
Illinois Valley Times

Friday, January 24, 2025

Village of Ladd Board of Trustees met Nov. 9

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Village of Ladd Board of Trustees met Nov. 9.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The Ladd Village Board met in regular session in the Village Hall. President Frank Cattani called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm and led the pledge of allegiance to the American flag.

Roll Call: Present: Trustees Jim Manning, Dave Margherio, Jan Martin, Dan Nelson, Molly Thrasher, Mike Urbanowski. (6)

In attendance: Attorney Pat Barry, Clerk Bezely, Engineer Adam Ossola, Police Chief Randy Dean

Thrasher Motion/Margherio Second to accept the October 26, 2021 meeting minutes as presented. Ayes: Manning, Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Thrasher, Urbanowski - Motion carried 6-0

Nelson Motion/Urbanowski Second to authorize payment of the bills in the amount of $45,166.44. Margherio questioned the additional invoice to Chamlin Engineering for $1,641.50 for the Western Avenue survey of the Kirkman property. This invoice is for placing lathe and pipe on the property line. The whole survey ended up costing the Village of Ladd approximately $6,100.00 to reestablish the Village’s property line. Nelson requested having this survey framed and posted so we don’t ever have to undergo another survey. Ossola suggested that this survey be recorded at the courthouse so that any future surveyor would find this recorded copy. This would eliminate the Village of Ladd paying to have this done again. It was reported to have been surveyed by previous officials in the 1990s.

Ayes: Manning – except for the Springfield Electric invoice for which he abstains due to his position at the company, Margherio, Martin – except for the Project Success invoice for which she abstains due to her position as director, Nelson, Thrasher - except for the Project Success invoice for which she abstains due to her position on their board, Urbanowski - Motion carried 6-0

Correspondence: A congratulatory note to the Village was read from Attorney Richard Fiocchi on winning the Bureau County Republican’s Readers Choice Award for Favorite Small Town. A note of appreciation from Doug Colmone was read for all the help on the Greg Colmone Scholarship Trivia Night he hosted in Ladd.

Public Comment: Sally Van Cura addressed the board thanking them for their time. She reported being near completion of the build in Ladd. She stated that every face in the room has been involved in this project in one way or another. She invited everyone to the Habitat Home Dedication. They will bless the house, you can meet the family, food, drinks and an open house. The ceremony will be from 10:30-11:00 am on November 20th then people can tour the house. She expressed how wonderful the Village of Ladd residents have been. Trustee Margherio reminded the board that the 300 block of S Iowa Ave would be closed off. He stated if barricades could be dropped off he would put them into place when needed. He also requested 5-6 picnic tables to be brought up to be placed on the street. Cattani will speak with Englehaupt about getting tables there.

Committee Reports: None

Engineer’s Report: Ossola gave the board a quick rundown on the Rebuild Downtown and Main Street Grant application total of $2,165,754.80. This will replace all light poles from Cleveland Street north to the railroad on Main Avenue. This will include 3 poles on each side of the road on each block. This would be 42 poles total. We will also redo overhead lines and make them underground electric in conduit which would be done via directional drilling. This price includes 3 sculptures, benches, and planters on Main Avenue. The board thanked Adam for a great job. Mayor Cattani suggested that the board continue to think of how to improve the Village in the next five years so we can have a plan and direction for future grants and improvements in Ladd.

Ali Braboy from NCICG addressed the board about the Resolution of Support and Commitment of Local Funds for Rebuild Downtown & Main Street Capital Grant. She told the board if the Village is awarded the grant the fee for NCICG to administer the grant would be $45,000.00. There is no match required for this grant but the wording in the grant states that you could score higher if you contribute some of the Village’s money. In an effort to do all we can to be competitive in this grant application, the board felt $100,000.00 is a small contribution to the $2,000.000.00 state money we would be receiving. Especially since all monies would be staying in Ladd.

Margherio Motion/Martin Second to pass a Resolution of Support and Commitment of $100,000.00 Local Funds out of the Electric Fund for Rebuild Downtown & Main Street Capital Grant.

Ayes: Manning, Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Thrasher, Urbanowski - Motion carried 6-0 Ali told the board that the grant is to be announced within 90 days of January 2022. The 2020 Rebuild has not been announced yet.

