deposit. Bezely contacted Caselle requesting a price on the module to be able to do this. This will be placed on the next agenda. Bezely asked Pat Barry if a form could be generated for new business owners on Main Avenue to sign that explains the B2 Zoning Ordinance and the fact that the front of the buildings on Main Avenue MUST be a business. No one can buy a building and live in the back without a business in the front. Atty. Barry told Bezely he would recommend sending this form for signature at the closing along with the letter of assessment. This would allow new owners to be aware of the rules for Main Avenue put in place by the Village. If owners were not aware or in favor of this they could back out on the purchase if need be. Margherio asked the board for permission to close 1 block of Iowa Avenue in front of the Habitat for Humanity house for an open house on Saturday, November 20, 2021. This will be placed on the next agenda.

Thrasher asked if the foundation in front of the housing units was going to be the Community Center. She was told yes. It appears to be small in size. Bezely stated that Jayne Lourash from Laborers Home Development is coming down on November 9th to a project meeting and she will ask Jayne some questions. They are hoping to stage a 1 bedroom and 2 bedroom apartment so people can see their size in relation to furniture. Bezely reported having approximately 75 people requesting applications. They have sent “pre” applications and are planning to send the actual application around November 1st. Thrasher asked if we know how many have qualified. Bezely is not aware.

Nelson Motion/Margherio Second to adjourn.

Ayes: Manning, Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Thrasher, Urbanowski - Motion carried 6-0

The meeting adjourned at 7:44 pm
