
Illinois Valley Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Ladd Board of Trustees met Nov. 23

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Village of Ladd Board of Trustees met Nov. 23.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The Ladd Village Board met in regular session in the Village Hall. President Frank Cattani called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm and led the pledge of allegiance to the American flag.

Roll Call: Present: Trustees Jim Manning, Dave Margherio, Jan Martin, Dan Nelson, Molly Thrasher, Mike Urbanowski. (6)

In attendance: Attorney Pat Barry, Clerk Bezely, Treasurer Koch, Engineer Adam Ossola, Police Chief Randy Dean

Urbanowski Motion/Margherio Second to accept the November 9, 2021 meeting minutes as presented. Ayes: Manning, Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Thrasher, Urbanowski - Motion carried 6-0

Martin Motion/Thrasher Second to authorize payment of the bills in the amount of $154,339.81 Ayes: Manning, Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Thrasher, Urbanowski - Motion carried 6-0

Manning Motion/Margherio Second to accept the Treasurer’s Report for October 2021. Ayes: Manning, Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Thrasher, Urbanowski - Motion carried 6-0

Correspondence: A thank you note from Jan Martin of Project Success was read for the Holiday Basket donations.

Public Comment: None

Committee Reports: Trustee Nelson informed the board of money that he saved the Village 15 cuts that total $375.00 in 2021 by cutting the grass by the old water tower. Bezely mentioned that Mayor Cattani opted not to mulch leaves in an effort to cut costs. The Recreation Fund as of October 31, 2021 balance is $-3,666.97. Margherio mentioned he spoke with Mike Grivetti regarding the Monument. While he was Village President he has paid $600.00 annually to have the monument landscaping cared for. The board wishes to continue this in an effort to keep the monument beautiful. Bezely will contact Morgan Wilson to ask about when this should be performed.

Engineer’s Report: None

Superintendent’s Report:

Tire Quote for Sterling Dump Truck: Doug was unable to attend tonight's meeting but sent information on tire quotes to inform the board of. A&B is unable to provide a service on this size of tire. King Tire never got back to Englehaupt with a price or ETA. Pomps responded today that they still have 4 Firestone Drive tires for $1708.48 and also gave a quote for 4 Gladiator Tires for $1,504.48.

Nelson Motion/Manning Second to Accept Quote #420115 for (4) Gladiator Drive Tires for $1,504.48. Ayes: Manning, Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Thrasher, Urbanowski - Motion carried 6-0

Police Chief: None

Building Inspector: None

Village Attorney: Atty. Barry distributed an ordinance amending paid holidays to include Juneteenth for all full-time employees. Martin Motion/Thrasher Second to pass an Ordinance Amending Paid Holidays for all Full Time Employees of the Village of Ladd.

Ayes: Manning, Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Thrasher, Urbanowski, Cattani - Motion carried 7-0 Atty. Barry distributed the FY 22 Levy ordinance. He reminded the board that the Levy has been increased to the allowable 5% as discussed at the last meeting. Nelson asked Atty. Barry if with the increased inflation will the Village be losing ground with only being able to increase the Levy 5% annually. We’ll have to see next year how we did this year with all the inflation. We can increase the Levy by more than 5% if need be next year but that will require a truth in taxation hearing.

Urbanowski Motion/Nelson Second to pass an Ordinance for the Levy of Taxes for the Fiscal Year Beginning May 1, 2021, and Ending April 30, 2022, for the Village of Ladd.

Ayes: Manning, Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Thrasher, Urbanowski, Cattani - Motion carried 7-0

100,000 Water Tower Repairs: Kelly from Central Tank Coatings addressed the board regarding repairs that were submitted after the maintenance was performed on the old water tower. There is no ladder on this water tower. It would be good to put an OSHA-compliant ladder on this water tower. Also, access in and out of the tank requires two 24” manways and this water tower only has 1 hatch on the top. They are proposing a 24” manway at the catwalk to access the tank. Kelly told the board that Doug also called him regarding the NE leg’s cement being in bad shape. Kelly stated that he brought another proposal to make this repair also. Kelly felt a more reasonable cost could be obtained from a concrete company locally. Kelly stated he would plan to make the repairs next year when maintenance is performed. Trustee Martin asked Kelly if this ladder would be secured so that kids can’t climb up. He assured the board that it would be. Kelly stated their quote pricing would be held until next year when the maintenance is done. Billing won’t take place until next year but it would help Kelly to know if the board is going forward with the repairs. A safety harness is supplied with the safety climb.