STU funds: Ossola reported on STU Funds (Surface Transporation Urban) can only be used on Cleveland Street which is designated as a Federal-aid route. The money is still accruing which will eventually be allotted to the Federal-aid routes. Estimates for work required are due annually which lets the State know what we are thinking about. This money will be distributed in 2026. 20% money from the Village must be matched but Motor Fuel Funds can be used for the 20%. Seal coating and approximately 800 feet of the worst curbing on Cleveland Street are included in the Program Project Request totals. The board all agreed everything looks great on the request. Eventually, the board will need to approve the project costs but not until it is awarded. Ossola mentioned the use of Federal money for engineering may require engineering selection.

Superintendent’s Report: None

Police Chief: Mayor Cattani asked Chief Dean how he is doing getting officers to work. Dean said they are asking them all. There is a shortage of police officers right now. Dean looked into the part-time academy and it will be 2023 before a local class is offered. There is no more reimbursement for this training. Officer Morgan is going to be ready in the near future. Officer Brown is still needed in Spring Valley so he will be on the schedule as soon as he has hours to give. Trustee Nelson voiced some concerns regarding a recent carjacking and vigilante-type incident taking place due to no police officers on duty. Nelson also wondered where the police report for October is at since it was not distributed last night. Dean stated he feels like the board expects 24- hour coverage and Mayor Cattani stated they’ve never felt 24-hour police coverage was ever requested. Cattani stated we would like to have an officer present 3 days a week during the day and more so in the afternoon shift so residents see them patrolling. Cattani asked Dean to mix it up so the coverage varies. Dean reminded the board that they want an officer to stay until the bars close. They can’t have someone on duty at 4 pm and stay until bars close. Cattani stated that we would like to see the best we can get scheduled even if it isn’t until the bars close. Some coverage is better than none. Premium pay will not be paid unless hours are until after bars close. Dean mentioned issues with customers drinking on the patio after the bar is closed. The bar closing hours will need to be discussed again before spring. Cattani would like to see whatever hours we can get covered rather than go without an officer at all. Dean stated this option is open to all officers. Dean stated that BC Sheriff officers are now on 8.5 hour days which doesn’t give them every other weekend off anymore. Bezely told Dean that December 11th is the Christmas Walk from 2-5 pm in Ladd and the Snowman Parade is at 5 pm. She stated 2 officers are needed so route 89 can be stopped for the safety of the parade.

Village Attorney: Atty. Barry updated the board on the Main Street buildings where business fronts are being lived in. A letter has been sent to this business owner who is living in front requesting removal by November 30, 2021. Atty. Barry told the board we discussed the Levy on Friday, November 5th. Barry explained the allowable increase of 5% from last year to this year. He explained in detail the funds that are capped and how they are increased to their maximum first, leaving the other funds of Social Security, IMRF, Tort, and Audit which can be increased with the remaining amount of the 5% increase. The levy will need to be passed by the last Tuesday of December. Atty. Barry asked the board if they wanted him to increase the previously mentioned funds with the balance left of the 5% increase. The board all agreed to increase this year's levy by 5% as we have done in the past.

Unfinished Business:

IDOT Response to request for Walmart DC signage: An email thread was provided to the board where IDOT was given details of our situation with trucks turning the wrong way to get to Walmart DC and their response. IDOT is not willing to place any signs. They expect Walmart to purchase signage from IDOT. Walmart was contacted and no response was received. Bezely will send another email to see if any response can be obtained.

New Business:

Electric Application Fee Waiver Request: Tabled until the owner makes a request.

Sterling Tire Request: The board reviewed the price estimates from Pomps for 4 new tires on the Sterling Dump Truck. Cattani stated that Doug is to get pricing from King Tire and A&B Garage and then report back at the next meeting.

Hocus Pocus Hags: On Halloween, the Hocus Pocus Hags performed at the parade. Their only request for payment was a donation to the Ladd Youth Baseball.

Thrasher Motion/Manning Second to donate $200.00 to Ladd Youth Baseball on behalf of the Hocus Pocus Hags. Ayes: Manning, Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Thrasher, Urbanowski - Motion carried 6-0 Realtors Review of Village Properties: Realtor’s Bonnie Lester and Wendy Fulmer toured all 3 Village properties. They summarized their findings. After extensive discussion, it was decided to sell 121 N. Main Avenue at this time if we still have an interested buyer. Then the board will discuss the next step at the next meeting. Payroll Direct Deposit Software: A quote to add direct deposit software for payroll was discussed. Bezely told the board a straw poll revealed two employees were not interested in direct deposit. Bezely asked if the decision needed to be mandatory direct deposit. The board all agreed that it will be mandatory to have direct deposit with the purchase of this software.

Martin Motion/Urbanowski Second to purchase Payroll Direct Deposit software from Civic Systems for $1,800.00 plus an annual support fee of $360.00.

Ayes: Manning, Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Thrasher, Urbanowski - Motion carried 6-0

TEST Contract Renewal: Atty. Barry reviewed the TEST contract renewal and felt there were no concerns. Thrasher Motion/Manning Second to approve the TEST Contract for 2022-2026.

Ayes: Manning, Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Thrasher, Urbanowski - Motion carried 6-0 Police Cameras: Bezely explained an incident with a resident stating she paid on time. The cameras were reviewed and the hard drive was found to have crashed. It is unknown how long the cameras have not been recording. New cameras can be relocated upon selling the 121 N. Main Ave. building. Martin Motion/Thrasher Second to purchase 6 new cameras for the police station & clerk’s office for $583.99 not to exceed $600.00 exactly like the ones in the park. 1 of the new cameras will be positioned directly on the payment dropbox.

Ayes: Manning, Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Thrasher, Urbanowski - Motion carried 6-0 2022 Meeting Dates: Bezely let the board know that she won’t be available to meet on April 12, 2022, due to the Annual Town Meeting at Hall Township where she is also Clerk and that Julie, Deputy Clerk may be on vacation. The board felt they could adjust the date next year if necessary.

Margherio Motion/Nelson Second to accept the 2022 Meeting Dates as presented.

Ayes: Manning, Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Thrasher, Urbanowski - Motion carried 6-0 Juneteenth Holiday: Bezely read the definition of Juneteenth. Bezely explained the JULIE dig schedule asked if the Village is closed on Juneteenth in 2022. Bezely explained that as of 1/1/2022 Juneteenth is a State and Federal Holiday. Bezely spoke with the Bank and Post Office and they will be closed on Monday, June 20, 2022, for the Juneteenth Holiday.

Martin Motion/Nelson Second to Approve the Village of Ladd Offices should be closed on the Juneteenth Holiday which is on June 19th.

Ayes: Manning, Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Thrasher, Urbanowski - Motion carried 6-0 Announcements: Trustee Urbanowski spoke with the new buyer of Chicken City. She asked if the Village could help with any money (via grant) to fix up their place. Bezely directed them to NCICG as there are no façade grants at this time. The new owners stated they hope to open in June 2022. Trustee Martin explained her Light Up Ladd idea for the Village during the 2021 Christmas Walk. A 25 ft x 15 wide tree has been donated by the Tom Giaghetto family and will be placed on the NC Bank empty lot south of the bank. A hole will be dug and the tree trunk placed in it. Martin asked if the Village guys could help with the lights. Cattani stated he spoke with Englehaupt already about it. Bezely announced Music in the Park brought in $605.46 profit for next year. Thank you cards were sent to the 2 realtors that helped us with our Ladd properties. Gregg Ripka has been exceptional in helping us list our junk upstairs on eBay. Saturday, both video games were sold. So far the Village of Ladd has $307.24 additional monies in the general fund. Gregg is researching everything, finding pricing, and listing all items. He is being compensated 25% of the profit after all fees are paid. The board was very happy with this. Phil Hockings asked if he could donate to the Village and have “his” choice of music on the Main Avenue speakers for a week. Bezely spoke with Mario Data regarding if this can be done and no it cannot. There are Copywrite infringements associated with selecting an artist and not a genre. CCMSI has sent us an $8,666.87 check for the accident involving the semi in the bank alley and the electric lines. We will receive our $500.00 deductible once the insurance obtains payment from the trucking company. A resident came into the Village and requested that the Village of Ladd rent a leaf sucker for 1-2 weeks. He is unable to tolerate the smell of burning leaves. The board wasn’t sure if this equipment is available for rent. Bezely told the board that she explained to the realtors about her sculpture ideas and how she is so excited about getting an 8-foot chicken in Ladd and how she knows people will love it. They’ll take pictures with it and want to take a ride to Ladd to see it! They were so taken aback by her passion they each donated $300.00 toward the $1299.00 chicken. Bezely asked if she could order it or if there was a way she could raise the balance of $699.00? The board said to use the money from the sale of the junk upstairs. Bezely will purchase the chicken as soon as $699.00 has been raised in eBay sales. The board felt the chicken should be located at the entrance to the Village.

Nelson Motion/Martin Second to adjourn.

Ayes: Manning, Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Thrasher, Urbanowski - Motion carried 6-0 The meeting adjourned at 8:12 pm




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