Manning Motion/Thrasher Second to Accept the Quote from Central Tank Coatings in the amount of $29,000.00 to add an OSHA Ladder and 24” manway to the 100,000-gallon water tower on LaSalle Avenue. Ayes: Manning, Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Thrasher, Urbanowski - Motion carried 6-0

Unfinished Business:

Walmart DC Signage: Jim Juillerat the GM at Walmart DC reached out to IDOT but didn’t get good news about signage. Urbanowski asked if we could put signs saying no semi’s on side roads. Walmart did say they want to help us, so if we decide to purchase signs and place them in the Village of Ladd. The council felt it shouldn’t be something the Village pays for. If there is damage done our insurance company will handle the claims. No action was taken. Margherio mentioned the golf course has signs on Route 80 and the church also had a billboard on Route 80.

New Business:

Holiday Bonuses: Urbanowski Motion/Margherio Second to provide $100.00 Holiday Bonuses to Englehaupt, Liebe, Data, Koch, Templeton, and Dean

Ayes: Manning, Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Thrasher, Urbanowski - Motion carried 6-0

The Collapse of Electric Billing and Power Cost Adjustment: Bezely explained that Verbal Blakey, who is doing the Electric Rate Study for the Village of Ladd suggested that electric costs be listed as 1 line item on utility bills beginning January 2022. Atty. Barry stated that we currently have an electric charge and a power cost adjustment charge that confuses residents. Blakey feels that we need to total these fees on 1 line item electric charge. The software company is in the process of making this possible for the Village. Bezely stated they would like it to be implemented on January 1, 2022, with the billing of December’s usage.

Barracuda 190 Appliance Renewal: Discussion ensued as to whether the Barracuda 190 Appliance is necessary. The Village has I-Backup that was recommended by Connecting Point. The board asked Bezely to speak with John Riva, Sales Rep for Connecting Point to discuss the difference and find out if we need both. Once this information is obtained a decision on Renewal of the Barracuda 190 Appliance is Bezely’s decision.

Manning Motion/Thrasher Second to Approve Renewal of the Barracuda 190 Appliance from Connecting Point for $1,330.93 if deemed necessary.

Ayes: Manning, Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Thrasher, Urbanowski - Motion carried 6-0 Electric Application Fee: Martin Motion/Urbanowski Second to Waive the Electric Application Fee for Bickett Trucking who is locating a new service in Joe Brandner’s back building.

Ayes: Manning, Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Thrasher, Urbanowski - Motion carried 6-0

Announcements: Margherio thanked everyone who was involved with the Habitat for Humanity house. It is finished. Net Metering: Bezely announced that in March of 2022 a new Net Metering Policy will need to be implemented. Atty. Barry explained to the board what this means. Margherio asked questions and Atty. Barry updated the board on the changes being made. Tour of Affordable Housing: Bezely told the Council that sometime in December the Laborer’s Home Development Corporation will set up an office in one of the front 4 units then a tour could be taken any time they are open. Once this information is known Bezely will let the council know. Bezely explained the section 8 situation at the Ladd Senior Village. Bureau County Housing Authority is supplying vouchers to low-income (likely section 8) residents in an effort to help them afford the Ladd Senior Village. Bezely was assured by Laborer’s Home Development that they do a rigorous background and criminal history check on all applicants. Bezely explained the Village’s concern is the new housing being dilapidated and unsafe like other Bureau County Housing in the area. Laborer’s assured Bezely they’ve not had this problem in the past. Police Chief Dean asked if the Laborer’s Home Development is willing to evict renters that are bad seeds. Bezely told everyone that she spoke with Laborer’s Home Development about the disconnect policies for the Village and they were in complete agreement. Bezely told the board that Laborer’s Home Development is planning to get us paid the $54,616.65 they owe us submitted for payment when they close on December 14th. USDA: has a Rural Business Development Grant coming up late in January 2022 after funding has been secured. This information was given so the board thinks about options. Sculpture Sample: Bezely showed the board the sample sculpture that two gentlemen from Champaign brought up to show them. She stated they are very excited to provide a model before making anything. Bezely explained that the grant would be funding the sculptures and as soon as she heard who was awarded the Rebuild Downtowns and Main Street Grant she would be in touch. Upstairs Items: Bezely stated that another item from upstairs cleaning was sold on eBay and the total is now $405.40 that has been recovered from the sales.

Margherio Motion/Manning Second to adjourn.

Ayes: Manning, Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Thrasher, Urbanowski - Motion carried 6-0 The meeting adjourned at 7:28 pm
